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Everything posted by dgeesio

  1. dgeesio

    Day z Rap Battle lol

    no problem jack ;)
  2. dgeesio

    Day z Rap Battle lol

    made me cringe after a minute had to turn off. are you jack frogs ?
  3. have a break alot of us have and are playing mods on arma 3 like breaking point. while dayz is fixed sorted and updated. when Dayz is of a decent standard and decent content then well play again. its a great game but cause you want it done and ready to play it can be infuriating so a break is best.
  4. dgeesio

    Dayz in five words or less

    dayz into years the end
  5. yes im playing it also. at thirsk yesterday there was in front of me like 150 zombies !!! reason why i uninstalled dayz sa.
  6. okay the game is doing great ! B) we approaching 1.5 million in sales ca-ching :D so...with the game doing so well sales wise and a decent sized dev team and studio behind the game now can we have some updates on the main core features and any projections or pointers to when and how the real meat in the game or you may call it game content is being added? this isnt a i want it now, im happy to wait. i just would like to know what is going to be done roughly or a idea on what is planned. alot of people are waiting for these particular , bases or base building and vehicles. B) those two are what most people are really waiting before getting there teeth into Dayz in current state/build. now...as i pointed out we believe in the game, we brought into the concept we paid in we have brought 1.5 million copies of Dayz ! dayz has got tripple a title kind of money in now so work rate needs to be upped.you cant just farm out small items with the money thats flowing in now.i know recent updates have been frequent but they have mainly been small items. so can we know about such vital game mechanics ? dont need to know exact dates, it isnt a dummy out the pram i want now. its just a rough time frame or somekind of outlining to what is being done on these two massive game features which most people are frantically waiting for. the last thing is personally seen ,read on this topic was on reddit and was a single sentance which mentioned upto 6 months over a month ago. i dont know how many others feel but hats and small items arnt going to cut it for another 6 months before those key features are added.many will be bored by then. so can we please be updated on these features thankyou. :)
  7. dgeesio

    Where the game is going

    come join us on breaking point ;) eu21 .
  8. i uninstalled the game. will come back to dayz when the work rate has picked up and content is flowing along with fixes. rather than just get annoyed with nothing happening ill have a break from it and go play breaking point which is flourishing. hopefully Dayz does all of what it promises and what we hoped for.
  9. dgeesio

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    so it was worth the thread being done . thanks for listening. B)
  10. dgeesio

    Modding Dayz

    i find it very funny how we started with a mod it got big now to make it better we make a standalone and then open it up to modding which will then return all the things we were supposed to be having the standalone for in the first place, just makes the whole thing other than the mod a sales opportunity cash in and nothing else. as soon as mods are out first thing 1000 vehicle servers, pay to win donations yet again and super admin tools ftw ! so glad i back this sa its turned out just as i wanted :( what majority of dayz players brought the SA for is to play the SA not the mod. we wanted the experience of survival without the exploits, the silly admin tools and all those things i listed above. just a load sales talk to further the cash register. best thing is next few replies will be dont play on those servers :lol: well as with mod once those become more popular server owners then see money generated from buy as you win gear abd swop vanilla servers to them. so in the end you have 95 percent pay to win cause i need to cover my server costs :rolleyes: and 5 percent vanilla servers. thus defying the whole point of making a standalone game in the first part.
  11. out of zombies breaking point mod has the best zombies at the moment. they come and come and you get swamped. only thing is the animations look bad on them . better animations and a similar system and you have win.
  12. dgeesio

    Rolling Update Rev - 0.43.116251

    experimental just wait for host.
  13. dgeesio

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    whats pointless about it ? cause you think its pointless?
  14. dgeesio

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    leave cod out of this and twitch shooting as that is not why i made this thread that just invites trolls and people to talk about anything other than the actual topic which has no relation to any of that.
  15. dgeesio

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    why does it never get old? if someone says well fix it then you get the latest response which says its a feature but infact its worse than previous and not doing as they said that is going against what you are selling to people. if a item is faulty and it isn't rectified how is it unfair to ask for a refund on a faulty product if the people who make it wont fix the bug/broken item? if people like me and others don't point out things that are wrong and don't just sit back and let them slide by you would have weak as excuses and no fixes.im trying to get a small thing fixed which will help the game be better for all or vast majority. all you do is just try and point but i have asked for a refund if its not fixed which is of no help to anyone. if i got a refund i get my money back (highly unlikely but it would solve my mouse issues or the games issues with mouse acceleration) if they fix the mouse acceleration issue then im happy with the game hopefully that entertains you also.
  16. dgeesio

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    trained with my cousin when he was going in marines mouse acceleration wasn't in the training. back pack we used had 65 pounds of weight. never did it alter the over estimation of my movement or underestimate it. why would it? we are looking through our eyes ! they are the camera. the excuses for keeping mouse acceleration are getting better and more elaborate though :lol:
  17. dgeesio

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    this is hard work. from the statement made its from arma 3 yes? yet guess what all the last 7 days all i have played is arma 3 and guess what ? the acceleration is nothing like how it is in the latest build. so its just bs. 1:1 isnt interesting ? :o :lol: wtf has interesting got to do with being accurate? <_< the funny thing is these games BI make are based on sim trying to be realistic yes ? so what is more realistic ? accurate movement 1:1 with what you doing or adding elements onto the movements :lol: to make it interesting as you put it :P . so this thread is not to make Dayz a twitch shooter or cod or bf or any other excuse of easier its just so you get the actual movement you make as accurate as what you move with no additions.
  18. dgeesio

