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Everything posted by dgeesio

  1. dgeesio

    Accuracy comparison: DayZ vs ARMA 2

    one thing i miss from the mod is the amazing standard crosshair. i don't particularly like the dot we have now. its better than the stupid circle we had but not as good as the two small lines with the dash in the middle from arma 2 that was perfect especially hip fire.
  2. dgeesio


    mopeds and bicycles should be common. maybe old vespa , plus new modern mopeds. crossers, taxis, double decker bus would be fun. maybe rare hover craft . i can just imagine hover crafting through elektro :lol: .
  3. dgeesio

    What Guns do YOU want to see?

    bolt rifle guns like lee enfield, mosin, kar98, shotguns , mp44 , ww2 guns basically. trip wire with two old style german grenades would be cool for a booby trap.
  4. dgeesio

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    remember the server must also be updated :)
  5. dgeesio

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    nice work joined a server earlier when matt was on it was so smoooooooth. next we could do with pbo files being detected if deleted. few noobs are doing this and running round with no trees or buildings and such.
  6. dgeesio

    How about no private servers?

    cheers for your post it mirrors what i think and many others who are tired of the bs the mod became. basically a pay to win disguised as "donations " :rolleyes: thing is all you'll ever get from greedy admins who sell load outs and have no punishment is Then join another server or just stick to public hives. You always have the choice. no you don't have a choice ! you are killing off vanilla because of the stupid load out sales which you shouldn't be able to sell ! and there is no punishment for doing so. strict rules need sorting before any of this bs happens as once a few start lining their pockets so will many others and it snowballs ruining the decent play many core players wanted from the start of the project. i hope rocket and team have enough balls to stop greedy people from making money of gear they shouldn't even be able to sell. if im honest i don't think they want the backlash from so many who'll be gutted when they lose hundreds to thousands a year from admin exploitation. some admins have earnt 20,000 plus from selling items in the mod lol that s more than some earn working through a admin tool exploit :rolleyes: no to selling gear loadouts or any items and no different rules for private servers. also no to 3d live admin tools
  7. well as i watched 28 weeks later last night i thought about in army bases that dead soldiers would have security passes to get into secure zones. this would make another reason for killing and searching zombies in these areas and other areas around the map to retrieve keys or passes or other objects to open things from secure units to gun cabinets to prison doors. so army base you kill a certain army type zombie search body retrieve pass enter that particular gate point. without this pass key you cant enter ! big prison in middle of map (this should be as big as churno or electro) make a big horde to protect around it with mega loot inside. 4 big towers maybe a main middle center tower slightly higher. to gain entrance again no just walking in you need a pass or key from one of the dead guards or zombies workers. this give meaning and no easy ride. it becomes a challenge. also when entering you need other keys and passes as you go in further. this turns into a epic journey and event by doing this and not just a open the door. maybe you can snap a key in a lock aswell to prevent any others from other areas getting in. this idea could also work for vehicles in towns and having keys in buildings adjacent to the vehicles. so moped keys in pizza shop, taxi , keys in taxi office and so on. also why is there no pubs :) i think by adding reasons objectives to killing zombies and items on them you are adding good gameplay with a reason. true itema have been added to some zombies in the mod but not to open doors or vehicles and so on.
  8. dgeesio

    FPS Issues with an AMD 7970 3gb

    disable clouds you'll be fine then. this should be stickied as it causes massive fps lags.
  9. dgeesio

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    the worst things about any issue is no news ! 2 days with no real news on when we can play again normally. most of the devs have been on here or twitter. they have wrote messages on there. so why not a quick "we expect service to resume (time frame) .. that would calm people and takes no longer than talking nonsense on other media.
  10. dgeesio

