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Everything posted by dgeesio

  1. dgeesio

    How to end the KOS issue!

    im tempted to kos after reading another pointless thread again.
  2. finally a guy with sense ! B)
  3. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    lol thats not even me :lol:
  4. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    what you dont understand is bandits do kill to survive and get food and other items off players. while some may think thats not surviving it is its just a bandits way of survival. i dont even know why i am replying to you as its obvious those who are pro banditism and who are against. they just cant unbaised. i have gave ways to cut it down and how people could help to stop bandits without nerfig bandits. best thing is its still gunna end up a kos game regardles of what is added and those who cant see that are just ignoring it or maybe too dumb to notice. i havent seen one good suggestion to cutting bandits overpowered ways yet im ignoring the issue :lol: the funny thin is not one person has suggested a good reason at all and thats why we play as we do. either debate fairly and none baised or dont bother. i think if we are going to nerf bandits down or hold them back people who are heros for eg shouldnt be able to hold guns and use weapons. if they medics or helping people why do they need weapons ? just the same as bandits. treat one as the other. BEFORE YOU SAY MISS THE POINT, NO ONE HAS MISSED ANY POINT INTERNET KINGS ! I UNDERSTAND SOME DONT LIKE BANDITS AND KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE ! THANKYOU FOR READING THIS AND UNDERSTANDING YOURSELF ! suggest a good way for solving the issue you say is ingame or gtfo picking at threads or sentances .
  5. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    making a mechanic on how to stop or think twice about " KILL ON SIGHT " :lol: genius ! why should there be consequences ? why should i have a more chance to be infected ? total bs idea. yet again no balance just a way of gimping bandits. consequences are in real world governed or sysmtes in place. this game is in a sort of apocalyptic zombie feast fighting for survival with no powers that be so where are these consequences , who will enforce them ? as ususal the players who are trying to gimp bandits are the very people who arnt bandits ! such biasedness is a joke. just put you dont like bandits simple.
  6. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    i agree that other objectives need adding that why i suggested a mission type like bringing in bandits together as a group for a reward. thats only one scenario i cant believe with such a mission based objective based background ideas like that are hard to come by. in a dangerous situation with no law consequences from shooting the individual what does it matter? apart from mentally ? thousand zombies ready to kill me outside and you worried about am i morally worried in a video game ? no its a game. i know the difference .
  7. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    some people enjoy the game like this. its no easier being a bandit as it is being a person who avoids conflicts. its easy to survive dodging dangerous events. thats not more skillful how can avoiding danger staying out way of it be more skillful than surviving in the harshest most dangerous enviroment? its harder to be a bandit if anything. group work does want working on ill agree that and one of the suggestions i made which doesnt cap/nerf bandits but would make people to work together is reward groups financially with gold maybe or some other bounty for working together to take down bandits based on there notority. so higher the kills of the bandit the higher the bounty and reward.
  8. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    shooting after disasters and such do happen the reason they are stopped or quelled is ? law enforcment , army. without the government and protection agencies to stop unlawfulness like in te game how we play it would be rife. people are using real life instances in a unreal life situation. you dont haave to shoot people now if you dont want. thats the players choice.
  9. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    please suggest the fix or be dammed unintelligent :lol:
  10. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    because its not a real world enviroment or governed by any laws or groups so how can laws punishments be handed out in such lawless enviroments? they cant. so basically to try and cover this up people who dont like bandits want them nerfed or consequences added to a enviroment not governed by human consequences. totally false. if this is the road people are going to take youll slowly make the game as boring as collecting stamps because that is what the game will end up like just collecting objects and nothing else. i think personally the bandits is realistic. people wouldnt take chances and alot giving danger would shoot first then ask questions later. its all hyperthetical but people are basing bandits and other things on how we are now the game isnt how we are now its in a terrifying zombie infected world. this is what some dont understand and will argue regardless. im all for ideas if you want to try and balance but not by crippling bandits and fun just because thats not your playstyle. the thing is say guns are super rare youll still chop people with axe or baseball bats just the same. its just a different tool. so you want to limit me getting blood cause i killed another player why ? cause you collect items you chose you way unhindered yet because i chose bandit i must be punished ? how is that right? it isnt ! murder bandits must be punished why ? why must it be punished ? cause its morally wrong ? not being fun zombies infected coming through windows chasing me 24/7 has changed my prospective a little :lol: thing is bandits is nothing different in the real world anyway with animals i already said this weak will always be picked off by stronger survival orientated people . it maintains your way of survivng . does it effect them hell yes ! but who cares its survival or is this game not about survival now ? are we just going to change the game mechanics to suit people who just want it easy ? its like taking a lions teeth out because hes a lion :rolleyes: its what a lion is its what he does . only suggestion i can think of would be rewards for killing bandits like bounties based on how many killed maybe. this wouldnt change the game mechanics much but it may make people who want to stop prolific bandits group together for the good of the area or whatever and get gold or whatever to spend by other items. only problem with that bandits would kill other bandits unless you waver gold bounties by being a bandit in first place. so there is no financial gain for killing people. so for eg bandit in electro announcement is made bring bandit to justice recieve 10 gold 1 gold per kill of bandit for eg people then maybe meet go to area of said bandit to track down and either capture him alive maybe higher reward for people doing so or less bounty dead. you have tie wraps added and this function could be done, announcements could be by speakers through out towns and maybe a message on screen scrolling through " Bandit dgeesio bounty reward on offer in electra " bounty starts or goto building in area to start bandit hunt . maybe took to old police station or killed in square in front of others who knows. better idea than most on here who just want gimped styles and actually creates gameplay and purpose instead of just nerf shit.
  11. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    it is though and you using your own bigotry to try and force people to play how you want ! im saying let people choose how they want to play . you want to punish people or limit banditary to suit your own gameplay. why limit a gameplay style just because you dont agree with it ? totally biased. i understand fully what you mean and you just keep saying blah blah i dont want kos removing but why should it be adjusted because you think its not in your way of playing ? what about the people whos way of playing it is ? do they not have the same objection as you, the whole thread is about kos you just labeled different to try and get responses on a dead subject that does turn into this silly debate about limiting kos mechanics because you dont play tat way. total bigotry and everyone who posts similar its always from there playstyle opinion. im for choice not bandits only. both have places and gameplay just dont go limiting becasue you cant handle kos. dont be kos in first place. you can see these kind of people in servers 24/7. theyll roll in elelctra go in shop stand ther for ten minutes picking up a box a matches. why did you kill me ! its because your the weak link easy target have gear maybe and seen as a push over. the playstyle you chose didnt help you because you lacked awareness of your surroundings and got killed. thats got nothing to do with bandits and lowering gimps bandit playstyle just to make it easier for you to loot or survive is a falsehood. part of the challenge and surviving dayz is how it is dont make it easier just because i die alot and i dont play as bandit because im friendly. wake up ! its a zombie apocolpsye infected nightmare not bunny land .
  12. dgeesio

