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Posts posted by dgeesio

  1. this is why you never pay builder upfront



    as soon as they have your money its turns up / finish when they want.



    they knew exactly how this project was going to progress thats why they put in red capitals the get out clause





    now they can do whatever they want not finish take time you havent got a leg to stand on.

  2. must say the troll baited all 2nd post and pulled in a sea full of sprats :lol:



    theres no point in moaning about anything the game was launched with a get out clause in red capitals. now anything that doesnt work doesnt matter as its alpha.


    the real funny thing is even though hes blatantly trolling hes absolutely right which does kind of make it funny.


    alpha in mod for two years then we going to make SA to solve all the mod issues and make it better now in alpha


    maybe this game should be called alphaZ.



    the core basics arnt fixed yet. they are the things that should of been fixed first few months nevermind nearly a year later and no real progress.


    FPS issues still

    Zombies still go through objects walls as always


    Bad performance


    lack of real content.


    this game wont be done for 2 years yet if it does get finished at all.

  3. You would likely be surprised that people play this game for many hundreds of hours avoiding all contact with players.


    no im not suprised , its just i wouldnt want the game to be catered for the minority who are blood killing monsters.


    ive been on no pvp servers and the like before its not my bag but...i do understand others want different things.

  4. HA, 200 IQ. That's laughable in all honesty. I'm going to give him a generous ball park of 70-80?

    whats that based on ? assumption .


    cant you just debate the topic ?


    einstein was about 160. he was smarter as a child and thats mostly when you are tested. some people have had upto 300 iq but its highly debated about.


    mainly if you very quick at picking things up and maths then youll do well.


    iq isnt everything though.

  5. Does this mean you are leaving?


    why would i leave because i dont agree with others posts/opinions ?


    im here to see if the vision happens. i want the project to work . just at the moment the vision is cloudy.



    the thread is pretty pointless you cant see what is going off behind the scenes with dean and the devs.


    i think one of deans early twitch streams he was on sums it up where he said he spent months trying to get a lamp to work in game. he tried to get it to work and it wouldnt.

  6. Airfield forget it. I tried. He has a reading comprehension deficiency.

    no my opinion differs from his so rather than argue his own point he tries to use derogatory remarks about me and im dim or childish :rolleyes:


    shows the character of the person replying tbh.


    every top server ever played in dayz is pvp. all the top 50 servers are pvp yet people argue its not what people want :lol:



    its beyond dumbness.



    all im saying is the devs focus on what the majority want , get the game done, finished. dont try and make it a flower weaving zombie apocalyptic game. that isnt what would happen .



    life would be brutal , people would slaughter all for resources, food, water. they wouldnt help each other. minority would they d be killed off quickly.



    you only have to see at how many want KOS banned to show people just are cold blooded and want to kill as many as possible.


    lets remember, this game isnt a indie. its big budget now. H1Z1 already, even in alpha has what we want and why they focusing on the real zombie game people want.



    people cant see this its happening right under the noses of people but they just to pig headed to see whats coming.



    so while all this time is being waste on trying to sidelinewhat is natural some other devs are just doing it and going to steal the thunder right from under the very people who had te headstart and the people and money behind them.

  7. Because the core gameplay ISN'T PVP, dolt. If you think the core gameplay of DayZ is PVP then you've clearly never played a real competitive game.



    Repeating the same ill-informed horse-shit over and over again doesn't get you any closer to being "right", it just makes you look dense.

    played competitively for years :rolleyes: was in titanfall comp 13,000 pound in prizes two months ago :rolleyes:  sponsered by nvidia :lol:


    assumption is very strong  today.


    the core of dayz is pvp because there is nothing much else ! also people like action. so lets stop bs each other they have tried to add crafting to give others something else to do than murder each other but the pvp killing each other is what most like not the crafting !


    please dont say i dont understand i played thousands of hrs of dayz mod and quite a bit of sa.


    anyways... back on topic :P


    the dev team is doing sa not dean he is just like the poster child for it.

  8. DayZ was created to be a realistic, post-apocalyptic survival horror. But, of course, immature adolescence as yours truly come and ruin what little potential the game has. You get so self-absorbed in killing others because there is nothing else to do, but don't realize that there really are other things out there.