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    did you read the statement made yesterday ? did you play the build that was up on experimental before they took it down ? when my post was made , all very relevant to understanding what i meant. builds before were not as bad. i have played competitive gaming for years in many different games i understand mouse settings and test many hundreds of games so i understand what is a feature and what isnt. the acceleration that was on yesterdays experimental build was really really bad. it was 5 times as bad as normal build for whatever reason. so all the get used to is and it isnt twitch is just stupid talk. i played fps since quake i realize this isnt quake or unreal or some twitch shooter . this has nothing to do with those and just the usual retards who scream bf or cod noobs will never learn i have played dayz since the start and for thousands of hrs !!!! what we need to understand is its to do with the animations. yes i read previously in other threads and blogs and comments saying they were going to fix but it may take a long time but..... yesterdays blog comment was contradictory to what was said...; ill re-quote it and remember this went with the new build of experimental and when i tested the mouse acceleration not older builds !!!! READ THAT SENTENCE PLEASE !!! Mouse acceleration and player control "We have been changing the way the player controls their character to improve playability. There was an issue with mouse control that affected many users of high DPI mice which we have now fixed. Changes to character turning should now also be consistent with how freelook works, which was taken from ArmA3. So we hope that this will improve the situation for players although we have more work planned on this."
  19. dgeesio

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    the easiest way to explain for those who dont understand is imagine you are doing something very precise a very small movement. with 1:1 you get the feel and you can put it to exactly where ou want it no overshoot undershoot. with how the acceleration is now (extremely bad worse than other builds) its like try to make the same movement with a elastic band tied to your wrist . there is no need to just learn it! the whole mouse acceleration is stupid. people went wild about windows 8 when it came out and other os because of ma so people made fixes because others wouldn't. you shouldnt play any game using no mouse acceleration. funny thing is just seen a response about you should learn to play with it have you tried the very latest build with it messed up ?? i have. i moved about a inch and my head literally span of but not in a fast way it was like being sea sick and i had to wait for the other camera to catch up. even when you pissed out your face you never have vision or movement like this so how it is realistic i have no idea :lol:
  20. dgeesio

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    you obviously have no idea. why would you add acceleration ? its a addition to the movement you should be making of one to one. so natural is one to one now you saying its better to make an addition of onto this. it makes no sense to do so. in experimental it feels like you turn your head then 1 sec later your eyes catch up! that's retarded. there is no learning the system. you learn the best way which is one to one not learn to add extra movements onto your natural movements. that's like hitting as golf ball extra 20 yards to get to the same distance. it makes no sense. its not realistic. the simple probable answer is they don't want to redo all the animations to stop it so now its becoming a feature :lol:
  21. dgeesio

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    take note of how a game that flopped because= they never listened to the people that told them to fix things :lol: ill let you know a secret. i told them about issues on red orc 2 i told them if they didnt fix it the game will flop guess what happened it bombed ! the real funny thing is after lots of ridicule of what i suggested i was emailed by the dev saying i was right all along :lol: also what you show is nothing like how it is . you take notes from good games not pile of shit games. its not realistic its not good just give a option to turn it off.
  22. from ground up so many have fallen for that shit its getting silly now. its a tweaked arma 2/3 engine. who have they got working on it ? oh yeah thats right BI people who work on those very engines its hardly unfamilar ground. all i see is excuses for not doing what modders are doing better currently in other mods. what the devs dont see is you dont have to try and go so fancy on silly shit and keep things simple and work. this is why people are scratching their heads at shit coming out or not coming out. breaking point massive town many times bigger than arma 2 or dayz sa more zombies respawning constantly and loot spawning constantly fps ? 60 dayz 30 yet it looks worse zombies arnt respawning right and no proper loot respawning. why even use the mess they have used? its a shambles and not thought about. they could of used arma 3 engine had less messing around and still done better in a shorter period of time. they are trying to fix everything with plasters . it just isnt working. i love dayz but get a grip on this shit and start whipping this game into shape.
  23. dgeesio

    things are looking good

    think the main problem is they are not progressing as fast as they should with core stuff. for eg look in that link the op posted mainly art stuff again. also those fireplaces from = RUST. when core features and work rate is upped people will lighten off. reskinning items and making numerous similar small items just makes them look like they arnt doing their job well. yes i understand people dont do one job but modders are knocking out some big stuff with only a few people and the dayz team is quite big now. so no excuses. i think Dayz will end up shadowed if it continues by mods like Breaking point and 2017.
  24. meanwhile in breaking point we have constant zombies in hordes patrolling towns, numerous vehicles , respawning loot no mouse acceleration a better engine and better graphics and better fps and better map. and that's free ! :lol: love dayz but its fighting a losing battle. unless the Devs start picking up their game and start fixing stuff properly at a decent rate comparable with FREE mods ! :o then how can this game progress or even be finished. yesterday i was thinking about it and all we have basically done is pay for the fun we have had on the mod for the last two years cause that was good.
  25. dgeesio

    Mouse acceleration = NO!

    top trolling son first post en all. double account anyone ? :rolleyes: if you dont understand why mouse acceleration is so bad i dont know what to say. why do you want extra movement adding on to your natural movement ? that makes no sense . to be accurate you want the movement you actually do so it flows naturally. also with how it is now on experimental its 3x times as bad it was previously. if it takes alot to fix and with how slow development is being done or not done they may just opt to call it a feature and not fix it and just leave it as it is. to me thats unacceptable as with the current acceleration i cant even play it it is like being spun round on a merigo round everytime you turn small amounts.