    Why We Need A Release Date

    I being the keyword ;)
  13. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    why should bandits be punished? yet heros not ? its a game choice. people are trying to limit one style because its more popular guess what ! the very limiting to help none bandits is exactly the same :lol: you leave as is people choose how they want to play. its down to human behaviour not the game mechanics. argue it all you want. trying to limit people to play your way will back fire and youll end up causing more people to rebell and do the opposite watch. gimping things down just to suit one style of play , yet again limiting is just a weak option . i dont know a answer to the problem if it is a problem and i see to some it is but to others it isnt. seeing it is a very popular play style tells you that you should tread very carefully with how you progress with this cause people arnt daft and stupid game changing mechanics just to force people to adapt one style over another in a none ruled survival world would just be a joke. how can you apply rules in a none governed world? are we now going to have police armies to bring bandits to justice .
  14. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    what is the lowered gun in standlaone bit i missed this ?
  15. dgeesio

    Why We Need A Release Date

    the law may stand up but people forget the whole idea of making money :lol: all projects have a end date or release date planned. you need to hit targets and you need to sell your product to make money. most often games are launched in periods of high sales potential so the next big window is halloween then christmas. christmas is the best selling period in videogames fullstop. whether whats achievable hits the window of sales may govern how and when its released. steam may play a part in this. without all the facts its all a load of guess work. :)
  16. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    exactly boshed and what some cant understand there is no middle ground ;) people want rules adding or to punish survival instincts in a survival game because they dont like it :lol: i get why some dont shoot people and dont want kos but... its part of the parcel of a event or survival aspect. trying to limit something which cant be limited just to suit is silly and false ! go watch under the dome for eg . people start off singing banding hands cum by arr then after they realize things arnt going to change a whole new mentality arises. its survival of the fittest. how about the people who dont kos become more aware ? have you ever thought it maybe your fault ? its just as arguable a point because your seen as a weak lamb you are taken out. that is normal human behaviour and animal behaviour. you are a weak link ! your stuff is taken. dont be the weak link, avoid what you dont want, then you wont be kos if you use your survival instincts to the fullest ability. ;) so many ways of looking at it. take out all other players for eg and just leave a survivor you ! you and only the zombies exist and you apply the same unskilled survival apects alone in the game youll still get killed and why because you didnt read the game use your survival instincts. people are in our world and people are not going to be governed or following rules in a ruless enviroment. waits another i collect everytihng to be shot because im not looking what im doing soon to be dead respond in here i hate kos because i didnt check the sniper watching me though a open glass window at shop im dead and hes got my gear again please remove the kos cause i cant adapt to not being shot and why should i adapt to a realistic human trait kinda person. i do understand your views i don want people to play my way i just dont want people limiting play because they find it wrong. it isnt wrong its a choice and a realistic cohice of what would happen and does happen in sitatuions involving panic and times that are hard. even limiting punisihing is unrealistic as said there is no punishing in a ungoverned zombie infected world. it would be a gentlemans way of the world kinda agreement that wouldnt be followed by some just as laws arnt in our world and they are inforced !
  17. dgeesio