    Have you ever tried once not duping or server hopping and killing fresh spawns? Have you ever tried playing legit and helping out fellow survivors?


    This game is hugely based on social interaction, and for every time you KOS someone, that is one more person to have trust issues, and one more person to start KOS'ing. Eventually, 3/4 of the population will KOS, and by then no stories will be made. No interactions will happen, the whole concept and feel of DayZ will be gone.


    Meh, you seem a tad bit too dim headed. Let's just say, don't waste your time on these forums, you have lost all respect from me, comrades, and most people who read your comments.


    Heated regards kiddo 

    how much assumption ? :rolleyes:


    i know what the potential has but i it be used ? no.


    is it worth spending lots of extra time making useless crafted items when the core gameplay is pvp ? thats what im getting at.


    i dont dupe server hop i am a bandit but i play fair so dont make out i dont just to try and justify your opinion in this thread . thats more childish than any comment in this thread,



    what some of you are getting heated about about what i put is the very reason you are missing the point ! u get some want crafting but its a minority !


    why slow down or even use resources on a project which is already behind ?


    as said im not picking stuff out the air the most played servers in the mod and sa are all pvp. thats not made up its true.


    crafting is pointless.

  9. Are you fricking kidding me? The game is what the developer wants it to be. If you don't like it, don't play it. Not all game developers are money grubbing SOB's who want to cater to a bunch of whining, complaining and entitlement minded jerks. The game is becoming exactly what was planned all along. Read my signature line and keep reading it until you comprehend what it says if you're capable. If you're trolling then congrats because you and people like you piss me off. It's not about YOU and what YOU want. It's about what Rocket wanted or wants. I don't care if 99% of the people want deathmatch. It's about the entire spectrum of survival (PvE and PvP). What makes you think game development is a democracy? If I was developing a game I wouldn't give a flying crap what you wanted. It would be what I wanted. If I didn't make money off of it so be it, but it would be mine. I hope I spoke simple enough for you dgeesio.

    typical minority response. they are catering for people like you and thats why the game will and is going wrong.


    the "majority " want carnage they want zombie fights in hordes and want excitement ! not basket weaving at dawn. can you understand that ?


    the majority brought into that idea dayz because they thought it would be like george a romero film.


    if you said hay we making a minecraft zombie game for nerds 0 sales !

  10. 1. PVP and crafting are not mutually exclusive.. You can PVP and still craft and vice versa.

    2. 1 word: Minecraft. One of the most popular indie games of all time, and is 90% about crafting.. Yeah, nobody wants to craft! PSsshh..

    3. What makes this game special/different is player interactions.. Do an experiment



    -Make a YouTube video of nothing but PVP in DayZ

    -Make a YouTube video of nothing but funny/interesting player interactions in DayZ.


    The player interactions video will get more views, hands down.. 



    You can't get that same experience from other First Person Shooters on the market, but you can get PVP from those games.. SO if you love PVP so much, go play Battlefield4? Shit, go play ARMAIII.


    this game is based on a zombie apocolyptic survival not a building bricks game !


    if the majority want a kill everything game then thats what should be focused on. trying to make the game into what majority doesnt want is time wasting.



    most people will just kill people i get some may want crafting but only because they added it.


    its just a sideline to what the main core want which is zombie slaying survival and blood. not basket weaving. thats why ma ny brought into the game and it was so succesful.


    hopefully this does happen .



    as i said before sony has been looking at whats recent and what works from games like dayz and rust and just taking those instances and adding them to H1Z1.


    understand the audience or watch the game flop.

  11. Honestly I like Dean, I think he's a great guy. Why he is leaving I don't know I really wish he'd focus on this more but at least he is presuing his ultimate game I wish him the best of luck in the future


    why does he have to stay ? he has achieved what he neeed to progress = money.


    so now he can build his own studio attract people to work with for him and do what he likes. whether that will be a success is a different matter.


    many people can have a great idea carrying out what is needed to make that idea is a success.


    luckily he was at the right place at the right time. would he have done this if he didnt work at BI ? most likely not.



    cant fault him on how the idea worked for the mod. the SA though has been handled terribly though.

