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Everything posted by duddbudda

  1. duddbudda

    Dayz Standalone DDoS attacks

    almost certainly do
  2. duddbudda

    Lots of suicide after mass wipe

    it's not a random wipe ffs, the devs will let people know when they are doing anything that might wipe your character what's happening now is a DDoS attack on the central hive
  3. duddbudda

    Let's talk about Perma Death (No Bug talk)

    I take it you never played Rogue
  4. duddbudda

    Char wiped 3 times in a row.

    Of course it is, the Hive is being DDoS'ed hard
  5. duddbudda

    Char wiped 3 times in a row.

    DDoS stay calm
  6. Hive is being DDoS'ed and the chaps at Bohemia have been asleep because it's only just turned 6am over there
  7. duddbudda

    The Worst Day of Alpha..

    the Hive is being DDoS'ed, nothing the devs can do until they wake up in the next hour or two
  8. rifles cannot be fully dismantled or put into packs yet gun bags are coming, eventually, and the ability to place rifles in other containers will probably come with them
  9. combine rags and sticks to make splints use splints to fix broken legs sticks are far from useless
  10. duddbudda

    M4 assault rifle accuracy test (VIDEO)

    DayZ sets the M4's spread to 0.1 compare and contrast with the the m16's 0.00125 in ARMA2 chaps, stop spamming the forum with your anecdotal evidence
  11. duddbudda

    Need help? Or want to help? Mentorship!

    I can advise on reading a map, navigating without a compass, coordinating your team, planning and excuting raids, prioritising your gear and reacting on the fly I'm on for a couple hours this afternoon and will be about most of tomorrow (sunday) fluent english only I'm afraid
  12. duddbudda

    Blurry Screen after being hit

    everyone I've played with has had a bug which causes their vision to be blurry on first logging in we found that simply opening the video config menu restores focus to the render; it's not perfect but it's a simple workaround until the bug gets squashed
  13. Howdy experienced persitent thirsty and hungry alerts for the first couple days yesterday evening the thirst alerts completely dried up while I was drinking from a well a couple hours later (having not drunk in the interim) a friend gave me a blood transfusion while I ate some sardines and my hunger meter disappeared too we played for another few hours, during which time I neither ate nor drank, and I recieved no further alerts someone on reddit tried maxing out their water and recieved a thirst alert about 80 minutes later, but I've not drunk for at least three hours and still haven't suffered any penalties I'm not sure if I have stumbled onto a bug or not and thought I'd ask for opinions here before I post it to the tracker
  14. duddbudda

    No longer need to eat or drink

    thanks darrus, I thought this was intentional but after seeing the 80 minute thing on reddit decided to check up
  15. duddbudda

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    it's not poor use of a GPU, it's too much use of the CPU
  16. duddbudda

    new feature: military

    What I care about now, Seven, is that DayZ is, as Rocket put it, a 'player defined world'. What I most want for the finished product, is to see DayZ, as Rocket put it, 'not compromise being a player defined world' use your oh-so active mind to approach 'AI death squads' from that ethos hopefully you can now see why is a valid rebuttal? incidentally, that's a counter that has not been effectively addressed in this, or any other identical, thread as for my lack of creative suggestions and tendency to criticise others' suggestions: I cannot support anything that + diminishes DayZ's uniquely unrestrained player agency and self-determinism/'compromises DayZ's player defined world' + simplifies or handholds players' interactions with their environment or other players + wounds the authenticity of the experience + belittles or ad hominems Rocket, his design, ARMA or any of the devs involved in either project*** + creates a mechannic implying value judgements (sorry, it's late, I've had a couple G&Ts and I don't quite know how to put that, cf my posts on mental illness http://dayzmod.com/f...-mental-health/ and http://dayzmod.com/f..._40#entry326280) honestly stricture your imagination within such traces - if you're still overflowing with ideas then you're a genius and need to be recruited by Bathesda liek nao omg. Truth is, you say your mind is 'wildly at work', doubtless a fecund bed of ideas, but, like the rest of every suggestion forum for every game ever, that wildness needs taming; a rabbi once told me that a thing's boundaries define the thing, which is a [word for a phrase that appears profound but is condemned by its circular logic as meaningless, c'mon it's 3am and I'm drinking gin and bitter lemon] worth bearing in mind when designing anything. But the thing is, Seven, nobody cares for criticism. Yeah, in part that's why I play critic [someone's gotta do it and I don't care if a forum avatar is unpopular] but has unfortunate ramifications: if I lay out each step like an essay, arguing from first principles and collecting evidence at every point, I waste my time - this is a suggestion forum, and someone always comes along and says 'hurr durr either make suggestions or shut up'. In academic circles, that would be regarded as the defense of an imbecile incapable argument, but on the internet it's totally valid. Which is a shame, but who cares, it's only the internet, and it's easier to shitpost like everyone else. So I boil my arguments down to the key points, hope anyone reading it has the nouce to assemble the framework themselves, and if I get ignored or condemned for my attitude, well shit, it's no skin off my nose. Which is why I'm responding to you: you didn't ignore me (even though I was being a douche) and you seem like a genuine chap (even if you were being a douche, cf: ***). And shit, I've been waiting nearly three hours to play some W:EE with a chap stuck on one campaign mission, so I may as well kill some time polishing my tarnished cynic's facade.
  17. duddbudda


    they already do this - when they hear a shot they sprint for it, then they stop when they realise they can't see anything and just walk the rest of the way
  18. duddbudda

    new feature: military

    so you've never seen Zeus mod? with a couple simple fixes (basically the AI pay more attention to their surroundings) ARMA's AI is free to show itself off, and it's superb I've seen you offering your services as a dev, but you clearly don't understand DayZ's design philosophy and in your ignorance you hate the game if you loathe it so much, just leave
  19. Pathologic is a special thing, I can't explain it too well, but this young chap can http://www.rockpaper...art-1-the-body/ hopefully the parallels between Pathologic and DayZ are self evident; I don't have time, right now, to go into what we might learn, but y'all might get something out of it and get this thread unravelling [want to see what that kind design means to the player? see if there's any fun to be had? it's available on gamers gate http://www.gamersgat...ll&q=pathologic want an articulate person to tease it all out for you? part two of the article http://www.rockpaper...art-2-the-mind/ and part three http://www.rockpaper...ing-pathologic/]
  20. duddbudda

    DayZ Massive overhaul

    sorry bud, I read the whole post, kept everything you said in my head, and when I'd finished I thought about how to respond first off I posted my generic response to anyone suggesting NPC military, it's generic because you suggest it five times a day and it's still a turrible idea then I thought about how to deal with your other points, most of which grow from your disdain for PvP I went back through your waffle and hit on that phrase: it sums up your assessment of the state of the game, it is provably wrong, and accepting it forms the basis for all your arguments so I picked it out and cut it down your only response is to say 'hurr durr I was never really against PvP', despite the majority of your post being about expunging PvP from players' minds To be clear, I'm not against a number of your suggestions per se, I just disagree with the foundations of your argument
  21. To be clear about my suggestion: those who make suggestions for DayZ would benefit from playing a game that explores many of the suggestions we see in this forum, as well as containing more developed variants of mechanics that Rocket has already implemented
  22. duddbudda

    CryEngine 3 - Possible?

    would get trolled again
  23. 'invisible zombie hit me for 4000 blood' nope you got shot