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Everything posted by dgeesio

  1. dgeesio

    Daylight server/s

    some people will want datlight inly if you dont then there is no reason for you to post in relevant thread :) idea was post ips or names of the daytime servers so people can play how they want which currently its hard to filter servers to show.
  2. dgeesio

    Can I Run DayZ Retail (POST HERE)

    if you can play the mod you can play this.
  3. hah i would love a trumpet or trombone :lol: imagine pitch black , 12 oclock at night zombies near you you are low on health then you hear this
  4. dgeesio

    Taking Someone as a prisoner! Using HandCuffs

    as soon as you said nether was okay all sense was lost :lol:
  5. the first big paragraph is bf4 :lol: what a mess :P onto dayz alpha i understand/understood what is what and you know what even with bugs its ten times better than the mod! when this is polished up a bit more boooom ! B)
  6. i killed a bandit and took his ! :lol:
  7. well thought id pop into elektro get some goodies and have a nice walk around. as so many criticize that im always a bandit and moan about KOS i thought id change my ways and play nice :) hope you like the video.
  8. dgeesio

    my eyes bleed

    when its totally effected how you play you have to calm down on the reality shit. its too bright and thats putting it politely.
  9. dgeesio

    Things you want to see in SA updates first.

    crosshair option for off or on or toggle option.
  10. dgeesio

    Things you want to see in SA updates first.

    unconcious fix is first big thing 30 minutes out still not woke up. sun! sun ! sun ! that makes my eyes almost bleed :lol: . needs toning down alot. mouse acceleration needs a option to be turned off. camera on 3rd person too close needs to be bit further away from person but i understand why to stop looking over walls. graphics feel like ive got a post process on even with it off all blurs off.
  12. cant believe people gave beans for that :lol: waits for dean farting in next video !
  13. yes... no to solving a issue sensibly. shove a alligator in between your keys its alot easier than bind to say q :lol:
  14. auto run bind should be done , most people who have modern keyboards have it macrod so its the people who play normal who lose out. seeing as you run 90 percent long distances a auto run key should be done.
  15. dgeesio

    More games coming out like DayZ

    there are games coming out but go play them and realize that most are shit ! nether basically warz mess by same people so warz 2.0. rust = no only game similar worth waiting for is the Forest. Dayz is fine for now so dont worry yet ;)
  16. well i am often critical on things but i watched the latest stream last night at 2.38am in morning uk and i must say apart from brian being the worst Dayz player in history :lol: i was quite pleased with what i saw. B) i could see some of the bugs but i get some of those in mod for along time so with this being early in development and knowing about testing and alphas it actually looked pretty good and i could see the difference quite clearly from mod to Standalone, which is very important. also the sniper looked ace B)
  17. its like watching walking dead but they all survive every week :lol: who would watch that? ;)
  18. majority of servers were getting empty then the big youtubers bang on about playing epoch or any other mod so those with empty servers think hey frankly is playing epoch and its current bang a epoch server up then the sheep see frankly playing aswell and join in. kinda what has happened and why many numbers play it. if frankly and others play other mods alot alot of people would play them and not epoch . only thing epoch really has is base building and selling stuff thing is if they implemeted into the SA then what ? no more epoch :lol:
  19. dgeesio

    Thank you Dean Hall!

    i meant the first instance is always the best because all of the originality goes into getting the first noticed and out there after that its often recycled ideas so not as creative or imaginitive or fun. this works for all art music films and games. 1 is always best. also cod 1 is considered to be the best lol. not selling wise but playingwise ;) . so as said SA wont do the numbers we have with the mod for a year if at all. if we dont get the SA we dont get it. i wont cry at night. its a game ! i do love Dayz but so many worship devs for doing a job . maybe we should worship mcDonald workers the same :lol:
  20. what if the tools are available to all serves i standalone ? must i stay away for the whole game ? i do ask i have asked the dev team but they havent commented on it aprt from not working on the tools yet. while you may get annoyed at my responses i get annoyed at spending days getting gear only to be cheated by many randoma admins abusing the very tools which are to stop abuse in the first place lol. cant you agree by removing the feature that are abused then we can have a fairer game yet the admins can still admin there server ? i fair like many you maybe scared of losing some of the features yourself . if you cant see that having such powers is abuse waiting to happen i dont know what to say. also there isnt going to be any for a start so there isnt no private servers.
  21. dgeesio

    Thank you Dean Hall!

    no one argues with a thank you its how you put the thank you across ;) also there wont be that much of a big team working on this well not paid people maybe modders and others who do shit for free but the team wont be that big who are paid . this game is relitivly small. the game "was " huge that hype has been and gone now so it either needs to be rebuilt up which unless its such a rework and new game i cant see that hype getting to those type of number again because weve played the idea already. first is always best ! second attempt will be slicker but the simple idea that started will always be the best because it was fresh noone had played it and it was just a idea being played and developed. you can make that magic happen or programme it ! rocket knows that and has said it wont do big numbers which i dont think it will either unless the whole of the dayz crowd and all press gets behind it.
  22. depends on who "they" are ;) if microsoft or sony say hey BI or Rocket depending on whos getting the cash heres 10 million or whatever, it will go console. it would take 8 to 12 weeks to port over probably max. so you would be crazy not to take the money. it will be on one of the consoles at end of the day its a business first then a games company who likes games. so many forget this.
  23. i hate to sound like a broken record but how do you know they are abusing it? i play on many servers and know alot of admins who run the servers i can tell you now alot do abuse the live 3d tools and do watch players 24/7. the thing is theyll keep the server clean and ban cheaters and are great admins in general but it limits my play ! i cant do what i want to do because i know if i want to take on a certain group i know they already know im coming , they will know exactly from where and when and what ill be driving and they have a unfair advantage. that isnt right ! so i say let them be able to ban people and kick but not even remotely have a chance to see where you are , there is no need for that no other game allows it as you can admin without it. also the second biggest one is selling gear. this is why alot of people set servers up for last year is too make actual money ! because of how the tools are. this also shouldnt be allowed. rocket says he doesnt like dlc and pay to win features yet dayz on private servers is pretty much pay to win. this shouldnt happen in the standalone. the server groups are making upto 500 dollars a month ! selling gear they dont own ! lol. thats why many admins cry when they see my posts as its a lot of money theyll lose ! its not covering costs its profitting from gear you shouldnt be able to sell or have access to. it also prevents the game from playing the way it should. thing is someone will say dont play on that server but...once it happens on one then they all do it and as i said many moons ago it is on many many popular servers. from the look of it there wont be any tools at all for a start but like ive been asking of the devs what will stop the very same tools coming out months later? i would personally like to know if 3rd party aps like phone aps and other exploits will be allowed or if people servers will be blacklisted or if at a later date server rental groups who bring out tools if they will be allowed or not. i dont want to buy into a game now which i have invested alot of time and effort and what i enjoy which has no tools currently then find out it just going to happen again and the very same people just carry on. hopefully when they look at the tools a bit more this can be answered for me personally its worse than hacking and a big issue.