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Everything posted by jameshall770@yahoo.co.uk

  1. jameshall770@yahoo.co.uk

    No Backpack spawns

    Ive just played a good 5 hours of DayZ having not played for a few months. Unfortunatley I have not found a backpack. Not once. And I really want one. I have been looking in the south coast area, mainly in villages, barns and the southern airfield. I once went into a shop in Cherno but no luck. The servers Im using are UK based. Is there any known reason for this? I assume backpacks are still a game feature?
  2. jameshall770@yahoo.co.uk

    No Backpack spawns

    Ok, I finally found a backpack. Got wasted on my way out the store tho. Having played most the day, that is the only backpack Ive seen. ALL DAY.. ONE BACKPACK... AND I GOT SHOT. Im going to go stand outside wearing my real-life backpack for comfort.
  3. jameshall770@yahoo.co.uk

    No Backpack spawns

    Damn, guess Ive just been unlucky then. Thanks for the feedback. I'll go try Cherno/Electro again and some diffrent servers just incase.
  4. jameshall770@yahoo.co.uk

    Respawn and Die

    Yep, same problem for me. Im spawning in electro hospital all the time. In pain, bleeding to death... alone... its a harsh world. (sob)
  5. jameshall770@yahoo.co.uk

    The New Zombie Count is AWESOME

    Yep, the new zombie numbers is great. Last night I spent just over an hour trying to creep my way into a village to scavenge but I couldnt find a safe route through and at one point I had almost gotten surrounded by them. That was an incredibly tense moment. In the end I moved on and found better luck elsewhere. This was such a fun experience. Much more interesting and challenging than before.
  6. jameshall770@yahoo.co.uk


    This is not correct as you are not understanding the issue. In my case, I got attacked by zombies and fled, however my char passed out and got eaten. 'You Are Dead' screen appears and so I abort game to re-connect to start anew. Upon game entry I see the hour-glass sign immediately and it moved only approx 4% over an 1hr 30min period. This is a bug which is quite game breaking. I shall leave a game running over night in the hope my char dies of thirst as this appears to be the only reported credible solution. EDIT: Well I just went to leave a session running for my char to die of thirst and my character loaded up with full health, fully conscious. Happy days.