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Everything posted by dgeesio

  1. aslong as i have my blue love bus im happy B)
  2. dgeesio

    Stream Sniping....

    haha on twitter one of the lead SA Devs was streaming and got killed like this was really angry , guess what he banned them :lol: tbh if you going to stream or give details your fair game. id kill you and enjoy doing it :) . ive done it to a few big youtubers :lol: .
  3. but can post it on Reddit ? it should be first here then everywhere else. why have an official forums then post crap on reddit .
  4. any ideas on when sumper jump zombie hits will be fixed ? i was drinking water and one hits me from like 100m away.
  5. dgeesio

    Gender Discrimination and Prejudice

    this is basically it. dont whine when you shot gender means nothing i want your beans !
  6. dgeesio

    The sun... so OTT, needs toning down.

    lighting in arma games has always been bad.
  7. dgeesio

    The sun... so OTT, needs toning down.

    i posted about it day one.
  8. dgeesio

    Bases, persistence and mechanics

    barricades are being done.
  9. dgeesio

    Desynch worse than experimental

    last night played for first time in a while ran across a field then teleported back this continued a few times. then just stopped playing.
  10. dgeesio

    Weird weapon shaking in 0.45

    why cant we just have a simple hold gun with accurate movement ? wtf is wrong with people stop adding extra shit trying to be realistic in a apocalyptic zombie video game :lol: 1st i wanted 1:1 movement arma 2 aiming and such in mod was easy to get right though so it worked. now we got sways this and that you cant even get a bearing on just simple movements accuratly why is this so hard to understand ? i move my mouse the cursor goes to where i want with no over shoot or under shoot that is all. thanks. waits for the vietnam veteran whos carried a ak for 9 months through thick jungle with mud in the barrel you just dont get it kind of response, :rolleyes: trying to justify simple just works over stupid attemps at making realism which detracts from actually just playing without thinking and enjoying what you doing. stop trying to be clever make it simple and make it work.
  11. dgeesio

    mouse settings via cfg?

    what are the things to tweak ? had a little go last night and the overshoot and acceleration sensitivity is still to much. cant see in cfg what to tweak.
  12. dgeesio

    No DayZ cfg File

    just check the integrity of the files through steam ? shouldnt that fix it also what were you trying to change in first place :D notrees.com :)
  13. people just love to ruin shit. thats it simple its no harder to play on 1st person or 3rd. prooved this once by playing on a first person only server for about a month because they were obviously better for only using 1st person. after about a week server was dead and boy it was fun killing everyone :lol:
  14. dgeesio

    It is possible future of DayZ?

    i dont follow played this since the mod released and many thousands of hrs. i read forums everyday and ass you can see by my post counts beans whatever i do watch and acknowledge whats going on. what you cant seem to grasp is BI dont rush they dont do things quick and even after 5 -10 years the same games are still buggy clunky. so if you think whatever babble they tell you on here is going to make that stop you sir are deluded. dont get me wrong the games great fun but some of the things just cant be fixed properly and wont be fixed totally.
  15. dgeesio

    It is possible future of DayZ?

    the sad truth is this is the truth. BI = Buggy Interactive. in 2 years time if dayz is even done then zombies will still go through walls, game will still have desync / lag. if this could of been sorted it would of by now. best to except that or just dont play tbh.
  16. rocket doesnt use buzzwords like "infusion"
  17. @rocket2guns @swtzor yeah for sure! Just need to think about implementation. Its a second type of bandanna worn on the face instead of head. this just took hat development to a new level in Dayz.
  18. dgeesio

    DayZ SA still much more laggy than anything else I play

    wait until they move to the new engine all issues will probably be solved (wont happen and dont take as gospel as its alpha and all know alpha over writes anything )
  19. dgeesio

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    rocket doesnt use buzzwords :lol: go back look at any of his updates or blogs thats all he does mention " network bubble " for eg :P hes not the best at communicating and thats one of the reasons this project gets so much stick. he is the master of foot in mouth. :lol:
  20. dgeesio

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    please don't comment on early release estimates :lol:
  21. dgeesio

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    this is a prime indication of the verbal media lack of understanding for the Dayz crew. every time it seems to be cocked up everyone rages. you cant try and mop it up after get it right before hand save yourself explaining yourselves every update.
  22. dgeesio

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    reminds me of call of duty. we remade the engine releases then exact same thing . one dayz we will play a finished product. it may not be soon... but one day.
  23. dgeesio

    DayZ moving to new engine - ENFUSION

    forever alpha
  24. simple fix put blocks inside buildings where walls can be glitched oh look its fixed :lol: this is what people did in the dayz mod to stop people glitching in hostpital roofs and so on. its a arma 3 problem not dayz. BI arent exactly quick to fix anything and its been like it with arma 2 buildings so should be fixed by 2020.
  25. dgeesio

    Did you run a DayZ mod server? If so...

    you can specatate people = exploit. it would be exploited regardless of how many " wont ever do it "