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    it does when vast majority who brought it doesn't play it anymore kinda shows you how bad it is if its only get a few thousand in peak times. dayz is hitting nearly ten times as much and newer. yes a few arma 3 people will be working on day but hopefully not adding too much to make it a mess like arma 3. any news on this patch and when the ddos effect will be over ? cant play since yesterday due to the lag from this and the movement issues caused by the ddos which makes you spin round randomly.
  11. wtf is causing this ? since latest patch there is a bug say you just running along doing noting there is a weird shimmering and your players just turns on itself ! :o :huh: this needs fixing asap really cant play with this happening. anyone no of simple fix ?
  12. yes it doesnt work at the moment ! it needs sorting asap as alot of servers are now first person and in first person acceleration is even worse. you should have a raw input any gamer who knows how to play plays this way as your movements are what you move exactly ! i think they will make the option work or why would they add a option for acceleration in the first place ?
  13. BI will of made the money rocket probably get s a percentage. 800,000 sales is great for such a short time if they can role out good patches and content within decent periods of time then this game now could be game of 2014 and probably do 2 million sales this year. B)
  14. so a ddos makes me spin round ingame? why ?
  15. dgeesio

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    arma 3 peak time 6000-8000 dayz standalone 40,000-50,000 lets turn a popular game into a less popular one :lol: well done sir !
  16. just disable it on/off those who want it on leave it on those who want off leave it off, its not hard to understand. mouse acceleration doesn't make it realistic it makes it unrealistic lol. its adding acceleration ADDING ACCELERATION ! can you not read ADDING !
  17. anyone with a brain doesnt use mouse acceleration. this is a big thing especially in first person. so the option to turn it off should hopefully be fixed soon.
  18. you cant play with this bug . any news on fix ?
  19. dgeesio

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    there needs a fix asap there is some wierd turn bug in the current patch. you will be running along then all of a sudden your players just starts to turn round :o this is urgent as you bassically cant play with this. its only since last patch.
  20. dgeesio

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    there defintely should be a auto run key. most games that have this amount of traveling have it.
  21. dgeesio

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    the last thing this project needs is all arma 3 team turning this into arma 3. arma 3 is failing and shit ! keep dayz standalone original and dont just do shit cause others want you to do it cause its right for the game !
  22. pigeon holing the worst thing on this planet.
  23. dgeesio

    Dean "Rocket" Hall, may I ask a Favor?

    ps4 will probably get it and it takes about 8-12 weeks to port. joypad isnt a issue.
  24. such bs, im killing as many as normal with less guns. last night killed forty people in a first person server and alot were geared up. people who want to kill people will. regardles of what item is needed to kill people. for eg one group i saw four people with fire exstinguishers running round attacking people :lol: it doesnt matter if there is no guns people would use bananas if they killed never mind guns. as to making this a big mmo style game no thanks. i dont like wow. i dont want to play it and its franchise is old its ideas is old now. new creative ideas need implementing not rehashing old shit. thats why so many games are quickly boring people.noone wants to be different or risk being different . the game does need things to do and you already have plenty of ideas from the mod which could be done alot better. Base building make this good and worth doing better than crappy epoch and make it work. Hunting making this a big part. mission type events. get the whole server to help or join in with rewards for doing so. one idea i had on this would be that a zombie horde approaches or say in a big prision walking dead style there is great loot or people trapped in middle/inside. if you rescue the people (AI or players ) then you get rewarded but make it a challenge and that all the server can join in these missions. little speaker tannoy systems through out towns announce these events broken crackley record style B) catching bandits for rewards higher rewards if taken alive,less if dead. maybe a morals value reward for doing so. a skyrim type level system on learning things like craafting rope or hunting or whatever. there are many ideas but you wont solve KOS or murdering its part of the game and people should stop trying to focus on that ever happening by trying to change dayz into some kind of sims. its a zombie apocolypse not meet the robinsons!
  25. dgeesio

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113925

    you can run through many walls. for eg in flats with closed doors if you double jump the doors you can go straight through the wall texture and then check out locked rooms. once you get to the end you can drop underneath buildings . underneath these buildings you can see all around 360 degrees. people will be exploiting this as players running by those flats wont see them but those in glitches can see them. i thought the skeleton was supposed to work to stop this so either the skeleton isnt working yet or something is a miss. also if you shoot someones hand it registers no damage at all. but.. if you shoot the lower arm it breaks the person leg :lol: so again i dont think the skelton is working. those flats need concrete blocks placing like in them mod to stop glitching.