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Everything posted by dgeesio

  1. dgeesio

    Why ARMA Engine?

    yes and you can have like 6000 people on a server LOL. also it has some of the largest capable maps available so out of the not many this would be awesome. would suit the mod/game well. but its all irrelevant now isnt it ! :D
  2. dgeesio

    Why ARMA Engine?

    Avalanche engine.
  3. LOL three people gave beans to a Dev for mentioning a place he ate ROFL! :lol: thats when you know you hit the big time! :D
  4. dgeesio

    Server Admin tools

    soon as more than needed tools come in then its sell gear game dissolves into what a farce the mod has become. if the tools do come out and admins can sell donations packages watch players live im asking for my money back and ill make sure its on every forum highlighting it. give admin tools but no abuse shit no selling gear or watching players live around map 24/7. ive asked about this for about a yr now and still no real answer. i hope rocket doesnt cave in and give tools like the mod cause it will be screwed and just pay to win .
  5. im on about what can admins do for eg can you spawn gear and the like. what do admins have full details.
  6. what can admins do on private ?
  7. yes killing new spawns :lol: if you on experimental giz a server ip and ill come hunt you down :P
  8. navy tell me which server you on later so i can slay you :)
  9. dgeesio


    nice to see it may becoming i made a thread on this previously :) http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/157832-why-has-no-trains-been-added-to-dayz/
  10. theres 15 on one server open up sonny !
  11. i heard they pass wording them while they sort the vehicles out
  12. it would be nice to have dev/experimental servers listen on here and in game so experimental click tab refresh.
  13. didn't want to read 37 pgs to get a simple answer like you just posted now, which you could of posted first time i asked you. i wasn't rude but your response was of no help. im in no rush for the patch just wanted to know when it maybe available. thanks.
  14. thanks for that input ill write it on my calender :rolleyes: talk about droll response :lol:
  15. so what time uk will this patch be out ? any time frame on when this will be on public servers ?
  16. dgeesio

    I'm the Wall!

    you just run and double jump through walls or find something joining. if you in a room you can normally get out.
  17. anyone who plays any games to a decent standard knows you have no acceleration on mice.raw unput only. more precise with no exaggeration or acceleration. if you don't know or understand that is not a excuse to keep it this way in dayz SA its terrible.
  18. could do it via msi afterburner or other program
  19. dgeesio

    World famous books and tropical fruits

    is hustler or playboy copyrighted ? :lol:
  20. dgeesio

    Painted Mosin Picture

    handcuffs sprays big penis on back lets him go :lol:
  21. dgeesio

    Any good Standalone YouTubers?

    watch streamers not people who set up youtube videos ;)
  22. dgeesio

    Playing the mod again..

    heres basically what i have done got SA played 53hrs then had a break as nothing new at moment. im not mad about that wish more content would flow but i understand how it works. so i got Rust to help fill void (but really i only want SA to hurry up ! :lol: ) Rust really isnt for me its too basic looks like a mess or sega mega drive game from early 90s. the crafting is good in it though. so now im at the point where i just carry on playing my fav game theHunter until more stuff is added to Dayz SA. thought about putting mod back on but as much as i like some of the extra content there is as much i dont like about it. so i guess its othe games until SA is updated until more fun .
  23. dgeesio

    We NEED some way to identify heros and bandits.

    no we don't need anything to identify anyone. only retards would identify themselves if they were a bandit.