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About holygoalie10

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

Contact Methods

  • Skype
    upon request.

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    I'm new at being the helpful guy. I never shoot first unless i come accross a little hacking kiddie with a tws as50 overlooking elektro. If that happens, you can bet your beans they get a nice little silenced headshot :D

Profile Fields

  • Bio
    zombies killed: 279
    Headshots: 78
    Murders: 28
    Bandits killed: 3

    Medic just looking to help people out. always carry extra gear to help fellow survivors
  1. holygoalie10


    im actually studying to become a mechatronics major right now! and im building my own computer soon but thanks alot! ive already started reading up on it quite a bit. Any way i can test the things i write?
  2. holygoalie10


    i really appreciate the time and effort you put into this post. i cant thankyou enough. I have some knowledge of coding but not game coding. more of html css and c++. im going to really buckle down on this. I've decided to have it as an extra skill so i have lots of time to spare on it. I really appreciate your help
  3. holygoalie10


    Hey guys i figured this would be a great place to start and ask. A friend of mine admins a server and we are looking to make modifications to the server. I am ready to start to learn coding but i was wondering if there was an archive of all the variable options i can use for arma2. I would appreciate any help that i can get. This purpose is not for hacking. its just for spicing up the server with some of our own cool ideas. Thanks in advance!
  4. holygoalie10


    or instead of joining a clan ill tag with you guys and we can be a 3 man group?
  5. holygoalie10

    Dayz clan recruiment

    i was almost considering it. then i saw you had to register.....yea...no thanks
  6. holygoalie10

    Looking For Pals/ Fun, Laughter,Adventure

    yea im up for it this weekend if you would like
  7. I know alot about the game. ive quit for a while but im starting to get back into it. Im a fun guy to have around but can be serious when needed. I'm also a great shot with a sniper rifle. ive got a ton of distances already memorized from very good sniping vantage points. I'm also very good at scavenging. so send me a message and we can exchange contact info and start playing! -HolyGoalie10
  8. holygoalie10

    looking for partner to play

    ill join with you.
  9. i can do some bodyguarding
  10. Hey Cage! I remember you! and i later did die...lag i guess. But im glad someone is atleast putting the word out that im a nice guy. i try to be most of the time
  11. holygoalie10

    Hacker on US 2920?

    not banned bra :D
  12. holygoalie10

    Hacker on US 2920?

    oh and im not sure if you admins get a little slower everyday as to just pay attention to the explosives. how about the fact that wonder girls spawns in a coyote and ghillie's several times. As well as pipe bombs and HE rounds? yea...be a little more observant.
  13. holygoalie10

    Hacker on US 2920?

    im screwing with you. and probably the fact that i raid bandit camps and just stockpile satchels may be the reason you see all that. And those ied's are just as new to me as they are to you. Oh really ollie? lets see some evidence here. Just going off of your word isn't that trustworthy i must say.