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Everything posted by dgeesio

  1. dgeesio

    There are no good Dayz SA youtubers?

    ill let you into a secret ;) i can tell you where most play . guess what 99 percent of videos you seen on youtube from big youtubers are all staged :) so unless its a live stream you'll either see them killing organized people or playing with admins ;) so for instance dayz mod video big youtuber, admin gives them whatever gear. the group will then make up funny ideas or fight people with help of admin to know where bases are epoch for eg. that's why there hasn't been much on SA because of the admin tools not working yet :) so they cant give gear to them and other things like watch players live through admin tools. this is why people who can play dayz well and know this don't watch people like suggested. ;) one thing i will say the videos they make are entertaining though and good videos so entertainment wise i cant fault them .
  2. dgeesio

    You Didn't Fix Spawns You Made Them Worse....

    there are 19 spawn spots !
  3. dgeesio

    when will base building start in the SA ?

    no relation cause it does are you blind ! some stuff will be used or tweaked and used. rocket has been hitting up gary from rust on twitter normally when this happens a idea or feature pops up from that game in dayz ! :lol: payday is great ! handcuffing and payday masks :lol: just watch :) rust does have good crafting base building and gary was saying others will copy my ideas maybe he meant dayz who knows :D
  4. dgeesio

    when will base building start in the SA ?

    its easy to glitch into bases you obviously don't know about it don't worry. there are many glitches. bases structures to store loot which cant be entered gives a purpose a reason to do something its another product that can be done ingame. additions to keep you from being bored or a purpose are good. houses could be fortified true. maybe locked and taken up residence for starting and log off purposes. as for why people would build shelters in un populated areas that alone iust common sense alot don't want to hold up in populated areas as it is more dangerous and a well hidden camp or base or building would probably not be visited as much as say a fortified house in churno. so there is reasoning for it.
  5. dgeesio

    when will base building start in the SA ?

    no....epoch is a disease . base building is good if done well in epoch its bad. you can glitch through walls get in bases steal destroy loot in bases from outside. often the big bases are controlled by admins wgo gave themselves the gear through admin exploitation. that is why i didnt like epoch. also it supports pay to win disguised as donations. so base building is great . epoch isn't. :) under ground bases and structures could be cool maybe routes through sewers in big cities like churno could be ace and scarey with zombies and them rats they created many moons ago ;)
  6. dgeesio

    when will base building start in the SA ?

    the basics are already in the mod so it shouldn't be hard to add from that.if you cant add that in 6-9 months when its already available id be looking for a new job.
  7. dgeesio

    The prison.

    surely center of the map would be best ? think about prisons most are out of town away from towns also putting it central makes it easier for all players to get to. or central to spawn locations. im just hoping the prison is like the walking dead and by the way i say that i mean epic !
  8. basically heres how it works panic starts everyone trys to grab everything possible of value or substance after a short period of time resources become sparse then time/danger value is worked out over getting resources. then we get a shop 4 cans of food left. 1 person armed hungry vs 4 people unarmed after the same four cans. whos going to end up with them? the person armed or willing to do whats needed to get the food or item . there are no rules no punishments so its just down to almost animal simplistic behavior survival of the fittest. as you would of seen on many animal documentaries it never ends well ! this is what people need to acknowledge ! the world is a bitter place it isnt hold hands forever. nature is scarey we are even worse. rocket has said he doesn't want to change how the game plays and leave choices upto us ! so if it plays out like it does naturally people need to accept reality and just make good decisions on how they make movements in game and choices. you don't need to stop KOS you need to think about how you play ! spawning and just being shot is shit that is true but all other player related deaths sorry you just chose the wrong way choice place to be and that's part of surviving. do it better ! once you start adding rules from one persons vison you have corrupted the game as each person vision is always different so how can one person be correct for all ?
  9. 10 plus currently god knows slaughtering people at elektro
  10. dgeesio

    Why won't you fix the mouse?

    there is no argument about it mouse acceleration is bad for gaming and accuracy control. it accelerates your movements . anything that adds or subtracts from the actual movements you make is bad.
  11. dgeesio

    Why won't you fix the mouse?

    i play with joystick this eliminates all mouse acceleration :lol:
  12. bf4 is the first major game to support it and it will be showcased with bf4. dayz isnt using mantle. most titles using it are frostbite. at the moment its hype from amd. also if other devs dont use it it doesn't matter if it works or not. follow this guy on twitter if you interested about it https://twitter.com/repi
  13. no ! its for frostbite engine games mainly for a start bf4 will be first. sometimes this month.
  14. dgeesio

    Duration of alpha

    i don't mind as i can play and watch the game grow at the same time. B) its not arma 3 and that was what i really didn't want.
  15. dgeesio

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    alt f4 is a big issue what most who combat log do. people who do this need to die in game. working out if its intentional or not is tricky part especially with crashing.
  16. yes e47 that was my worries no path of playstyle should be forced.
  17. dgeesio

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    looks like hicks and crew nearly have a PBO fix done https://twitter.com/Hicks_206/status/420870856936415232 cool thats a nice fix when its done and will please many people B)
  18. i want kicking and double dragon elbows
  19. my mouse wheel cries when drinking at ponds or water pumps
  20. dgeesio

    Group of 6 Looking for More

    what server you on ? meet you at elektro :lol:
  21. no i will still kos every living thing possible and i am doing well but... some of the changes being implemented do have a whiff of being done to help new players and none vets and others who dont want to kill and me personally don't want to see change slip in with small patches to make the game my little pony with zombies in it.
  22. well the thing is rocket is always on about his vision for the game is his vision we all play nicely or does he want the gruesome reality? some changes although maybe not said are geared to make the game less kill everyone. some ideas just feel like they being snook in to calm the KOS crowd who cry so loudly on here.
  23. dgeesio

    How to make the map more engaging.

    random pits cut out maybe zombies in or pits with spikes which you can fall in and die . people would booby trap areas.