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About kik

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Best and most active was about 17days old. Been around chernaraus 20 times countless firefights car crashes near misses and lived through them all.Finally died to me misclicking during a helicopter ride.Ejected at 85feet going 200mph.sad days.
  2. i would say yesterday tbh i found, and this is all legit not duped hacked or added gear nvg gps rangefinders as50 mk48 with 2 clips m249 2 clips m240 2 clips(this is beastly)2xm24 with shit load of ammo and i got my hero skin for being an all round nice guy. managed to get it all in my tents and saved a minute later a hacker bombed the server admin did a roll back i lost the 240 everything else i still have.Score.
  3. I love his stuff but he can be a bit condescending at times. He does have a great grasp of the game and I enjoy watching his videos. Sometimes i wonder what i would do if i ever ran across him.
  4. kik

    How do you control your DayZ Rage?

    i used to rage everytime i got killed first time was at 2am when i got sniped in the middle of nowere missus was not at all impressed. now i just laugh not worth getting annoyed over it only takes 30-40 minutes and then it's back to whatever shnanighans we were up to before.
  5. kik

    Why do you even play dayz ?

    i like the solitude mixed with the occasional run in with random strangers to either say hi or die to.
  6. kik

    First Run to NWAF; Tips?

    if i am planning an airfield run i try to get a kamenka spawn. Most people hate it but u have about 8 deerstands along the way, the supermarket at zelengorsk also the possibilty of a bike at zelen along with a few car spawns on the route. Kamenka tbh is one of the best spawns in the game don't know why everyone tops themselves when they get it tbh.
  7. kik

    My wife's take on DayZ

    my wife just rolls her eyes and asks me when i am going to start playing eve online again so she can bug me for help
  8. lol love how you called him a prick after YOU fired on HIM you got exactly what u deserved..prick
  9. I had a go on this map last night not overly impressed tbh. I spawned in the middle of nowere and it took me 15minutes to even find a building let alone one i could loot. Think i'll stick to lingor and cherno give this one a miss.
  10. kik

    Things you've never found

    so much never found legit any kind of sniper rifle ever m240 helicoptor nvg rangefinder i find mountain dew nearly everyday antibiotics as well
  11. kik

    How Do You Roleplay?

    i stay the fuck away from everyone. This infection is the best thing that could have ever happened to our disgusting over indulgent egotistical race. i avoid all of you and if i am unfortunate enough to run into you then i just kill you and put you out of the misery that is sure to come one day.
  12. honestly i was the same i have started to play exclusively on whitelisted private hives u get to know the regulars.It's a much better experience imho.i am a bit gutted cause my hive character is armed to the tits with everything.my advice find a good whitelist private i was about ready to give up but i play more then ever before.
  13. dropped my whitelist app on your forum under the name your mum i'm also from the toon not that i am looking for favouritism or anything :P
  14. oh it gets better the car i just flipped righted itself on server restart.sweet got half a mile down the road and hear the dread sound of a huey gaz +m240 never a good mix :(
  15. i've decided that from now on i am walking my ass everywere i go.Why u may ask. my first car find was the scooby doo van at solicney fixed it up no problems loads of stuff eveywere for it..2 minutes later flipped it into a ditch..fuck second vehicle a boat..sweet i don't have to walk down the coast..took it out the dock and it beached onto a sandbank..what kind of ass hole builds a dock with a sandbank at the exit..fml so last night i found a gaz at zolengorsk spent 3 HOURS looking for parts fixed it sweet drove it into an open field....and flipped it on an invisable rock...FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FUCK Cars i'm walking..