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Everything posted by dgeesio

  1. dgeesio

    Animals more or less gone?

    not new done this since mod came out. i had a bug other day killed a cow was gutting it and low on blood i was happy to of found it then i ate some beans too make room which made the cow meat vanish before id even picked it up ! cow still there just the meat harvested had gone.
  2. dgeesio

    Stand Alone Release

    december tenth
  3. dgeesio

    Players Wearing Ski Mask

    is this payday2?
  4. dgeesio

    Non-lethal weapons?

    bean bag guns in a zombie apocolyptic world minute that happens end the game. who has ever considered shooting a zombie with a bean bag gun noone why cause its stupid also becuase there are better items wepaons to choose instead. why would u use /risk being infected bitten killed for knocking one out when you can just kill will same effort ? knife / bats / melee weapons are just as dangerous as guns just the distance is different. when people start killing everyone with melle weapons will threads pop up about nerfing melee weapons ? YOU KNOW THEY WILL !
  5. when you die your body sinks with your gear how is this hard to do ?
  6. just dont come round my area looking for beans ;) watch any media, apocolyptic film in any genre when there is mass histeria or zombies or whatever people live on pure basics of survival which is risk/probablity. im with my five family in my house stranger outside risk is acccessed if i see crowbar in hand or sharp fire axe you are being killed ! why ? you were a risk to me and family you were on own so better odds for me i was aware i gain what you had. why do i need to let you take from my resources? so weigh it up , i /my family survive longer the odds were low on me getting injured and gain no real advantages for letting the person take from my survival resources other than morals. there is more to gain from being like this than not in this scenario. people saying oh wed help i guess it depends on what resources are available and the persons skill at reading the situation. if it were a family then you may think differently but if your resources are low and you have people to feed for eg and the risk is low with no real risk it does become a case of we take his gear we survive. the whole idea of kos is realistic and people look at it in different ways. as much as some hate it its realistic and provides good game mechanics like fear of death and other things that lessoned would make the game boring.
  7. thats what so funny about people whining about this alot or most oh i spawned kamenka ill jump off closest bridge yay electro all it does is just stop you having to kill yourself. people need to stop whining let the game continue and stop trying to ruin it
  8. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    haha massicar cant handle being hoovered up :lol: he was mad though. :D
  9. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    haha when i was shooting them all it was in a small period i went off and logged back in later and the same guys came back on :lol: he said you been there all day i didnt correct him as why ? no need let the ragers rage. if you dumb enough to fall for it 8 times in a row . who can help you? the actual line was meet at school in electro im friendly . same guy went there 8 times in a row even though he got shot each time. if you think i sit on hospital roof 24/7 i dont know what to say :lol:
  10. dgeesio

    Why We Need A Release Date

    december the 10th !
  11. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    doesnt matter about making ammo rarer if one bullet kills with a enfield for eg which isnt hard to do then making 10 rounds to maybe 5 what difference ? not much. say you make it two rounds , i see a guy ill still pop him especially if he has a gun on back say he has no bullets hes still died for the illusion of having gear. so cause you cant see what people have people will always kill people. its the gear and collectiong of items versus time why majority kill people. so you remove guns ill kill with axe. kill with machete it doesnt stop you just limiting gameplay to try and reach a ideal of a minority ! fun should be first and overall the game is more fun with the higher end of danger than without. what alot suggest recently is a collectig game and a ray mears bear gryliss survival just without killing . thats stupid and boring. if you wanted this why even add bandtis or zombies/infected just make a bear grylis game !
  12. dgeesio

    Non-lethal weapons?

    punching fighting yeah i can deal with that thats okay but look at what the guy has just posted for eg like bean bag shot gun wtf ? this game will become anythnig but about fighting survivng zombies/infected and more about who can collect items and not hurt people. thats pretty boring. im not dismissing all non lethal just non lethal is pretty wide open maybe this allows thing like wet sponges and so on. dont want the game being softened down. so fist fighting yeah maybe kicking and such , but lets not try and make weapons soft is this WarZ ? because alot of suggestions sound like you want warZ.
  13. dgeesio

    Non-lethal weapons?

    no i just cant stand the lets all work together brigade in peice and harmony it wouldnt happen ever its totally unrealistic it isnt fun ! people want the most exciting fun parts dumbing down so we can have a collector game where we plough fields and sing kum by arrr amish style NO ! the game is set in a apocolyptic style zombie survival and people are saying we want no death or less deaath wake up ! look at the scenario you in and stop trying to make the game less exciting fun by bringing in unrealistic bs. waits for next kos related thread popping up within minutes by same people everyday until stadnalone release. even then when its not changed people wont realize :lol:
  14. dgeesio

    How to end the KOS issue!

    not seen any better ideas for solving a none issue .
  15. dgeesio

    How to end the KOS issue!

    basically turning standalone into epoch :rolleyes: noooooooooooo thankyou !
  16. dgeesio

    How to end the KOS issue!

    so theyll get whatever is accesable as a weapon axe crowbar and continue to kill anyway just at arms length instead of 800m
  17. dgeesio

    Non-lethal weapons?

    can we give after 8 mints to everyone we see and pink roses :rolleyes: KOS WONT GO AWAY ! :lol:
  18. i used to ramp into the volcano in taviana :lol: on my tractor fun times :)
  19. dgeesio

    How to end the KOS issue!

    thats where you wrong i will still kill everyone i see even if they use rubber bullets it will just take more effort. this is what makes me laugh cut this do this stop that wont stop nothing ! :lol: the only thing that keeps dayz interesting is the chance of being killed. take this away make it less danagerous might aswell just take up bean can collecting.
  20. dgeesio

    How to end the KOS issue!

    they wont stop or dont stop. in the meanwhile
  21. dgeesio

    How to end the KOS issue!

    the only way you can stop kos is by crippling the game in whatever way you try and achievbe no kos. its as much as the gameplay as "zombies" or infected are. until people realize this just keep making these threads it beats watching daytime tv :lol:
  22. dgeesio

    How to end the KOS issue!

    i think your name is the answer!
  23. dgeesio

    How to end the KOS issue!

    you cant wont solve kos some people will not understand this its a human mechanic not a game mechanic. even if you remove guns people would still kill some one with a can of beans if they could.
  24. dgeesio

    Tried to jump back into DayZ...

    crippling the game to cater for a playstyle :( no thanks !