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Everything posted by dgeesio

  1. dgeesio

    Wipe all tents...

    wipe them all so groups who are taking the piss restart again . think it should be done regular until problem is sorted on many big servers they are controlled by either server owners clans or large groups who just dupe store all the good stuff and just go round destroying all . this isnt fun for people who either play in small groups or on there own. the exploitation runs the fun.
  2. just make them lose all items they have then they will question whether to do it in first place
  3. dgeesio

    DayZ Ultimate loot find !

    we me and my two friends massy and edel went was scouting and found the ultimate dayz haul 100 guns ! every type of gun in the game camo blood bags nightvision goggles everything in multiples this was just in the tents then when we checked the truck loooooool one of the things about this find though is groups/clans shouldnt be able to stockpile this amount of ammo guns and other items . how can random people compete with people who just have 25 of everything and just hide all the vehicles and dont even use them .
  4. dgeesio

    DayZ Ultimate loot find !

    the only thing that wasnt there were gille suits everything else was there . massy has two nv already as he checked the tents first while i got the vehicle
  5. when is something going to be done about this ? just now for instance i run all way to churno risk losing everything in firefight i shoot the guy first (sniper ) and he just disconnects. this is becoming the normal now on alot of servers oh i dont want to die disconnect there needs to be a punishment or something to discourage people from constantly doing this maybe lower health for a certain period of time which cant be healed or half of back pack space , lose your weapons or all your back pack . losing your back pack which is why alot do it in first place would probably make them stay anyway then as they know even if they try to trick there way out its not worth it. anyone else got any ideas on how to stop people disconnecting ?
  6. dgeesio

    DayZ Ultimate loot find !

    loool massy
  7. well once you get over grabbing beans hunting your food becomes a vital part of the game so maybe by adding possible disease or infected animals in some way would make it more interesting :D that next steak you eat could save you from hunger but could also infect you give you fever or something like. maybe you have to get medicene after infected by bad meat after eating . your health could degrade at slow rate this could also be done at water sources aswell maybe a zombie in water or dead animal in it . this could lead to players waying up whether to risk going further for water or just drinking and taking risk and get medical suppplies. all more choices and added gameplay. maybe you could boil water on fire to rid of infection or somehing. few varient ideas B)
  8. dgeesio

    Ultimate tent loot.

    well alot of people wont go there so that and its quite a long trek maybe puts alot off a dup fix does need sorting asap though as everyone will be walking around like robocop soon
  9. i actually thought about the ability to have a crap out side said camp or something :lol: they tread in it and it damages there health . :D imagine coming back to tent and theres a large human turd ! looool
  10. dgeesio

    DayZ Ultimate loot find !

    well the couple of servers we mainly go on now they have not gone back :lol:
  11. dgeesio


    odd moped around town . would be realistic and as long as not too over done i think it would be a good vehicle addition. i would personally stick a older style moped in like a vespa .
  12. well what is the point of 24/7 lighting day and night and 90 percent wont run night time due to server ranking and popularity maybe by making it part of the rules to run day and night then atleast all would see the feature and at least use it. also finding servers is also not as easy running just night time or darkness so maybe a seperate setting when searching for servers with the required daylight
  13. dgeesio

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    its 20 percent of royalities to use the cryengine 3 for your game so unless the arma guys charge more why would he even think of doing it. cant believe alot more people havent done games with it though as its stunning
  14. so if server owners arnt willing to run the night cycle maybe just remove it from game as its pointless if we cant play it. alot of night time servers dont actually run as said in there listing and run day time and there isnt any great filtering system in dayz to see night time only servers.
  15. game server ranking does mean alot to server owners :rolleyes: if you missunderstood what i meant then no hard feelings :P
  16. dgeesio

    Ultimate tent loot.

    yep thats why they were destroyed
  17. dgeesio

    DayZ Ultimate loot find !

    my friend has been back no tents there now but he found the truck near there with all the stuff from th video and stole it again :lol:
  18. dgeesio

    Ultimate tent loot.

    well im the one who did the film nd drove the truck :D we went back after and i got shot :( but later today my friend went back no tents but found the truck with all the guns and items still in there and drove it off :lol: stolen loot again :)
  19. dgeesio

    DayZ Ultimate loot find !

    well i guess whoever is doing it around these areas probably wont no more :D
  20. dgeesio

    DayZ Ultimate loot find !

    well leading upto this find a hr earlier we found two more camps near this one first one had 7 tents full of loot we took all that and dumped what we didnt need then put tank traps in the tents :lol: next one we found a 9 tent camp with early as much as this one in video ate all the food dumped the weapons . should stop quite a few clans from dominating on that server for a while B)
  21. dgeesio

    i will get you !

    why is DayZ lame ?
  22. dgeesio

    Are the server owners cheating us?

    tbh was going to start a new thread about this but as there is one here ill just ad my 2 pence here :) alot of server owners are fine but alot of loot and vehicles are being hoarded by these very same people leaving public randomers not much chance of seeing the real treasures in the game this is a flawed design ! majority of servers are run by clans or groups who take the stuff keep in with them vehicles best weapons rinse and repeat. so unless you with another group yourself theres not much chance of getting helis cars and the good shizzle hopefully the dayZ team look at this and try to implement something to stoip clans and groups just looting and controlling shit just for the sake of it.
  23. dgeesio

    Most intense firefight of my life

    funny video shame about the nade bug u used
  24. dgeesio

    i will get you !

    thankyou my axe is sharp