    Why We Need A Release Date

    and so it begins .....
  18. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    congrats on making the worst suggestion in dayz ! :( why sohuld people become higher risk of inection because theyre surviving the way they choose? they shouldnt be punished for it its a choice a way of playing. you give people choices you let them play you dont restrict and you dont restrict for minorites either. only thing i can think of is if people join together to punish bandits as a group like in a town but as said you dont have any rules because there is no goverment its a survival of the fittest world. maybe the group could hunt down bandits responsable for kos. thing is imagine big servers its going to be like a bullitain bord kos in electro , kos churno kos behrinzo blah blah evey two minutes.
  19. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    i meant he suggested no real idea on how to solve a unsolvable issue my bad english.
  20. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    hoping for ? he suggested nothing ! :lol: this thread is just labled wrong . it should be how to stop kos, but.... you knew the score and knew it wouldnt lead anywhere so called it something different. blah blah i want fluffy bunny world holding hands while running round churno this is not realistic or ever going to happen. watch any media where panic or infection grips and resources are scarce and what happens. all hell breaks loose people dont play by the rules because when the rules have gone ! there is NO RULES ! thats what people cant wrap their mind around. this game isnt a govern system its a lawless one of survival. there arnt rules to go buy and the minute you add unrealistic rules you kill the game. your trying to force your ways onto others who either dont want the ways like you or dont care . so no way is better so you wont get a one way of play . once you start to understand you cant stop kos then maybe youll just except that its part of humans and not the games problem. people are suggesting take away weapons :rolleyes: so what we defend ourselves with against the inpending doom of zombies " infected " . not going to argue any more or debate as its pointless and some just wont dont understand you cant solve KOS ! its not a dont try or its too hard its just not going to happen. bookmark this if you want as this is how standalone will be 150 man server for eg collect 50 items one guy spawns in new spawn finds axe guy in electro shop bent over has everything you need could take you day or so to collect hes been spawned ten minutes walllop ! axe to head gear is yours ! that is dayz ! the whole dayz game is the problem along with human behaviour you can solve this. stop trying to. more people will kos than wont because its the most effiecient time way of playing. youll probably ignore my post next guy will put one sentance no though but its wrong " thats the kind of answer i was looking for ! " :rolleyes: what answer? :huh: there was no answer no helpful input just a duuuh i agree.
  21. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    you should not even try and stop kos its a human mechanic not a game mechnic the more you try and stop it more people will do it ! majority of gamers widest audience = teens hell bent on rebelling. you cant kos young one it agianst the rules . first thing a player does fook you ill play how i want and kill the first person ingame to prove they cant be controlled. as said the whole game also revolves about killing things zombies infected and spending time gathering many items . it takes less time to shoot someone to get the gear than it does to collect everything. thats one of the main reasons aswell. so you have human mechanics you cant change , and game mechanics which based on time played favour killing over being nice. you cant wont change kos and minute you try youll ruin the game ! the human world isnt nice its not fluffy buny world holding hands its grimey people would kill in similar situation and many situations or media shows this. your trying to present a dream of a idilic world that just wont doesnt ever happen. forget about it move onto game breaking features or things that can be solved cause KOS is here to stay !
  22. dgeesio

    yesterday i going fishing

    i was in electro yesteray fishing in the hardbour guy firing off his dmr close by was such a theriputic time :D
  23. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    Target Practice your name your post how to stop kos :lol: kinda sums it up. reason i put the short and basic response is you cant change it ! its not a game function its a people mehanic ! so try whateerr you want you cant change people as some want blood lust to dominate to win be the best. so regardless of what you try it wont make one little bit of difference. also this topic has been done to death and if it could of been solved it would of been already? funny thing is how standlone is being set up kos will actually increase ! :lol: more items to collect more need to collect more people on a server equals more kos ! :lol: so you make weapons less scare does that mean people wont attack if they have a gun or weapon no they be even more confident in killing people because of the reward against risk of the other person having a gun. so its all aload of bs and down to human behaviour not thegame you cant solve it forget it. trying to cripple the game just to try and curb kos will actually make people either mad or increase killing as it will be even cooler to kill if you not supposed to ;)
  24. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...