  12. loollllll...


    lol.. haha..


    This game isn't a pvp deathmatch, kos nerd. Go play Quake, UT, COD, CS, etc..



    Not the same game.

    all the busiest servers ever in dayz were pvp deathmatch.


    they have tried to turn people from what they like into crafting nerds.


    people dont want leather underwear they want to kill each other and zombies. it that simple.


    no pvp sowing baskets lol in a zombie apocolypse survival guide :lol:



    does it even need pointing out ?

    • Like 1

  13. When I tell you this the veins in your neck will go purple.. but don't get too mad:

    To craft a gun that you can "shoot" - if you already have the gun and some other pieces - Ya have to find some bullets (and maybe "empty" them from a box) and you interact with the bullets to take out the ruined ones and you "combine" the bullets with the right magazine to craft a "loaded magazine" and then you have to interact the magazine with the gun to have a gun "charged" with the right magazine and bullets in it, and you "combine" other bits on the gun, like "sights" or a "stand" but you have to combine the right "sights" because some won't do what you want and some won't even "fit" on the gun and you need to "interact" to set the gun to "auto/semi" and "range" it. That's a lot of crafting for 1 gun !

    - so it's hell of a lot more complicated than crafting a fishing rod.

    But then you've crafted a working gun !

    SEE - you craft, you craft, you craft, you just haven't even noticed - you think it's called shooting, you need it for "pvp", and it's the part of the game you like

    . because you HATE crafting


    Hi, you crafting wowtard !


    You hate all this crafting and the devs have "wasted their time" on it.. you want to be given a loaded gun readymade when you log in, so you can just run around and shoot ? All the gun parts and ammo and clips and magazines and scopes and rails are a waste of time, but those weapons have wasted a lot more dev time than 1 fishing rod, 1 campfire.. right ? And they have wasted loads of time on stuff you can't even see !!  ( so right dude! )   And I guess clothes are a waste of time too ? We want a 2D shooter with nothing complicated in it. wtf.

    what the crafting nerds dont realize is dayz is a pvp deathmatch pure and simple wasting time on crafting useless items when better simple content which is actually used could be done.


    stop messing around with crafting just give us the stuff we need and let us shoot each other. fun is simple this game isnt chess stop messing about trying to make it such a game its not.

  14. i always wondered if walking dead was out and he decided to make a zombie mod.


    lets ve clear the mod was amazing ! fresh breath of air in stagnated times. some of the best fun and gameplay ive had in many a year.



    so hats off to rocket for that and those that helped him. cant fault it . i still prefer the mod over standalone bugs and all as its still more playable and more fun.




    the sa has been taken over from rocket hes more of a puppet to it. the progress has been shit if we honest and many who loved this idea of Dayz dont even play standalone now !


    they either playing breaking point, the mod still , or waiting for H1Z1 and the other army of crappy clones.



    much time has been wasted on getting simple things done and time spent doing things that shouldnt of beendone like making a complicated melee system . why even do that axe chop dead.


    the game should of been kept simple and work and content. if that would of been kept maybe we would be further along.



    do i want rocket gone to me he is gone and has been since the other devs have been doing his job. rockets just that picture for interviews and on steam when it sys dayz. everyone knows that the other devs are doing the sa not really him.


    all i ask is the team starts getting to what really needs to be done to save this game from being a total mess and other games beating it out because they embrace what most dayz players want.



    simple like the mod with fighting not crafting leather under pants !!! who the fruck wants to craft leather in a zombie apocalypse ? :rolleyes: we want action fights zombies !!! not craft something useless that we wont use !


    thats how out of touch the devs are ! this game is mainly played by PVP people not crafting wowtards. most people just love to mame , kill , destroy and steal shit. not make flower baskets craft a pair of shoes out of a milk bottle. wake up bring zombies, bring action , bring vehicles , bring base building. thats free and what most want. stop overcomplicating shit for the sake of it.


    H1Z1 is doing this its just ripping all the vest bits from the best games in the genre like rust with airdrops and bits from dayz and putting in what people want. take note or this game will go down the shitter faster than a indian curry.

