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Everything posted by dgeesio

  1. dgeesio

    What happened to good ol' DayZ?

    possums dayzero is no different lol. still KOS just with no grass :lol:
  2. i pray it doesn't as that's the whole reason i want to play standalone ! some modding yes okay maybe acceptable but once you allow a bit of this and that it opens for other things. with server tools for admins for eg will this not be allowed 100 percent ? like live tracking of players . what if server rental groups make tools ? will these be allowed ? also people had plugins for phones showing loot and heli crashes and to see where other things are this aswell. thats why it should all be locked and only the dev team make the content. id rather have content dlc paid and a fair game that a no dlc game and people mod exploit it !
  3. lol so basically the whole cycle of admin abuse and selling gear to your customers begins again. standalone is supposed to be a single game. why does it need to be modded by others ? if thats the case why dont we all just carry on playing the normal mod? by opening it up to modders your just going to open the gates to all the stuff that is locked down being opened. some people who run modded servers are getting 500-1000 pound a month ! from selling gear they don't own to people wtf ? and people want this back in standalone ? wow a new level of retardedness. rocket if this is going to happen and modding aloud please lock off all the bs that ruins the mods like selling gear loadout serverside tools. if you going to not do dlc and charge people but allow it in this is even worse.
  4. hopefully the " standalone is nt modable by anyone other than the Dev team. isnt this the whole reason for having the standalone and not a arma 3 mod ? i uninstalled arma 2 and dayz mods because the game is controlled by admins of servers or hackers not many legit servers left. for me that is why i want standalone for a legit game again and just have fun. i just hope it doesn't miss the sell by date as for me this is this christmas after that sorry im not interested any more . i understand its not easy but for me personally the mod side of it is boring, exploited and the only reason i wait is for standalone. every day that passes is like a little drop of enthusiasm dripping away for what could be one of the best games. im sure there are others like this and its only natural (fanboys probably flame now ) but im just honest. as for arma 3 and the mod side of it its already started so if the ball is dropped many will just go onto that and play dayz on arma 3 for free. this loses BI nothing as they shift more arma 3 sales. so its win win for them regardless. thing is arma 3 currently ducks giant ass and i wouldnt touch it with a barge pole. so im hoping the busy devs for the standalone do indeed pull out the fingers and get it released for christmas. for those already typing its redy when its ready no ! there is like with any product a limited shelf life and the time is growing near for a launch or forget it !
  5. you obviously don't play your own game then much do you ? all the busiest servers and always have been are KOS servers. if people didnt want it then those servers wouldn't be the busiest. ill agree some do want the other ways of playing but the kOS mentality way of playing is a bigger group of players and saying youd be glad to lose them well you may aswell stop making the game cause it would be a waste of time releasing it. that's why they wouldn't stop KOS because the effect on sales would be so dramatic it would make the game almost unsellable. i do see others dont like KOS fair enough but saying lets stop it or dumb it down for the minority is dumb. if the devs are going to do it well do it lets just stop with the bs in between.
  6. i don't want bf with zombies or actually like kos servers .i just shown the popularity is more for KOS than none KOS servers. this is the opinion you seem to have grasped at and maybe labeled me . i love the Hitler relation to try and condemn my opinion(differs from yours ) in relation shows a biased moderator which is bad as a good moderator is supposed to be unbiased and just moderate ;) i would like a survival game but by breaking KOS. i dont agree with. KOS is natural mentality especially in a video game . i think people are getting messed up and mixing up "real world " with virtual world "
  7. you cant alter the mentality of the people playing ! mechanics cant do this. you take away guns ! people will use sticks ! you take away sticks people will use fists ! minority want to be protected from gamers mentality ! if people are that bothered about kos just make it impossible to kill each other . job done. i just solved it and also lost 90 percent of the player base.
  8. i was using the busiest servers as a eg to show that majority favour KOS and those who want the game changed to stop KOS " mentality " are actually the minority. the number show that most people want KOS and are happy with it . if they wernt the most busy servers would be the none kos servers which remain empty with blowing tumble weed :lol: so now because of a minority you are going to try and change a game which shows more prefer KOS :o it makes no sense to do so.
  9. people have varying ideas on KOS ! people have varying opinions on KOS ! the simple thing what people dont understand which is regardless of opinion or bias is ....KOS is a mentality , not a game mechanic ! some people will just kill you because they enjoy to, some will kill you for gear, some will kill you to survive as they lack the gear you may have , some wont kill and play the game properly :lol: :rolleyes: . there is no right way to play and gimping one way of playing by game mechanics when the so called "issue " isnt a game mechanic is stupid.
  10. busiest server in dayz is ......DUN DUN DAHHHHHH ! GITS KOS server :lol: KOS is as much of DayZ as anything else that matters ! im no voice for anyone ! only my opinion ;) would the tie wrapping mechanic of been added if the devs wernt playing the game which it came from ? PAYDAY ? . its been added to try and curb a KOS mentaility. Mentality - The characteristic attitude of mind or way of thinking of a person or group . that is not a game mechanic ! and i came here for " The capacity for intelligent thought " :lol: . KOS roundabout, spinning freely like a drunk cider foam laden tramp, doing wheelies on a bmx cant replicate my freestyle , bruv ! what u on about ? :o
  11. if the person makes a mistake in his post when trying to reply then someone replys to your post which is a mistake surely the mistake is the mistake and not the person replying to the mistake ?
  12. you cant stop kos and possums you dot know what you talking about why ? first thoughts of anyone in game is will he KOS me regardless of what is done to the game. it will alway be the first thought of a player. this is why the first reaction will always be to shoot on sight. until people acknowledge this its a never ending circle of arguements that never do anything. awaits new topic on KOS in next few minutes....
  13. no it didnt stop me from killing them or it made me pause maybe ... the result is they still dead just a prolonged death which didnt serve any purpose. as said i will still kill the person regardless so it solved nothing. keep up the KOS arguements as it gets me by during the winter months :lol:
  14. funny thing is me and my mate worked out as soon as it was announced how wed combat the system and still go on slaughtering people ! me him go upto person get on ground tie rap take gear off them first then kill them still same result no gear damaged ! or just shoot them anyway and too hell with the gear :lol: i slaughter everything i see in game and you wont change how i play even if i have only a can of beans ill just beat them over the head with the beans instead of shooting :D
  15. dgeesio

