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Everything posted by dgeesio

  1. dgeesio

    american noob

    i love how he just ejected and he was like wtf? :D
  2. dgeesio


    are there any in game now ? :( had like 10 blood transfusions but ive not found any :P
  3. dgeesio


    basically i have a PBX i am and was exploring the whole map by going round the entire map. while i was about half way round my friend was injured so i went back to pick him up but during the time to get to him i got sick and need antibiotics. if the antibotics arnt there what can you do its not about being clever if the item you need isnt in game or virtually not in game. so basically they need spawning more frequently .
  4. dgeesio


    hmmm i have ghillie and i dont want to lose it just to silly infection ( been driving a speed boat and got sick )
  5. i found a camel in electra
  6. dgeesio

    Dear Rocket, Reset please.

    duping needs fixing first or all is pointless
  7. dgeesio

    Player Camps

    alot use same mountain called misty peak on edge of map just get alot of food water and goto the edge of map and look round you always find something
  8. well i finally found one yesterday and at first it seemed rather useless :( id been looking for one since they came out . me and my friends ran over the trap to see if it would break our legs nothing not even a sprain :P so i decided to pick up my bear trap and leave very deflated with the trap being so pointless ! with the trap removed i go to walk out of the door and snaaaaap yep a broken leg from a invisible bear trap :lol: yes the bear trap stays after you picked it up and then actually works i then went to trap my friend :lol: after he gave me morphine as any friend should :) he didnt fall for the trap while getting water :( so again i decide to pick up my worthless not trapping bear trap and go on my way and snaaaaaap broken leg :lol: yes the invisible bear trap strikes again !!! :P what makes it even funnier is my friend who revived me twice now has no morphine left and as we run away a zombie runs straight upto him and breaks his leg oh how you gotta laugh ! thanks for the invisible bear trap rocket ;) a gag a minute :D video here
  9. dgeesio

    hmmm invisible bear traps

    but invisible ?
  10. dgeesio

    hmmm invisible bear traps

    i liked the fact that the traps were more deadlier when they wernt actually there :lol:
  11. i think if the items arnt being used they should respawn hoarding everything is boring this will also keep players moving about and keep the game interesting . at the moment its just big clans and big groups winning at DayZ . get big group dupe as much stuff as possible then hide the stuff on edge of map and get all vehicles on server . then drive round in large group with full arsenal powning new players with nothing because you already looted it. hopefully duping and tent wipes and vehiles are looked into soon to stop this.
  12. dgeesio

    Respawn disabled? WHY???

    i think that the spawning is actually not done that well . why you ask ? well now the respawn is not allowed you can be miles from anywhere . what good does this serve anyone when playing ? none. what do you do when you spawn ? first thing is head to churno or elctra and get some goodies to survive. so why not have the spawns around these locations only ? common sense prevails :) its okay saying if you miles from anywhere just break your leg but what if there is nothing for ten minutes to do this with ? its hassle for the sake of hassle and serves no real purpose other than irritating the player who spawns there. you can argue it makes it more realistic or whatever its just the way its been done in the game and that is all. ideally you just want locations to spawn so you can get to basics to survive in few minutes .
  13. should be a pouch of 5 or ten arrows with it also i got shot in electro yesterday in a super market by a bloke with a gillie and a cross bow :lol:
  14. hi all im doing a new DayZ video and i need more heli footage . if anyone wants to help out id meet up on there server and record and add you to credits and your server and what not. please post here or pm if you can any time tomorrow cheers :) (will add video here when done ;) )
  15. well if your in said group or clan and have your own server 99 percent of time you know these guys have everything. they have the vehicles the guns duped shit the whole shabang. if you either random public player or small one two player group you havent really got much chance of getting the best stuff the majority of the time how can DayZ be adjusted to stop clans groups just raping duping shit for the shake of the game ? any suggestions . remember theres more lone players or small groups that clans and people who run server but these are the very players who do control shit. just trying to make the game more fun for all instead of the group that actually owns the server ;)
  16. run quite a few very big clans and no about the game just looking at it at the joe public aspect
  17. dgeesio

    Dayz ATV + bridge=win

    lol i found a quad on that bridge was just stuck in the road i tried to drive it away and you couldnt even though nothing was wrong
  18. dgeesio

    I found a Bus .-.

    just get in it
  19. miles from nowhere i needed a bit of food seen a outside toilet went to open door it broke my leg :rolleyes: i died my friend topped this today and had been alive for along time had ghille suit great sniper all the shit you need and how did he die ? a tree :lol: lol tree glitched and killed him :lol: :lol: :lol: death by tree cant beat that shit
  20. its a game bug let them fix it simples
  21. dgeesio

    DayZ Horrible texture bug!

    lol at people suggesting you reinstall drivers its the game looool last patch didnt do it now it does how has everyones drivers corrupted or gone wrong since the last DayZ patch :lol:
  22. spotted a GAZ near military medical tents . someone got out and i jumped in went for a ride didnt end well though :(
  23. dgeesio

    taxi ride that didnt end well :(

    i only wanted a ride :) will be uploading high quality bus and car footage later