    • Like 1

  15. Oh shut up with the PC master race shit.


    Like PC gamers don't sit at a desk all day playing WoW or whatever too, how ridiculously hypocritical. Console gamers are the ones that go outside way more that's just obvious PC games are largely designed to keep you on your ass all day as most of them are MMO's.


    Plus PC gamers are so elite that they understand the whole "alpha" thing apparently...


    Have you...been on this forum before? Go look on general discussion or the new player part and see how long it takes you to find someone whining if it takes more than 5 seconds you're a slow reader.




    I still don't see what's wrong with the devs getting lots of money...it's kind of their job, y'know. Putting it on console will get it buckets more money, it's the smart thing to do why should they only cater to PC gamers when they can triple their target audience(if it goes on X1)


    If you don't think it will be popular on console, you're wrong.

    1. Open world game, everyone loves those.

    2. Zombie game, everyone loves those too.

    3. You can hunt and do whatever you want, everyone will love that freedom.

    4. There's guns and you can kill people.



    The only thing that might hurt it's sales is H1Z1, if they can manage to get it out there first they'll make tons of money.

    But even then it'll cost them less to make a console version than they'll gain from it anyway.


    why you think sony have both ? they cant lose now.

  16. anyone can say we filly wont do this its just with how the game industry is on a whole when selling titles they lie and quote often.


    just cause they work on the product doesnt mean they wont lie does it ?


    what is the first thing they will say when you say this ? no we wont do that .



    consoles makes alot more money. thats why many cater especially for them. the main worry is that BI now going ps4 is that these will join the lying crew and do just that all for the sake of business. whether that is the case or not we wont know until we see the finished product.


    so it doesnt matter if they have the noble prize for game making . its no relevance to whether pc will get shafted for the ps4.


    that video is faker than a pornstars tits.

  17. cod 1 started on pc then ....money then console. never ever say they wont do that they love their product. very few follow that in this business.


    joypads can be used in many games very easily even if they dont support it via other progs like xpadder and the like.

  18. I want to believe Dean when he states that the PC won't get the shaft. However I have been burned before. The most recent time was when DICE stated that Battlefield 3 was PC lead platform. Anyhow after the release and many broken promises (lies) to the community later someone eventually asked a DICE dev a direct question saying "we thought BF3 was PC lead platform", to which the dev responded "at the time, it was".

    To be honest I've never encountered a more dishonest, unprofessional bunch of devs than those that spun those lies before the BF3 launch.



  19. It is paranoia if you believe they'll give greater focus on the console version than the PC version...how would it not be?


    I don't think there are many games stated to have been a PC focus then to have had the console versions take over...if there were there'd be a huge uproar about it from people like you.



    I don't see what's so bad about the devs doing their job...

    That'd be like a massively popular food chain like Burger King just saying no we're keeping this in America, expanding wouldn't get us any money, stupid.


    Anyway I'd assume more of the original team will be working on the PC version while the PS4 version might get more support from Sony so it could end up rolling out sooner than the PC one even though the original team is focused on the PC one, just because more money and time might be put in to the console versions doesn't mean they don't care about the PC one any more.


    Whenever the console development of a game shoots ahead of the PC version it's because the former had a bigger audience and budget behind it, console gaming is way more popular than PC gaming. Pretty sure PC beats PlayStation and Xbox but not both combined.

    okay battlefield for prime eg . pc was very publically made out to be the main focus. big interviews saying " dont worry we are making the pc the main platform." then just before the game was due to come out guess what ?  sorry we lied ! console is main priority :lol:  everyone knows about this the videos are quite famous now, often ridiculed for the blatant lies told by EA and DICE.


    so no paranoia see it often. money route cause of the lies.


    bf came out playstation had the exclusives weeks in front of pc as they had paid for it ! just like microsoft has with titanfall rececently another title done exactly the same yet pc priority ruined by console features. also new tombraider announced maybe doing same cause of microsoft. theree is quite a few new titles doing it.


    as said its not paranoia dont try and make out it doesnt happen it does . we know why its money. simple as.


    i hope it doesnt happen to Dayz but i wouldnt be supprised if consoles did take over the version as they do sell so many more units.
