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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. I hope that DayZ-standalone will come out with pinetrees that won't make you immortal... I understand that it probably won't come out for the mod, but seriously, you guys have to fix this by standalone release. We all know Rocket likes authenticity, and well, this ain't so authentic rocket.
  2. What a pathethic comment. This is a place where you suggest suggestions. I know there are a lot of people who wants this bug fixed, a couple of branches and leaves should not stop a .50 cal bullet. Ragepost, are you serious? It seems like you almost don't give a shit about this. If you ask me, immortality is quite a serious exploit that exists in this bug consequently this should to be fixed.
  3. If you like vanilla DayZ, you should play dayzero... Much more balanced than other mods. I for one do not like most of the other mods because of "big" changes they have made, some have the ability to build houses, build vehicles, become a zombie and many of the mods and dayz included have weapons that are just imbalanced and overpowered, feels like i.e. breaking point just randomly chose arma 2 weapons. Dayzero haven't added big changes, just refined the original DayZ experience.
  4. Ruin a monitor by putting a Hello Kitty sticker on the screen? lol.
  5. So, i have, what i would call a bad GPU and bad CPU. I can upgrade one of them. My question is, GPU or the CPU? Please, no replies that goes like this; "Both." Right now, im running the game in 1600x900 resolution with everything on lowest, except 3d res, which is like 1200x800, this makes the mod run 25-30 fps. Im saving up for a totally new computer, but till that, i have a slim budget for one component. My second question is, What fps do you guys think i can get with the new component? Current GPU: Geforce GT220 Current Cpu: I5 3.2 GHZ. 650 The GPU im planning to buy, if: http://www.asus.com/...ards/GT6402GD3/ I dont really have a planned CPU to buy, but i hope you get the idea of what part i should buy. Thanks in advance
  6. Yeah well, the 660 TI is alot better than the gt 640
  7. I'm gonna be honest. I could live without it, but tbh, i really think this is gonna make new players go dumb by screaming. Let this be a option that the server can choose. Rocket, people are anyway going to put a sticker in the middle of the screen. Some atleast. It will be a cheat no cheat-detector can see. (provided that rocket does not change his work schedule)
  8. Thanks for the help guys! :D My mind is settled
  9. I guess, so i got a bit worried though, since i've heard numerous times that this game demands alot from the CPU.
  10. I would say this, take away the capability of putting Barbed Wire in the city. I believe this might change peoples view on Barbed Wire, not only seeing it as a "trolling item" but something strategic you can set up i.e a camp or a trap in the woods.
  11. sebbe.sesa@hotmail.com


    He's talking about six launcher/updater not DayZ.
  12. When my friend tries to join the SE 43 server, it always says "Connection failed", any idea why? (He has continuously tried to join in like 3 days, and he has same version as me, he can also join other server fine aswell)
  13. Do you understand ? G3notYp3 paid the game and played it not for the kill, only for stuff... not for banditry, G3notYp3 just want to survive... And we can see G3notYp3 name ... Seriously though, WTF. Banditry is a big part of this mod, dont like it? Dont play the game
  14. I have to say that, well i can totally understand that it's too much work maybe for the patch to be done on this passed wednesday. However, it would be nice if rocket actully said something, just comment (or something) about the patch since its 3 days "late" (from target day). And "this topic will be locked for 1 hour... Just say like "This thread has gone off-road and will be locked"... I mean wtf, since when is "like 1 hour or so" 3 days+?
  15. Yeah SE 43 > veteran would be awesome :P
  16. How long do you believe the servers will be on? I mean, is the servers something that you will just stop hosting after you get bored of dayz? Please, be honest, looking for a home.
  17. First off, i would like to say that this idea is pretty basic so i guess somewhere out there it exist an thread like this, but i tried to search and did not find anything. Well my idea/suggestion would like to be to add Notes. You can type stuff, put them on trees or just maybe put them inside a tent as a "thanks" for all the stuff (lol). Well i mean, this would not affect the gameplay but it would be a fun little thing. So what you all think? :P
  18. Hate people saying that. We are both testers and players.
  19. Russian + google translate that is. (i hope :P )
  20. F**k you. Guess someone was pointing a gun towards you, if not, what you wrote makes no sence. BTW noone is forcing you to play, if it was up to me all people like you should never sign up on forums, you are not even highlighting any problem you just say "only problem" SAY WHATS BAD GODAMMIT OR YOU ARE NOT EVEN CONTRIBUTING WITH YOUR HATEPOST BLAQIWEYJRRJRWEDF!!!!!!!!RAGEQ.