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Everything posted by aenima

  1. hi. I wonder which variables control the rendering distance for new grass, because when I move through the woods it would be much nicer not to have so much grass re-/appearing in my near distance on the ground around me, if you know what I mean?! I've tried to set terrain detail level to very high, but still grass and stuff only a few meters around me starts do change or appear while I'm moving or look around. I know it's normal that this things render at a certain distance, but is there a way to make it more subtle or more far away? what settings do you use for this?
  2. @r4nd0m: this is not the first german wiki and I wonder, why those upcoming communities can't work together on one german wiki instead of one wiki per page. so i keep looking at the big english one ;)
  3. hi. not exactly troubleshooting, but I don't know where else to put it ^^ I've read in an older armaOA forum about this: in my arma2OAprofile I didn't find those variables. have they been removed? because I happen to have installed a X-Fi soundcard and would like to try eax and hardware accel, if possible. thank you. greetz
  4. I'm playing with my room mate on the same internet servers, too. no problems here. he's got the complete non-steam version, (I've got the steam version (but don't start steam for the game) don't know if that matters though)
  5. FSAA=0; postFX=0; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=1059729408; nonlocalVRAM=2147483647; Windowed=0; vsync=0; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=3; AToC=0; PPAA=1; PPAA_Level=3; I've just started to optimize the game. thiis what I liked best so far. much better performance than fsaa (1,2,3) and in my opinion enough smoothness around the edges to also disable the standard and blurry postfx. after this I could also set the shadow detail to high with rather no noticable performance drop compared to "disabled". I think, this is because the gfx was very much relieved due to fsaa=0. so what I suggest is turning fsaa of and trying some of the PPAA settings explained here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/arma2.cfg
  6. aenima

    Tents not saving their inventory

    stupid question, but you're all sure, your stuff hasn't just been taken by other players??
  7. how to start it without steam, if you have the steam version. six launcher starts it without steam, but i'd just want to get in the game without six launcher and stuff to use the ingame multiplayerserverbrowser. the normal command line with -mod=@dayz doesn't work correctly?! ok, this worked: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/922-shortcut-for-people-who-hate-steam/page__hl__shortcut :)
  8. aenima

    How to increase FPS in big cities

    if you've played the arma2 shooting range training mission, you may have read about setting the "object detail" level to high or very high, in order to see a person far away without scope. I wonder, if it's a big disadvantage decreasing the value. imagine you don't see someone who can see you because his game settings allow him to have more objects rendered in the distance. thanks for your advice!
  9. aenima

    How can i make the game less laggy

    I think if you want serious suggestions, you need to post his system specs first. if he can't tell you, you can use a freeware software like SIW or EVEREST or anything similar, to get those information for you. just run it on his pc, and it should tell you mainboard cpu graphics card ram and you can tell us about the operation system he's using too . that would be a start. thing I remember from yesterday: my room mate wanted to play arma ii and it was all laggy with kind of the newest nvidia driver (he had no problems before) so he installed a newer (beta) version or something and it was ok again. so the driver used can be also responsible for lags, not to mention the server. try some low ping servers first, on some servers you'll have constant mini-lags regardless of your hardware.
  10. aenima

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    now I've just seen, that the suggestions I've been thinking of have been already made, so I'll just state the obvious: disconnect bitches ruin the game, at least the human vs human part of it. I've never disconnected and won't do it, death is part of life, uhm, the game I mean ;)
  11. aenima

    New players come here!

    hi. I don't want to communicate outside the gameworld 'bout stuff. if you need something, you'll have to get it without help of the internet, that's my opinion, so new player yes, but not interested in trading via websites.