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Everything posted by dgeesio

  1. dgeesio

    The game needs nametags

    yes to kill messages. so who killed who and such. nametags are useful make it server side option.
  2. dgeesio

    Hunting tonight

    elektro and balota currently best hunting spots :)
  3. dgeesio

    Dogs & Standalone.

    well there has been lots of talk about dogs but they never really made much of a appearance . even in the mod. anything known on if they will come in the SA ? i really fancied having a dog ingame and would like to see them done. B)
  4. dgeesio

    Next patch: a big one?

    you know you can get different sized shoes some are smaller than mine and some are bigger
  5. dgeesio

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    the games awesome ! just not much to do at moment. people get restless ,don't understand its a alpha that's bean thrust upon them . i still think you shouldn't have public alphas in gaming(public betas yes ) but video games do need sales . look forward vehicles and base building to be added myself .
  6. dgeesio

    How successful would DayZ be on consoles?

    rocket i think said it would take about 8 weeks along time ago somewhere maybe Reddit who knows . also you can get keyboard mouses on consoles ;)
  7. dgeesio

    possible solution to 3PP imbalance?

    look it doesn't matter about 3rd person most who whine about it are the very campers that get spotted . i normally play 3rd person , but 1st does there bother me ill play any but... prefer 3rd. anyways....same ol argument break out other forums i was on about how superior 1st is and no exploits :rolleyes: so server is then changed to first low and behold i go on after saying it doesn't bother me and kill about 30 people in first person ! its just as easy to kill in first as third no real massive advantages as many make out. as already posted most who whine about it are campers on roofs or other buildings who may get spotted. there are lots more important stuff to fix than something which isn't really that bad.
  8. dgeesio

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.114008

    all news should be here first i still don't get why post on reddit then quote here on the official game forum that's quite retarded tbh. its like me going on 4chan and posting about my new trainers :o
  9. dgeesio

    1,000,000 DAYZ

    congrats to the Russian called Gena who was the 1,000,000 player B)
  10. ive heard if you shave all your body hair off and post a picture on here you get straight in ! it worked for me ! :)
  11. dgeesio

    How successful would DayZ be on consoles?

    quotes like that are mind numbing ! the consoles could run it quite easily and at good settings. it would take 8-12 weeks to port over thats it. its not mount everest !
  12. dgeesio

    New models for DayZ--<Enjoy>--!

    imagine on top flats or big tower player starts coming up ladder looks up then player on top drops a nice link of shit on player coming up ladder so much rage :lol:
  13. dgeesio

    All guns one shot kill = more authentic

    making guns one shot anywhere removes any skill and just makes it pointless. i think the mod had this better than standalone currently which is too easy too kill. pistol shots should take 4 or 5 to body same as other guns not one bullet one kill thats xbox shit ! make vital organ hitboxes for one shot kills and other parts more hits.
  14. dgeesio

    Record game

    FRAPS http://www.fraps.com/ DXTORY http://exkode.com/dxtory-features-en.html OBS http://obsproject.com/ MSI AFTERBURNER http://event.msi.com/vga/afterburner/download.htm MIRILLIS http://mirillis.com/en/products/action.html
  15. dgeesio

    Celeb Zombies

    whats about porn star zombies ?
  16. dgeesio

    Whats going to be in 0.31.114160

    if its like the mod id rather have a old shoe than the shotgun :lol:
  17. dgeesio

    Craftable door

    basically rust the end.
  18. people will KOS regardless. just now for eg i had a rock on rust i attacked two armed players with machine guns because thats how i play.
  19. i dont get why its so hard tbh either. mosin reload is sound file swop file with new one why is that hard same for rain or whatever else if it matches the animation or length of time how can it be such a task to remove one place holder for another ?
  20. very nice work needs to be added id say most of the sound work is better.
  21. anything but that !!!!! funny thing is he has like 12 copyright notices for that ! :lol: song chosen if any should not have any words in.
  22. dgeesio

    Farts (serious discussion)

    i made a thread about this before it was locked off i think if it was done right it could actually be both fun and work !
  23. dgeesio

    There are no good Dayz SA youtubers?

    which is why alot is staged. long periods of running for 2 hrs isnt exciting viewing :lol:
  24. dgeesio

    There are no good Dayz SA youtubers?

    most of them don't stream in mod version of dayz because they play with admins or are friends of admins on which the server they play on. i can name three of the biggest already mentioned in this thread they all play together the same server all gear is given to them or they are helped out. there is no need to cheat when admin gives you helis dmrs or whatever you want (spawned in to video) ! any big bases with clans ? admin looks in viewer yep they are such and such ! right on goes filming and there you go ! watch streaming people if you dont want staged videos or players who get gear given to them and make themselves look awesome. why do think so many slated standalone ;) they cant do any of the above and actually have to play!!!
  25. dgeesio

    Do you agree with modding in SA?

    Modding Standalone :o this is the Standalone why do we need to mod it ? :o :huh: :) the whole point of moving on from the mod (see that word mod ! ) is to make a single game that is Dayz ! if we going to mod the SA why have we even bothered ? its actually mind raping to even consider modding a game that supposed to be the very game we trying not to mod ! :o the only things added to the standalone should be content from the dev team. as soon as modding is allowed every little thing people hated with the mod will be the very first things added ! im all for maps to be redone like taviana and Namalsk but leave it there no tweaks add on anything. no exploitation nothing other than what the devs allow. if people want buy as you like donation servers stick to the mod. you develop that ! leave this game alone or should i say standalone. you know why this game is fresh at the moment is because everything is the same playing field is fair build on that not destroy it with stupid additions. rant over. :lol: