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32 Good

About Alphie(SN)

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  1. *breaks out popcorn* This is good! Cant wait for the next post.
  2. Alphie(SN)

    Suggestion: Larger cities

    The current "cities" are really pathetic in size and scope. Here is what I was suggesting for a far away from the coast city. It would take months of normal player time to work thru something that massive and it would be a great change of pace from the open field, running from town to town that we have in game now.
  3. Alphie(SN)

    Suggestion: Larger cities

    If this mod actually becomes a stand-alone game, I suggest cities get larger the further you go inland. The coast can have villages, then go inland further to townships, then to small cities, then to large urban cities. Something like on the scale of New York city or Tokyo. There would be sewers, subway tunnels, bridges, etc. The loot gets better the further inland you go, but so does the risk as there are more zombies in larger towns. The reason I suggest this, although I love this mod, the urban areas don't quite feel like I'm in a city when I can see from one end of town to the other without moving. It also generates some interesting play changes and end-game elements like stashing your gear on the 80th floor of a tower or bandit gangs owning parts of the city, etc.
  4. LOL "Never trust the white bearded man in the black car" LOLOL Too funny.
  5. Alphie(SN)

    emtremching tools

    Its not entrenching tool, that's for filling sandbags. Its barbed wire kit. I have run into this a lot, especially in Chern. I just use my toolbox and take down the mess, then go get the loot. Problem solved. If you don't have a toolbox, then go get one.
  6. Date/Time: 7/15/2012 9:15PM EST What happened: I accidentally threw a grenade with zombies less than 30 meters away and they did not aggro to explosion Where you were: Hunting stand What you were doing: Cycling thru weapons when I accidentally pressed F when I had a frag equipped *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: US283 *Your system specs: AMD Phenom II x3, 4GB DDR, 1TB HDD, Nvidia 8800GT *Timeline of events before/after error: Approached hunting stand to loot, saw 3 military zombies walking away, accidentally released a frag grenade. Explosions did not aggro the three military zombies who were 30 meters away or less. Explosion was louder than anything else I have experienced in the game. Much louder than a tin can, but it did not aggro the zombies. They kept walking down the hill as if nothing happened. I glad they didn't because I would have been dead meat, but it is not expected in the game and breaks immersion.
  7. You sir are a freaking genius. We are testing the DayZ mod, not testing betas of BI patches or BattleEye. You do realize the devs get better information on bugs in their mod, when they don't have to wade thru bugs in programming outside of their control don't you? The best way to do that is to mandate that the clients and servers be on the same versions. Everyone on the same level and everyone submitting bugs for that level.
  8. No not easy peasy. I know that site, but the previous Beta and DayZ did not work together. Sure, I could just download the latest Beta, but then I get burned and have to roll back because the devs only tested on a certain version combination. I want the devs, not community folks, to tell me what versions we should be running and it should be mandated across all servers with the exception of dev servers to test nightly builds. You may be comfortable testing on the latest and greatest, but it all goes to crap when your latest breaks the mod.
  9. Hey DayZ devs. Can't you guys put your root down and say from this point forward, everyone needs to be on x version of Beta, x version of DayZ and x version of BattleEye? So far, you guys only mandate the version of DayZ, there are servers out there with different versions of Beta and BattleEye and the regular folks like myself aren't 100% sure what the hell we should be running to give you guys proper feedback. This is getting confusing as hell.
  10. Alphie(SN)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Freaking awesome patch. Some minor zombie bugs, zeds being stuck and not moving outside the store in Elektro. Had all my gear on login and spawned where I had logged in 1.7.2. Was able to get meat off cow, sheep and pig. Didn't try any other animal. Really fun and intense tonight. Cheers! alphie (1.7.3 - 94876)
  11. Alphie(SN)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    You have to have the patience and the ability to read six sentences and follow the directions. Its just too hard for some folk.
  12. Alphie(SN)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Can I be your wingman? :rolleyes:
  13. Alphie(SN)

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

  14. Alphie(SN)

    Fairwell, had enough of this

    IMHO, players I don't know are just NON-AI Zombies. They should be treated as such, stay away from them, move cautiously if encountered and if you aggro them, shoot.
  15. Alphie(SN)

    DayZ De-Motivational Posters

    WTF. Flickr doesnt work with bbcode or straight html. Had to use imgur?