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Everything posted by dgeesio

  1. dgeesio

    Which guns should I choose?

    fn fal is a beast ! learn to use the basic guns with iron sights first then anything else is luxary ;)
  2. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    aslong as admins cant abuse powers with storage then its fine. still no comments on admin tools and what they can and cant do for standalone why is it so hard to just reply to? ive asked matt no comment i asked rocket he doesnt reply i asked razor he said its nothing to do with him bu was very polite and quick in answering. the whole game revolves around this and knowing about what admins who control your server you play on are limited or not limited to do.
  3. dgeesio

    In game alias?

    so many but pointless once a server admin learns who you are and logs your guid ;)
  4. well in a recent walking dead rick took some pigs and cut them to bleed and lured the zombies away from the camp. we have animals and many pigs :lol: maybe this could be a good idea to when you are getting chased you injure a pig or cow and the zombies "infected" then focus on that giving you change to escape or heal. think it would be kinda cool .
  5. he was on about me its obvious lol it was straight after my post :lol: dont worry about it its no issue or even worth wasting a breathe on internets is always a drama lama :)
  6. full moon is the worst hooooowwwwwllllllll.......
  7. labelling peoples choices by being derogatory :rolleyes: :emptycan:
  8. dgeesio

    Bigger Market in the SA ?

    they already in taviana
  9. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    why would you not want a cat on your back ?
  10. dgeesio

    Bigger Market in the SA ?

    basically a mall like dawn of the dead :)
  11. your just assuming i dont move ? :rolleyes: for eg yesterday i was on a server went the entire map killing people all over it found a massive cmap with two trucks full of guns stole them blew up the other one we couldnt take. then back down through berizino to electra even all the way to kamenka. just cause i done a few videos on roof sniping doesnt mean i sit on roofs all day lolz :lol: if you want you win you are right but get what you just solved? nothing :) thats why its pointless arguing about it ! what you few cant seem to grasp its nothing to do with me or a few others its the people in general the game has grown and how people play it is how it is ! we all have choices and we play our own way. how can yours be the right way and mine not ? the game is survival if i shoot you take all your stuff majority of the time my way is better :lol: weakest arguement from others who dont agree with killing others for fun = go play other game :rolleyes: why cause its not your way of playing dayz? :rolleyes: there are no rules in dayz ! you play as you do. sa will be the same and actually worse for KOS :lol:
  12. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    wtf this game is run by cat overlords ! it even makes people chairs :)
  13. lets be honest... most thought it was going to be out 2012 december never happened, then april before rocket went to everest never happened then it was said in june it could, would, should ,whatever no tying down word you want to use be out in august. so yes people are getting slightly aggitated about when the game should be released. anyone who gets annoyed at that or cant understand it is dumb. sorry no polite way of saying it. now for the release date it really does have to be for christmas this year. people can always say take your time but time has been taken and the end of peoples patience and if they going to buy will come to a end. it does look close and many do want to play hopefully it is a christmas release for us all so we can play Dayz while eating christmas beans :)
  14. dgeesio

    wound animals to distract zombies

    i think it matches the game mechanics well and shouldnt be hard to implement tbh. you see pigs and cows alot ingame and could be a great way of getting rid of a group of zombies on your tail
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVKb9Kwf0yk
  16. games are pretty shitty at moment people like to play dayz and know its not that far of from possible release. pretty simples
  17. well you obviously havent watched the newest series ;) i dont make any excuses for how i play i see something i go after it. its my playstyle , one of the playstyles of dayz. this is what people dont get. itsa just a choice ! you basically have friendly guy role often nice worling alone mainly collecting stuff group of people who try and work together who established a bond and warn before shooting predator type player who play for killing people predator groups or clans who want all there are different roles groups. there is no morals its a video game ! its about having fun doing what YOU want to do ! you may like to be kind or mean there is no wrong way !
  18. basically S.T.A.L.K.E.R made this idea was very well done in it.
  19. dgeesio

