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Everything posted by chaitin

  1. C, especially if they are camo geared and carrying m4 etc.
  2. chaitin

    logging out in a group

    The 30 second logging out timer has drawn some criticism but it works well to prevent combat logging. I just wanted to share our tactic for the new system, we normally play in a group of 3-4 people and when its time to log off one person stays behind on guard duty until all the others disappear. This way you are not completely helpless and only one of you is logging unprotected. It also adds a strange matrixesque vibe as you watch your friends log out.
  3. I have not found decent gear in fire station school etc for ages but the residential buildings are a gold mine of fire axes shotguns and mosins. These were some rough apartment blocks :)
  4. chaitin

    Mosin or M4?

    With a long range scope I would go mosin, with no scope the m4 is probably the better weapon. The fx pistol makes up for the mosins small clip and less close range usefulness, I feel the fx beats the magum since there are fx attachments (red dot is nice) and a 15 round clip size.
  5. I found that turning off my antivirus (avast) has stopped my desync problem quite a bit. If I see something that I think looks server related e.g. zombies rubber banding players punching air near me then I log. I do not consider it server hopping or combat logging if the server is clearly having issues. I remember climbing to the top of a fire station once then appearing at the bottom of the stairs being hit by a zombie and unconscious.
  6. chaitin

    Zombie Horses

    Erm why horses? I mean zombie animals could make some sense except only certain diseases (zoonosis?) Cross the species barrier. Dogs would probably be more effective and pigs are probably more biologically likely.
  7. chaitin

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    Gas mask, bal helmet and TTsKO gear are just good camo. If being a "hero" involves wearing a red hoodie then its going ro be a short life.
  8. chaitin

    Zombies should run faster than players

    Its a difficult balance issue and its one I am sure the devs will get round to soon. We have seen z numbers rising so that's a good sign. I think they should be somewhere in between the sprint and the jog, a well fed player or one without any gear should be able to out sprint a z but a half starved person carrying a mountain backpack rifle etc should definitely be slower. I am more excited to see increased numbers, some of the best times I had in the mod involved dealing with the aftermath of a lee enfield round in cherno
  9. I wad playing last night and reached the power station in Elektro after a long loot trip through the city. I was reasonably well equipped with a magnum, backpack etc and picked up a shotgun speed loader in the base of the fire station. I climbed the tower and had emerged on the second floor....and death. Screen went black with you are dead message, I did not hear a shot or see anyone and I was in 3rd person so did not see a bullet impact etc. So is it possible someone sniped me and I died instantly or was this some sort of glitch? Welcome any opinions.
  10. chaitin

    Loot Spawns Idea

    Its not army loot but I have found a mosin rifle in a residential building before.
  11. I found 2 mosin in a residential tennament building by the dock in Cherno. About 2 floors up.
  12. chaitin


    There are some serious implications from eating humans, just look up kuru for instance.
  13. Now I really disagree with banditry and I never shoot first (unlike Han solo) but this was a rather unique scenario. You see I found a rifle so I climbed to the top of the fire station in Cherno to test said rifle. So I shot a couple zombies and all was good in the world.....this is when the screw up happened. You probably heard that guy on the chat telling us how baked he was (apparently so baked) right? Well I crouched down and decided to lower my voip volume....did you know it makes a gunshot sound...seriously altering the setting sounds like a gun? I did not.... also I was crouched silhouetted on top of a tower after firing a gun repeatedly... I span around searching and there you were walking up the road. If its any consolation you were part of a glorious headshot..... its probably not much of a consolation. I climbed down the tower and picked my way to your corpse looking for loot e.g. the the weapon I thought you had. I found some beans and a torch.....I took the beans and also your battery..... It was quite a whole later that I realised my mistake when I reset my sound and heard another gunshot. I quickly put 2 and 2 together while hiding in a house rifle aimed at the front door... Sorry about that p.s Those were some good beans
  14. I just feel guilty as the poor guy had done nothing wrong. Well except running down the middle of the road which in Dayz is punishable by firing squad.
  15. chaitin

    Struggling with constant blurry screen?

    +1 I do this at the start of every session and it makes the game look much cleaner. When I spawn its like there is vaselene on the screen.
  16. chaitin

    How to revive a unconscious player.

    Yeah he was a little bit pissed off. More so when we next met up and I proceeded to eat his can of tuna in front of him.:)
  17. chaitin

    Looking for people to team with [UK/EU]

    I may be up for it in the new year. My steam name is Chaitin
  18. Voted, I do want to see the zombie count increased soon. So far they do not feel like a credible threat although I am sure this will change soon.
  19. chaitin

    Plz for the luv of god add sli support

    I got rid of my sli set up last year for this reason, few devs seem to put much into it since its essentially extra work. I get a pretty solid 60 frames outside cities and around 40 inside however I do get a brief drop when zooming sometimes My gpu is a Radeon 7970
  20. chaitin


    The problem is the fact that you are running, its supposed to be around 12miles to the airfield from the beach, that's half marathon distances. I think this is to encourage gathering supplies and then making our way inland instead of the standard run to the airfield and grab cool guns
  21. chaitin

    Green mountain

    I hear you can stand there at night and just stare into the sky. But if you look too long into that abyss it looks back into you. You come back changed, not the same, a whole different sort of animal. I hear stories that's where the first bandits came from..
  22. chaitin

    Unknown Blood Type?

    That's a pretty good point, I know my blood type from giving blood in the past.
  23. Now I know things got tense there for a bit, things were said and done which in hindsight we should probably be ashamed of. Lets talk about the facts, you did try and shoot me, in the back, while I was motionless filling up a canteen. You missed, I have no idea how. I was wearing a bright red bag that may as well have a target on it. I am going to assume that eyesight is not your forte. In fairness you did then ask me to stop, I assume to apologise and "hug it out" but I panicked and ran. I suppose this startled you as you took another 2 shots as I fled gazelle like while you asked me to stop. Word of advice the whole asking thing is less effective when using rifle rife as punctuation. However there is little excuse for what I did next, hiding in a building watching you search for me out the window whilst insinuating over the direct chat that your mother was rather promiscuous with a wide range of sailors, farm yard animals and vegetables. I have little evidence of this and I am sure she is in fact a classy lady. I did consider trying to attack you but as my only weapon was a pen I am not Jason Bourne I decided against it. It was nice to see how the whole rifle fire thing attracted those zombies that attacked you. Switching to that baseball bat was a very good idea for the whole stealth option although post rifle fire it was probably a bit late for that. For reference it also seemed to distract you as that other player came running in with a fire axe, I saw you try and change back to the rife but that really didn't help much. He looted the rifle and probably all your other good stuff but hey I got a baseball bat and a can opener so I came off pretty well really. So the morale of the story, don't fire rifles in cities, don't shoot first then ask question's and also tell your mother to call me.... :)
  24. I wouldn't say that, the pen wouldn't have been in the mod and the building I hid inside would not be open able. I think the mod had hit its limit in terms of potential while the SA may have started at the same level but the potential is huge.
  25. I quickly checked and it was only mightier than the sword and not the rifle. :)