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MaxiPad (DayZ)

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About MaxiPad (DayZ)

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Ok you claim im being a dick? yet you would rather talk like that than discuss what I have suggested in a mature way. yeh yeh slightly hypocritical of you there Vindicator.
  2. To be fair the reactions were childish (ewe tampons not in this game) and rather than discuss it properly people preferred to discuss me rather than the post. So I dunno I am yet to see any logical, sensible and mature reason why they shouldn't be even entertained being added to the game. edit: And you found my secret stash!!
  3. Hey In response to the issue of periods; I am not sure if that would be going a step too far in the direction of realism. The main two reasons for suggesting the use of maxi towels (see what I did), is that they are widely used as part of a survival kit. Both by civilian preppers and military in the field - yes they do use them widely in the military as part of their own field dressings in the event a medic or suppliers are unavailable. There are articles on the web describing such requests by the US military service men asking for more towels/tampons - I can rummage them up if you demand proof. Initially it raised eyebrows but the practical application of these items are true and real. For puncture wounds tampons are used to fill a bullet hole. For major bleeding pads are used to stop the flow of blood. They are compact items that weigh nothing and can easily be stored in a soldiers equipment. They are also sealed thus keeping them sanitary. they also have adhesive making them easy to apply to a wound in a quick fashion. Vindicator I don't see how I was a dick to you? you were very blunt in your reply and ignored the practical benefits of what I was suggesting. Even if you ignored the addition of the new item and focused on the 2nd part - bundling of bandages to free up slots. I figured you were trolling a little as you ignored what I was saying and denounced the post rather than discussing it. Its a suggestion after all its supposed to evoke a discussion - which is what is happening now. I am not even sure if there is any point as do these kind of suggestions ever make it to the developers of DayZ? I was also quite humble in my OP, yet the first round of replies were directed at me the poster not the actual post thus detracting away from the points made and a little tit for tat replies ensued. MaxiPad.
  4. I can see your point of view for sure but as you say its an item of small importance - well not really if you dont have one and you're bleeding out and you are no where near finding one. However yes its a seemingly innocuous item so why does it take up one whole slot in your inventory? When in fact you could fit 5 in your back pocket easily. I came across the issue today when I had a rifle with the under slung grenade launcher and using HE nades/smoke etc I didn't have enough slots as I always like to have 3 bandages on me and ammo for my secondary. Its a two part benefit A more realistic addition of what is widely used by survivalists - and its real life survival the game is trying to mimic. They can be bundled into a packet - freeing up inventory slots. The applications of maxi pads or tampons for survival are pretty wide. We have to boil water to avoid infection yes? They can also be used to filter water in the case of lets say you can't find a hatchet (in game obviously). In survival they are of major importance so why aren't in DayZ? Is it because the younger folks out there are squeamish?
  5. Glad you found a use for one of my cousins for your sore tooth. Fetish? Nah sorry man thats not my bag usually what the go in or around is what I like lol But thanks for seeing the logic in my post.
  6. The concept is outright silly. If anything, people wouldn't be stuffing their pockets full of sanitary towels, they'd be using whatever fabric (ie. strips of their clothing) they found to tourniquet wounds. I have to disagree, it is not a silly concept it is in fact a widely known part of all survivalist EMT kits. Assuming the game follows the virus from a short amount of time after the breakout (which, from the current features, I would safely bet on), medical supplies would still be around. Maybe the idea of going all Bear Grylls may apply for fractures (ie. sticks from the woods to splint a fracture), but otherwise, I'm sure people would strip clothes, as previously mentioned. True but the main reason for sanitary towels being used in EMT kits by survivalist is how easy they are to acquire in a apocalyptic scenario. You're adding more work for the development team for an idea that has got zero encouragement as of yet. Don't all suggestions add more work for the development team? The only posts thus far are till yet to disprove their logical use in real life and in game. instead you've focused your posts on me and not the actual post i've made bar this first one. to which each of your points have been soundly rebutted. As for taking criticism with a pinch of salt your first post was accusing me of only suggesting this addition to get cudos and fame for suggesting it. That wasn't criticism, perhaps you need to learn how to give it before suggesting to someone how to take it. Feel free to come up with a logical argument as to why they shouldn't be used or added? So far you have failed to do so and still your focus is on me, when in fact I had already called that out in my OP. i haven't got my knickers in a twist or rather my boxers. I am annoyed sure because you are attacking me not the actual post in you initial replies. so go figure?
  7. I keep calling them sanitary towels. You say they are completely unnecessary when in fact every survivalist and prepper out there knows that sanitary towels are the best item to use when dealing with a bleeding wound. Every survivalist would have them in their EMT as part their kit. So again please present a logical argument for not having them? Especially since they are used in real life for survival, I was under the impression Dayz is a Zombie Survival game?
  8. Still not one logical reason why they shouldn't be added to game... other than; flagrant plugging of my own user name - woop di doo Maxi Pads are tampons - no, didn't you learn the difference in school? Tampons are for girls and girls are yucky
  9. They (maxi pads) are not Tampons lol. Sanitary towels and tampons are actually used by soldiers in active combat and are used in survival scenarios. Why? They are easily found in shops/store/chemists They are compact They are clean and sanitary The soak up blood better than a bandage They are sealed In a DayZ scenario they could be added as an additional item to treat wounds/heavy bleeding. it would be in line with what is actually used in reality. They would also come in a packet thus freeing up inventory space and could be bundled.
  10. they are not tampons, they would be uselss. Sanitary towels are used in survival as a method to treat wounds. and no I am not suggesting changing all bandages to (maxipads) I am suggesting adding another item that could be bundled into a packet - in line with survival methodology and it would also free up valuable item slots.
  11. My original gaming name was MaxPower - take on the simpsons. I used this name for many years in CSS and other games. In recent years I've gone by the name MaxiPad, its a take on my original name and its a piss take on my name and or a soaker up of blood - the kills I make.
  12. Yes that is what alphas are for - testing things. Yes that is what suggestions are for - making suggestions to create benefical feartures for the entire player base. The change I've suggested is required in my opinion - is your opinion the only one? I think not. So in YOUR scenario there would be an abundance of medical supplies everywhere? That isn't logical in the hypothetical event of a zombie apocalypse, to say they would be rampant is untrue and impossible to anyone with an imagination. By your logic there would be hospitals and military installations on every street corner. No not possible. Like all outbreaks there are zones/areas where yes these installations would have a supply of said bandages yes I do agree but being rampant in supply NO. What is in ready supply is female sanitary towels, that is why in all survival books/manuals they are used to treat wounds. Logic a side it still makes sense to free up valuable inventory slots by bundling them together into a packet. Now clearly you're a man of principle so perhaps its the suggestion that they should be called maxipad's that has gotten your knickers in a twist. By all means remove this factor and focus on the inventory and look at bundling a packet of bandages together. Sense and logic is my focus here so please focus on the post and try to avoid focusing on me - isn't that what harassing trolls do?
  13. I was thinking the exact same thing about you good sir.
  14. Well I can't help but think you're just sore that A: You didn't think of a similar idea B: That your mzltv name is pretty useless for being added to anything in game Haters are gonna hate.