    wound animals to distract zombies

    think it was the blood but it worked .
  20. you just made your point mute by not acknowledging that people will play differently from your own way.you called them cock suckers why ? because they play differently to you ! the game evolves as its played KOS is part of the game. it evolved through the game itself and how players choose to play. maybe people who dont shoot KOS are " cock suckers "
  21. you do know this is a game right ? all you are doing by reducing ammo which isnt the issue here and you know that is just delaying the inevitable ! so instead of 10 rounds i have 5 , you still are going to die if i one shot you with the lee enfield. if it takes me 5 minutes extra to get the right shot so what ? you still dead regardless. ammo isnt the issue ! i just say how it is in game. i played probably 2000 hrs plus of this game and i play on everything from small to big servers and it doesnt matter whether server is friendly or not as soon as one person kills then it spreads. you dont change the server then its over ! noone trusts anyone and it doesnt matter if you have a bottle opener they still gunna kill you with it. i used walking dead as a example as this game does use some of the same ideas lets not lie here. im not saying its the inspiration but alot of ideas do relate. also people can see people struggle and without relevant real life zombie slaying experience which i know you dont have :lol: so you are talking out your ass. thing is what you can see in real life or media is humans dont do well in situations of war or drama and often the simplest answer is the only answer when it comes down to the wire. look at animals stalking prey if its worth the risk they kill em. they ll wait they work out a basic strategy and then go for it. in dayz if i have five bullets rather than 20 all that means is i cant miss as much not i wont kill as much ! 5 bullets will still 5 people just as 20 will kill five people if im just not as focused. so changing ammo will not lessen kos just make people camp more slower and make the game a campfest. the actual loot system is what kills most people. and rockets just added even more ! so now you have perishable and damage added the kos is going to go up ! not down :lol: you and those who scream about KOS just cant get your head around it will not stop unless the whole game is redesigned and forces people not to kill and that will kill the game its self as its not fun , realistic or anythnig other than false. ;) look at Dayz , look at its setting ! apocolyptic zombie survival ! ^_^ its a survival game ! start surviving and stop bla bla about KOS. you adapt to the situation at hand if you cant control it and you cant !!!! control KOS. if you dont like KOS dont do it ! you wont force people to not do it so why keep making we must stop kos it wont ever ever change.
  22. KOS anyone ? its not a game mechanic as said hundreds of times. watch walking dead and that kinda shows what really happens and what needs to be done if you want to survive. whether its cruel or you dont like it. if you arnt going to do those things you are over :) you only have to look at wars and religon to see we dont work together ;) forcing people to do somethnig they dont want to do is a stupid option snd often makes more rebel than confirm to "your " view on whats right. making dayz a fluffy bunny world which it isnt would make this game a joke even worse than warZ.
  23. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    well just played Nether Dayz SA cant be worse than that even in alpha ! :lol:
  24. dgeesio

    Rockets Twitch Live Stream Edit (30 Mins)

    the real funny thing about this stream was some of the questions and the replys :lol: game devs are always like polititions in response :D sacreil said alot of people are asking about vehicles ? reply = yeah one of the big ones is animals :lol: he didnt even pull him up on it. :P boneboys you warned KOS for just his opinion and what he said is mainly true and true of most youtubers like frankle and jack frogs and the like. anyone who does play it proerply and watches the stream no that most of it is bs and edited bs. i agree KOS didnt word it well :lol: but what alot of what he put is just true. team up with me when SA is out KOS well kill em all and ill video it ;)
  25. dgeesio

    November Round-up

    its common practice to have different builds of a game on testing servers. early alpha builds on one , beta on another. then move it to release once tested and replace the other builds accordingly. so if there is two servers which im sure was mentioned on here they probably have the newest build on the dev server and the older build on the other server to test. if they do it that way with this game. obviously different game companies do things differently.