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Everything posted by dgeesio

  1. dgeesio

    Quick update for 19 November 2013

    nice to see you have addressed some of the things i mentioned ;) great work ! :)
  2. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    so the forum was down ready for standalone release ? i may be guessing thats the reason but surely it is the only answer :D
  3. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    so basically all sit in the orange brick house for no zombies :lol:
  4. dgeesio

    DayZ Mod - who still plays?

    i havent played since 1.8 patch so a few month since i uninstalled it. love the game but not admin abuse which seems to happen on litterally ever server i ever been on once me and our lot start killing most people on servers. starts out like hi how are you kill a few people then the admins try to take you out as they no where you are via server tools so then it becomes a constant battle with admins and group they play with. once you kill them they start either making rules up to try and kill or ban you or... start spawning gear in and vehicles like helis and constant server restarts. thats what the last 6 months have been like on many servers :rolleyes: do miss the elctro or stary run with friends but as soon as you kill admins now you know whats next :( nearly installed in again last night for a blast but i know deep down what will happen but SA might be months away :( hopefully the dev team get SA out for christmas with all tools and abuse stopped so we can get back to fair dayz and the fun we used to have when it first started and what made dayz such a epic game B) when dayz is right its the best game in history when its bad its the worst ! :lol:
  5. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    why would they show you a buggy alpha video ? obviously theyll show you working bits not broken bits :lol: also has anyone noticed that on the alpha test server on gametracker it has a picture of gordan freeman :o the plot thickens ......
  6. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    there is such word as optmization in ARMA :lol:
  7. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    think with the current lack lustre games and how messed up they are ala bugfest4 and cod dogs people want somethnig interesting to play which is good fun and not some indie mess like many people will obviously suggest :lol: so while mine and others wanting the game out now maybe selfish who cares ? :P gimmie gimmie gimmie :) really am hoping its out for christmas and not gunna be some kinda nasel voice applied " well we were gunna release for december but....i thought with it being christmas and winter close its not quite ready. it should be ready soon we just got to implement (new buzzword ) and it maybe ready for (no date given ) on a totally unrelated note matt found a horse chestnut under a boomerang this is a good sign on how things are progressing. you cant beat dev banter ! always seem to focus on totally random bs when all people want to know about is release dates or features :D
  8. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    tbh we havent had a hype word this month , last month was " network bubble " so this month i think the next buzzword should be " mince pie " . mince pie = christmas release.
  9. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    hopefully its out in Dayzember
  10. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    you wont miss anything its mainly just random nabs spamming dribble. some point in the chat a fake rocket or dev joins and announces big news :lol:
  11. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    sitting here with flies open
  12. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    or maybe they just restarted the server :lol:
  13. dgeesio

    You and your great ideas..

    lewis isnt ready for implemation bills done though. ;)
  14. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    its not his project its BI project.
  15. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    unless rockets climbing again :)
  16. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    lol three people gave you beans for being a forum admin :lol:
  17. dgeesio

    what happen if SA sucks?

    What if the alpha sucks ? = ITS ALPHA BRO ! every second reply for next 1yr :lol: many other games are hot on its heals now you have nether working now and thats looking like it will be doing well.
  18. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    what noticing issues with animations is conclusions ? wow you taught me a lesson big time ! what i said is still true even if the animations are place holders :rolleyes: sorry i dont go read on a none official dayz forums . why do we even have these forums if all new info gets posted on nerdit ?
  19. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    cheers Fluxley ! for anyone interested in rockets response on why the axe is currently wrong placeholder. was put in today. ArmA was not designed for weapons "bone" to contain complex objects. We have to balance how the weapon is positioned: on the backin the inventoryon the groundin the handsCurrently that means the object is straight up and pointing out. Which isn't always ideal. It's just placeholder until our new subclassing animation system comes in that means we can replace specific animations and not make a whole damn new animation tree. Our next new programmer will be tasked with that and you will begin to see radical changes. In the meantime, we're just making do with what we have so we don't delay the game, AGAIN. so basically it is wrong but instead of holding the game back for the right animations to be done they just using this for the meanwhile to get it out ! glad to hear its not staying that way as it is terribad ! ;)
  20. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    any link sorry i dont read reddit i come here the official forums for my source on dayz info :)
  21. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    you have no idea do you ? why remake a axe animation then do it completly wrong ? please answer that ! its not a whine its true the axe wouldnt be held as it is it wouldnt be used as it is. thing is if they releasing the alpha soon there is no way that animation will be changed in time as it will probably take em 2-4 weeks to get right. thing is it should of been right first time. i dont know who made it but id love to know what source or idea he used for making it like he has. all i can assume is its a limitation of the graphics engine or timeframe as any other reason is not good enough ! axe should be in right hand still or moving. still you would grip butt end of axe front sharp end of axe pointing forward or straight down. moving animation should be either up and down with hand at bottom if hatchet or across chest bottom right to upper left swinging when running. its that simple ! we have a left handed axe turned sideways for some bizare reason which makes no sense and sort of waves around. people will say you being picky its not if you arnt going to do something right dont change it or do it . also the women zeds there was like alot of the exact same zombie type this may of been placeholder or just to show action in video and numerous other types to be done or are done for release. if someone shows you a video you have only that material to go on. so i commented on the video which showed no variation or little in zombies. im hoping that there are numerous different types and the clothing is random or almost random as 200 women with blonde hair in blue denims is quite uniform is it not . in real life i wouldnt mind 200 blondes chasing me but that not dayz is it :lol: but its ALPHA BRO ! what you gassing about ? yes i fully understand son !! i get its alpha but.... lets not start the alpha excuses to early ! ;) any mistakes or negitivity = ITS ALPHA BRO ! :rolleyes: pretty lame when its done (please quote next response :P ) i would rather wait tbh and i want the game now myself but i dont want a mess or a game rushed just for the november/december period which is the best time to release games for sale purposes. good luck with the game and i really would love to hear why the axe animation was made like it was in any detail :)
  22. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    first thing everyone does in any game with blur , motion blur or anything similar is turn it off. almost make you sick with it on terribad. why do you want vaseline spread on your screen when playing.
  23. dgeesio

    what happen if SA sucks?

    you mention very good things with which many devs miss at the moment make things simple and work ! too many games now are over bloated with crappy systems to try and keep you playing but end up just being grindfests or just a excuse for covering up a poor thought out game. look at the biggest games in the last few years simplistic games like minecraft and such. fps games are particularly bad for this making you try and earn your weapons. in ye olde days you just got the basic guns and played it was far better. hitreg worked on release not four weeks in ala bf4 for eg. ive this week emailed four big places about current game states and to stop trying to over complicate things , EA for bf4 and future games, Codemasters about current state of the racing games , couple of others which i test ;) . Dayz just needs to make it simple not try and bow to th usual add this and add that because left4dead did or other games. not steal or borrow ideas from other games like project zomboid or prison arctect or payday :lol: dayz the mod when first out was great hot shit ! :lol: couldnt stop playing it ! will this be the same with SA ? i honestly dont think so because the suprise the newness of the game has been done but.... it could be still very good and maybe dean and the crew have done wonders and done some of what we wanted and made it better. lets just wait and see then if its bad we can always smash up the place cowboy style :lol:
  24. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    you would hold the axe like a batton when running and also facing forward for if you got attacked ;) its keg handed (wrong in the animation )