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Everything posted by duddbudda

  1. duddbudda

    Why all the bandit hatred?

    debatable - I'd say the purpose of the mod is to explore public attitudes to civil crisis' date=' with survival a focus as a consequence of the collapse - certainly a major consideration but that's the absolute most sure-fire way to survive for a good length of time...
  2. so I've survived for 9 days in this life, maybe 30 hours of play and have 11 murders commited as a measure to protect my tribe explain why I need to be banned for 11 hours next time I die?
  3. duddbudda

    Zombies need a total overhaul.

    Rocket stated, during the interview streamed by Evan from PCG, that 1.7.2 will address all these issues
  4. if your attitude to advice is anything to go by, I can surmise, pinko, that you do not want to learn from experience, assess risk vs reward, scout, seek the safety of numbers or do x or y or z necessary for survival which means, pinko, that you do not want to play DayZ; if the gruelling, often uneventful, tasks that must be undertaken to ward against failure do not appeal to you then don't force yourself an analogy: I like Vector Lovers, you do not - if I go to see Vector Lovers perform I do not expect to see you there should you attend, it would be bad form to demand your beloved Bob the Builder songs stop demanding Bob the mothersuckling Builder, we're here for Genevieve
  5. I would like to play on those servers please, that way I can gather up all the loot everywehere without fear and then I can feel like I won the game
  6. duddbudda

    What DayZ Can Learn From Literature

    oh and in WWZ it starts in china, not africa
  7. duddbudda

    What DayZ Can Learn From Literature

    like paragraphs
  8. shit the bed everyone in this game is dying to other players and never to starvation zeds or glitches see sig, numbers taken from dayzmod.com, Rocket has stated that frontpage stats are not influenced by players respawning on the beach OP is a whiny shit who hates DayZ
  9. the zeroing on the DMR comes up all the time I play with the DMR in domination, in my own target ranges, in DayZ, basically anywhere I can at basic zoom it's zeroed to 100m hold right mouse and it's zeroed to 400m
  10. 8k blood = huge gash in your side, possible broken ribs, considerable haemorraging etc 8k blood and not healing yourself = being a nub and deserving to die
  11. duddbudda

    Weapon Russianization (WARNING: Big, detailed post)

    make eastern materiel common and western rare but don't expunge it why replace a DMR with a bolt-action rifle? that's a swap for an M24, not the DMR
  12. that would be OP, running about with a zombie train
  13. duddbudda

    In Absence of Bandages

    if you can't carry at least one of the the most common items in the game then you don't deserve to survive tl;dr l2p
  14. duddbudda

    Lost 3 tents

    this has happened on UK 7 too today :(
  15. If someone established a trading post, what would you want and what would you be willing to exchange for it? I suspect rare (heli-spawned and supressed) ammo, vehicle repair parts and medical supplies are the only items that could feasibly establish a rate-of-exchange why? civilian weapons are so plentiful nobody needs help finding them unsuppressed AR15s and AKs are too loud for use vs Zeds and/or too weak for PvP, whilst being so common it hurts high-end gear - the battle rifles, supressed weapons, LMGs, .50 cals, NVGs, GPSes and coyote packs - are sufficiently rare and so combat-effective that the only trades worth anyone's time are personal swaps for preffered weaponary but everyone needs ammo [A] and medical care [+] and ocassionally vehicle repair parts [P] (acronym for tradables now A+P) and everyone can find A+P but not always the right A+P eg: I went to berez hospital but was shot at and had to flee - on my way out of town I found an engine in a shed - will trade engine for a handful of bloodbags and a transfusion... iunno, I think it would be good for my tribe to establish some kind of trading thing (UK 7 regulars hit me up) but I can't imagine a sustainable gear exchange (beyond A+P as discussed) and suspect any venture trading in all types of lootz would devolve into a philanthropic 'gunz 4 noobz'
  16. drug dealers don't get high on their own supply and they make less than minimum wage, but they do it anyway
  17. duddbudda

    NPC Shop

    you want a place where people can trade? make a place where people can trade Dean 'Rocket' Hall
  18. duddbudda

    Bounty's on bandits

    who put the posters up? my guess is rabbits
  19. have 300+ hours in game, never been sniped our team of over a dozen has more than 2000 hours in game, grand total four deaths to snipers OP, and anyone defending him, is a cheating little faggot throwing a tantrum when his high-risk low-skill playstyle backfires they should be banned from DayZ the mod and any retail releases that might see publication
  20. duddbudda


    it's your own fault for logging out in an unsafe location cry more
  21. duddbudda

    Bounty's on bandits

    already exists >kill bandit >loot >better bandit >better loot