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Everything posted by dgeesio

  1. twitter does seem like a waste of time until you get the info instantly needed before other media. then you realize its a vital tool.
  2. dgeesio

    Experimental - New melee animation.

    yes its a little awkward . just needs to be simpler. also the sound of the chop is synced to the mouse click not the actual hit of the axe but thats being picky :lol:
  3. and Deans twitter " Dogs will begin active development as soon as huntable animals are done :) " B)
  4. i think by the end of the year rocket should rest his legs. all this standing will no doubt have a effect on his well being.
  5. oh...look there is kat ! shotgun (flips open ,slight click, ) boooom ! boooom! yep i killed it . Dogs now there is a mans pet :lol:
  6. prefer sausage over bacon myself
  7. dgeesio

    DayZ Parkour Confirmed

    isnt new zombies did same in mod. also animals spawned on roofs sometimes. is it wrong i like jumping like that in dayz :lol: ive jumped off literally every place now in SA B)
  8. hicks just announced 40 new experimental servers going up ! B)
  9. dgeesio

    With Rocket starting his new studio

    why are you worried?
  10. well hive went down to me about 20-30 mins ago. joined back in after they came back up was in behrizino at the hospital came out ran down hill then jumped back to in hospital. seems like server wasnt saving or synced. also couldn't pick items up or open doors. this was after a restart aswell. axe sound is not synced properly with the chop. its synced to when you press your mouse not the actual animation. should be when you hit the object not the mouse click.
  11. i was in elektro last night my fps in recent patches when on busy server normally 30 min after latest patch on last night i dropped to 20 fps for periods. so my performance was down not up.
  12. my fps seems worse or did last night will try again later.
  13. dgeesio

    Sun is Blue now - is this Cryis 3 or what?

    never run to elektro from behrizino down that road youll be blind :lol:
  14. fps seems worse for me when i just joined. than last patch.
  15. dgeesio

    Goodbye Dayz

    in other news heres a dog taking a shi.....to music
  16. does make a difference especially load times i would say on ssd its close to 3-5 times faster getting in game than on normal mechanical hd.
  17. dgeesio

    Is Dayz over?

    look at the new dayz blog almost timed to perfection after yesterdays news. lots of great additions soon. dean is the poster child for dayz, his vision. he got his idea out the others created it. if its done mainly for when he leaves how can it be fucked up ? it cant so lets all just sit back and chilllllllllllllllllllllllll. B)
  18. dgeesio

    Update Rev. 0.36.115535 (Experimental branch)

    judging people on a image posted on internet is the new retardation of the interwebs obviously by looking at mine for eg i am into pig beastality with models its certain that is the truth.
  19. dgeesio

    Has there been an update?

    lol i made a thread with that video in earlier and it was deleted :rolleyes:
  20. will be interesting if the object hit causes damage to player. i day we play at elektro behind powerstation :D
  21. dgeesio

    Devblog 24 th Feb 2014

    if you watch the latest dev blog video by dean hes timed that just right. there is a lot of extra stuff coming very soon and some are very big indeed cant wait to see some of that implemented soon. so not all doom and gloom. B) it would be awesome if items that are thrown or dropped ause damage especially players . image top of ladder can of beans on someones head :lol: drop a axe hits players wounds or kills. no weapon throw cans of beans at othe player.
  22. gary commented other day about him earning a higher percentage through garys mod than rust hmmm will that mean he focuses on garys mod more. rust has literally no updates. infact half of these survival games are nothing but a map and a couple of objects.
  23. hope you have plenty of paper as we got ten months yet of printing :lol:
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rm81LSKJC2k#t=25