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Epsilon 349

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33 Good

About Epsilon 349

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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    Lost to the Zone
  1. Epsilon 349

    What should I upgrade?

    the r9 280x is the equivalent of the 7970 and the 770 is the equivalent of the 680. you'll be wanting the r9 280x, especially with BF4 receiving mantle support in december. arma/dayz on the other hand isn't very GPU intensive, a better processor will make a whole world of difference more than a new GPU. i upgraded from an fx 6300 to a 4670k and the difference it made in arma's performance was like night and day
  2. Epsilon 349

    The worlds most powerful GPU

    uhhh, was this thread submitted 6 months ago and just now uploaded?
  3. Epsilon 349

    Overclocking my processor

    ibuypower consistently mislabels their CPUs as a gimmick for uninformed buyers http://ark.intel.com/products/48505 says dual core with hyperthreading, not exactly a quad core
  4. Epsilon 349

    Earning Persistent Gear in SA

    exactly. the closest we get to this in the mod is ghillie suits, but only because they cant be removed from bodies. in SA i'm sure we'll get attached to our favorite clothes, but in the end its just gear you can find again, not something that would set you apart from a fresh spawn with good luck
  5. Epsilon 349

    DayZ Penitionary

    why don't we just take taviana, and push it somewhere else?
  6. Name it "The Skadovsk" and you will have tenfold the love and support you already receive
  7. Epsilon 349

    FPS Problem (PC Noob)

    what may be of more use is your ingame video settings, and also your average GPU usage ingame which can be found through a program like MSI Afterburner. This will help us differentiate CPU or GPU bottlenecks
  8. Epsilon 349

    How long DayZ will make Arma III?

    without a doubt, a DayZ clone will reach Arma 3. however, it will be nowhere near the quality and level of detail of the standalone. it won't be expensive, so why not just buy both?
  9. Epsilon 349

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    newsflash 20 fps drops arent uncommon in arma 2 even for beast computers, and is easily playable due to the slow pace. i actually find that its the only game i can play at 30 fps or less and not be completely useless. but now, about the food...stop letting bronies poison our food supplies.
  10. Epsilon 349

    Instead of tents for storage...

    tents can be hard to find if you know how to hide them right
  11. Epsilon 349

    Graphic card compatability

    this site might help a bit. usually a first time gpu upgrade should come from the value chart before you start understanding things and make decisions on your own. http://videocardbenchmark.net/gpu_value.html
  12. Epsilon 349


    i would love something similar to the secret labs in the STALKER series, maybe one in each major town or make new research facilities in barren areas to attract players to things besides airfields and pvp cities. Namalsk had an underground bunker similar to what i'm talking about, so it's not impossible.
  13. Epsilon 349

    Need a new monitor. Suggestions highly welcome!

    ASUS monitors are godly and pretty damn cheap. they come in just about any size, but be sure to get one with 2ms response
  14. Epsilon 349

    Seriously Zombies need to be more deadly

    i take it you havent been mega punched by one for 9k blood yet, have you?