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Posts posted by dgeesio

  1. no matter how smart you make the path finding or special tricks the zombies in this gmae will never be as good as player controlled zombies

    why not give a option for player to choose to play as zombies ?

    this would make for alot more interesting battles and stategies being used. as long as the zombies are done right and blalanced it would really make the game better overall

  2. think the thing is people use alpha as a excuse for bugs

    true alpha is early development but this really isnt a alpha in many senses its more of a beta . they on about doing a standalone version for sept so you really think this is alpha state ?

    lots of games companies are using this approach now as you just label your game alpha beta state any body cries about bugs and you just get the "alpha " or " beta " to cover you.

    this may not be dayz fault but alot of devs are using this approach .

  3. maybe some sort of heat signature could be given off by vehicles

    with the right euiptment people could locate the vehicles or track them down. this would also make people like clans who hoard them actually move them about

    so maybe some sort of satalite over the island or other type of detection. seen what others have mentioned already server owners or clans just getting all best crap then opening servers up pretty low tbh

  4. was out wandering looking for some bits and bobs and spotted this tractor :cool: so jumped in and had a ride :D


    one thing i noticed is unlike earlier videos you cant just ride over zombies and squash them which i thought would be a given really in a heavy vehicle :blush:

    also i found a bit of a bug i passed out while in the tractor from blood loss later on and could still drive it while passed out :lol:

  5. so running for a long period of time doesnt bother anyone why wouldnt you add auto run key ?

    can believe noone wants to have it added any game that does similar adds it as it saves the pain from holding your finger on w for ten minutes at a time .

    not everyone has fancy keyboard to do macros and that alone points to another point of why it should be done ingame by default ;)

  6. the new zombie tweaks are over the top

    what are zombies ? zombies are dead infected degrading human beings

    why would a unfit person have super abilites ? they wouldnt they would have less than human abilites in all senses . the bodies are degraded or injured so how can they operate at higher than human ? the answer is they cant !

    so the tweaks are not right over done. also alot dont think about the travelling aspect and how the super sensitive zombies actually slow the game down alot which when you have to jog long periods to ge anywhere isnt needed. its adding extra stress when its not needed .

    please dont just run with it for a month then go back a notch just use the previous awareness of the previous patch that was pretty much spot on .

    • Like 1

  7. well why do you want to be looking at the screen like that ?

    lost blood or whatever how is it realistic or even good ?

    have your graphics set up nicely enjoying the game but get hit in middle of nowhere you have the luxary ofseeing a white screen for next hr or until your get fixed up.

    i understand why you do this but just leave the screen as it is you have enough warnings on screen and id rather see the nice graphics in game.

  8. Hi guys

    We need a bit of experimental testing done.

    Please download http://cdn.armafiles...ns_v1.7.2.1.rar , overwrite your current dayz files and come join us on CZ 01 .

    Be aware this is only an experimental test, your character is not safe and you might respawn as a new character.

    If you do spawn as a new character your "old" one will work if you downgrade to play on other servers - but no guarantees.

    // Ander

    dld the patch you say to dl then applied it come to test and you locked the server with a password that you dont tell anyone = genius !

  9. Auto run is a must .

    for the amount of run walking or ground being covered who wouldnt want auto walk option.

    also the amount of times the double tap walk stops just as being chased by zombies which results in injury is annoying .

    so please make a simple option for toggle auto run please.

    it would be so simple to do and save so much hassle and be better all round

    • Like 1

  10. in my last game i was in a field crouched about half a mile away from nearest zombie then it turned and ran over to me i didn't even move that isnt 1 realistic or fun

    Half a mile is ~800m. I don't believe you.

    so :huh:

    i was on a hillside zombie crouched just turned and ran at me :rolleyes:

    that isnt fun its daft !

    what some people dont think about is imagine the area you have to cover on foot . now imagine how much slower you just made the game with how the zombies are ;) sometimes you have to trek for miles and takes along time now you just increased this time by double becuase of super sighted zombies.

    i guarantee you this what will happen is either

    we are just finding the stable ground and will revert back

    this is a alpha :rolleyes:

    you were right :D (never happen ever )

    think about what zombies are they are a slightly worse or more worse than human being slower moving do to body damage in ever area due to decay . so how can they have human or super human sight.

    simple and to the point . they should have at max 60 percent of what the humans have in game in awareness.

  11. tbh i think the last patch had it nicely balanced with the zombies

    in my last game i was in a field crouched about half a mile away from nearest zombie then it turned and ran over to me i didn't even move that isnt 1 realistic or fun

    what will happen is is we are finding a balance and then after a month of people complaining it will probably be put back to what it was hrs ago.

    save the time just keep it as it was. if something is fine dont try to better it as most often it ends up worse. this happens in so many games now starts out great and the pure great thing that actually made it good in the first place gets forgotten or overlooked.

    focus on other things that actually need sorting a zombie spotting you like super man isnt needed.

  12. cant join since patch earlier

    had one game then couldn't get in

    zombies are too sensitive now was very good before patch revert please dont mess with that.

    spawning on incoming zombies without even moving . being spotted from 3 football fields away while crouched not realistic or fun.

    this is the only problem with certain games they get pushed to far trying to be made greater but end up being worse.
