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Posts posted by lothane

  1. " We have people here who work very hard to keep hackers from our server, to keep our servers up to date, & more that make sure voice chat and other features on our servers running properly. Many of the people in our community have IT backgrounds, or are self taught in the IT field, either way we know what we are doing here, & this is not against the rules.

    Your admins do not work hard enough because apparently you have a few inside your community that think its ok to hack. And now its apparently ok to ban for illegitimate reasons.

  2. Joined a server with a friend and killed 6+ people with my m24 ontop of elektro's fire station. After realizing 1/2 of the people i just killed had to have been hackers i get banned for a so called "battle eye bypass" that i dont even have. I joined their teamspeak to ask why, They claim i was not showing up in the logs at all which automatically makes me a hacker. After which they decide to lift the ban because they realized they didn't have strong evidence of me hacking. I come back in and kill one of the admins friends then they re-bann me. Moral of the story Don't go on this server, they are assholes.

  3. I think the bigger offence was uploading the video to be honest, it's the fact that he not only knowingly used spawned items and a helicopter that was spawned in but he uploaded the video of it afterwards like it was all fun and games. I think he should be banned, seeing as he's such a popular youtuber, if someone like Nanners was to get banned, it would be a MASSIVE message to the DayZ player base that you shouldn't cheat/hack.

    He didn't cheat nor hack. the real enemy is not fucking seananners here. you all are just too blind to see it. Yeah lets ban the famous dude because he picked up hacked items. But lets not worry about the real problem. The guy that spawned it in the first place?

  4. Fanboy much? Nanners started playing DayZ only after it became popular...and he KNOWINGLY took items from a person he KNEW was a hacker, watch the vid, he is enabling and collaborating with the hacking

    Go back to your shit youtube channel kid. You clearly didn't watch the rest of the video, like Maroite said he was told to break ties with the hacker by his friend because he was unknowingly taking things that can get him banned.

  5. The fact is he validated hacking and cheating. He told his audience that it's okay to cheat in a massively popular game 'just because you can'. He's a very affluent uploader, people look up to him and play whatever he plays. The EFFECT this will have and the message it sends hugely outweighs the phony 'ignorance' defence you are placing on him.

    To get him banned would be a loss to dayz as a whole. he has brought in a lot of people and helped it become what it is. like you said "1 million subscribers" watching his video's can't help but improve dayz.

    allow me to change your statement to what you are trying to say.

    Seananners advocates hacking in all 24 of his video's. Im just to dumb to realize that im wrong.


  6. how would you feel if nanners killed you right now with that svd, or with that chopper. I bet your tune would be a HELL of alot different

    The thing is he doesn't know its wrong. for you to complain for something he has not committed is stupid. quit your whining.

    EVERYONE knows that cheating is wrong.

    Cheating is wrong but he didn't mean too. He wasnt even the one who spawned the stuff.

  7. Player Orange blossom special spawned in a bunker at the top of elektro hill and was sniping people from behind it on Server #500 22nd BRDU.

    *edit* Orange spawned in radio towers and then left after sniping my friend. before he left he blew up every building in elektro.

  8. Nice guide on how to ruin the experience for other players by playing the most coward and dickish playstyle ever.

    Why not add this paragraph?

    - Whenever you either get shot at/hurt, aggro'd by zombies or miss a shot, log out and back in. Also, when people see you and hide somewhere, server hop behind them.

    This is the bandit section of the forums. dont like it get out.
