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Everything posted by chaitin

  1. Well its not really :) Just a funny way of telling the story and I hope that sometimes the other person will read it and think holy crap that was me :)
  2. chaitin

    Blood Type Chart

    My current character is O+ and so am I. I now feel we have a connection, my friend is A+ though so I get the vague feeling that some day he will try and take my blood....
  3. This happened to me on release day but luckily the body hovered into a wall so I could loot them.
  4. chaitin

    The places to loot

    Question for the forum, where are the best placed to loot now? I have had some success in the power plant and fire station finding guns and melee weapons. Food and drink mostly in houses and medical kit in the hospitals. So far so good however a trip to Zub castle yielded nothing but some torn pants and a bandana. Is a trip to the airfield worth it? Are the loot spawns there still decent?
  5. chaitin

    Strangle People

    I think it should be included, only found in piano stores :)
  6. Alcohol tincture is not useless. I hit by a zombie and bandaged up and my character kept making wincing sounds. When I used the tincture on my wounds it said "my wounds hurt less" the moaning stopped just after.
  7. That is a good idea, at the moment I am wearing my gas mask just because I figure nobody in dayz has access to a shower and running water so things are probably getting a bit ripe...
  8. chaitin

    Where are the guns?

    I have found pistols in the fire station in electro. 2x pistols and a holster that makes me look damn awesome. Bullets seem even more scarce than guns, I only have 15 pistol rounds after 6h of playing.
  9. chaitin

    How to revive a unconscious player.

    If you do find an epi pen be careful. You get two options when near someone, either Epinephrine or inject. For reference Inject puts it in you, I assume epinephrine injects into the other person. I guessed wrong and injected myself "forcing" me to finish off my friend with a fire axe.
  10. chaitin

    How to revive a unconscious player.

    If you do find an epi pen be careful. You get two options when near someone, either Epinephrine or inject. For reference Inject puts it in you, I assume epinephrine injects into the other person. I guessed wrong and injected myself "forcing" me to finish off my friend with a fire axe.
  11. Lets be honest here it was 50/50, I walked into the Electro firestation and you were in the process of beating a man to death with a shovel. Now I do not know what led to that situation but I decided to take no chances and in all honesty I had a friend on the outskirts of the city that needed said shovel. Did I sneak up behind you and hit you with a fire axe in the back while you looted said "shoveled" person? Yes that did happen. Did I then proceed to use a blood bag to steal blood from your unconscious body? Again yes that did happen? There was also some looting once you had passed for I needed both your can opener and water flask. Again for my friend. Essentially the point I am making here is yes mistakes were made on both sides and yes I killed you and stole your stuff and bodily fluids but surely mankinds savage nature is the real villain here. Sorry :) C
  12. Maybe there should be an addition to the you are dead statement. E.g the crack of a gunshot was the last sound you ever heard. Or the thought that shovels are for digging and not hitting was the last thought to go through your mind.
  13. The strange part is I have no idea what the other person experienced. Probably just a black screen in the middle of looting that they thought was a glitch. Also a vague sense of axe in spine.
  14. Thank you, trying to bring sone comedy to the zombie apocalypse :)