    Excessive military loot

    so every russain has machine guns ? nice didnt know that.
  16. dgeesio

    Excessive military loot

    basically id remove most of the guns in the game apart from rifles shotguns and odd pistol myself. who has spare m16s lying around lol or ak.
  17. okay i was thinking about this recently and i came to the decision that we should spawn in random houses each time we spawn in first time, new game. surely this would be a better option than currently waking on beach or whatever ? one of the many houses around map so many many varying spawns and not just a coastal run. you maybe could start waking in bed and getting up and start from there or just in the house but its still better than current. what are your spawn point ideas for SA?
  18. one of the main things is to utilize the whole map. by starting all round the map in many different locations you will visit more places than you currently would now. if each little town village area also has something worth getting finding it makes the game much more interesting instead of lets go electo and chern.
  19. dgeesio

    Bizarro Servers of DayZ

    server i used to go on the admin if couldnt kill you would spawn jets or all sorts of op stuff. many servers like this take gits for eg :rolleyes: spawn with everything 10000 vehicles just skilless xbox player shit. thing is newer players jump on those servers then wont play normal dayz servers cause " we dont get any guns " :rolleyes: ill stick to my axe and lee enfield :)
  20. im buying it because all the exploits are fixed and no more bs from admins ! man i cant wait ! will be nice to play a honest game of dayz.
  21. his op has as much as yours so still invalid.
  22. i think we should spawn in houses ! who wakes up on a beach ? random houses all over the map thats more realistic. also rosums you just made your whole arguement invalid with this line " Nobody gives a fuck what YOU want your backstory to be " most people do and that was his opinion you have yours so your biased and not open minded.