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Everything posted by duddbudda

  1. duddbudda

    enhance teamplay (Document included)

    absolutely NO to any and all NPCs that aren't Zeds
  2. hey finally got my second CD key for CO to work but the beta's trying to launch with full copies of BAF and PMC, which are attached to my primary CD key when I try to join a dayz server I get an error fixed: change the folder names of BAF and PMC and reinstall @dayz
  3. duddbudda

    Pistol spawn for '0 Murder' players

    18% of living players are bandits; 15% of survival attempts have ended in murder. Clearly everyone does not "KoS each other' date='" nor is there some kind of PvP epidemic sweeping the game.[/quote'] /thread
  4. duddbudda

    Mk. 48 Trade?

    hi, a friend is trying to establish a trading company in game despite getting heavily set back by the hacks earlier in the week, unsupressed AR15s are so common that they just get discarded on the other hand, they have only seen two mk48s in their entire time in DayZ, one was lost a week or two ago and the head of the trading co carries the other tl;dr an mk48 is gonna cost at least a pair of NVGs
  5. analogy: I am asked to take a multiple choice test First off I decide to answer a b c d e a a c c e d b c a e a c d b Then i see the questions Finally the examiner tells me how fucked I am gtfo OP
  6. hi I bought a second copy of ARMA CO last month - I wanted an account to use when my friends come over I made a new steam account (SB) and registered the new CD key (CDB) steam told me I already owned ARMA CO and loaded up from my current CD key (CDA) registered to my current steam account (SA) I then tried all manner of contortions with windows users and steam accounts turns out: the new steam account (SB) plays ARMA using the old CD key (CDA) because registry the new CD Key (CDB) is registered to the new steam account (SB) and cannot be used on any other steam account but the new steam account plays ARMA using the old CD Key so I paid £30 for a CD Key that is entirely useless steam ignore my requests to remove one or both CD keys from the new steam account, thereby making it impossible to use the new CD key steam refuse to grant a whole new CD key in lieu of the phantom fucking ghost CD key their database has swallowed up wat do? oh I should maybe mention steam refuse to make CDB giftable - as far as they're concerned it's being used to play ARMA
  7. duddbudda

    Gunshop to Berezino

    Berez has 11 military loot spawns, half a dozen barns, all the civilian loots you can want, a hospital and can be made completely safe by a half-decent team OP is suggesting redundant silliness, not thanks
  8. duddbudda

    The Life of Four

    could this go in the forum for stories please
  9. duddbudda

    Extra NVG, Rangefinder, GPS

    I know a guy who's setting up a trading co the hacks earlier in the week set them back hard but I'm confident they can sort you out I'm also confident they shoot people who demand a specific location - you want their gear? you abide by their rules and everyone walks away happy
  10. duddbudda

    Suggestion for a Female skin

    can't carry backpacks
  11. duddbudda

    Fixing The Player Hopping PK Problem

    irl snipers fire and move on do that I'm not getting logged into the middle of a field so you can feel safer on top of your tower
  12. duddbudda

    Random military encounters

    how autistic do you have to be for robots to make you feel at home?
  13. duddbudda

    Stop being so butthurt over murders

    stats got fucked up by the hacks a couple days ago and yeah, Rocket said about a half a dozen times during the interview with TB that front-page stats filter out lives that are less than several minutes long
  14. duddbudda

    Random military encounters

    um, y'know them organised, tooled up bandits you guys bitch about 24/7? THEY DO THIS SHIT ALREADY
  15. duddbudda

    Faces of the dead.

  16. duddbudda

    Faces of the dead.

    yeah man, I don't know shit about mental health, but obv the naughty people should be insane because all naughty people are psychotic delusional and see the faces of their victims and eat people and mang dey cray cray oh wait if you don't know dick about mental health don't pretend like you do here's why
  17. duddbudda

    not fun to die to campers

    that asshole is probably an overwatch protecting his mates stop thinking you're entitled to enter any town safely stop thinking that loot you want is yours - it's not, it's ours. why? there's more of us, we have bigger guns and we have covered all the angles stop thinking it's OK not to scout stop thinking it's safe to scout and move on (someone else mentioned 'snipes can jst log in lik dis if u cri evritiem' but they can also JUST FUCKING WALK THERE FOOL) and if you don't have the manpower to leave overwatch in each of the dangerous sniper spots then you simply do not have the right to feel safe stop thinking an apocalyptic dog eat dog world should be as welcoming to lonely idiots as it is to smart tribes - there's a reason social animals pwned evolution ffs stop thinking those tribes should be beholden to a lonely idiot who fails to scout, has no overwatch and wanders about with his head in the clouds
  18. I'm not talking about the game, role playing a blood-soaked axe-wielding psychopath is fun for all the family I'm talking about attitudes displayed on the forum, the implicit prejudices and stereotypes and my hope that the devs will distance themselves from such
  19. wow, that's so simple and elegant and solves all the problems, I can't believe noone suggested it before!
  20. you are bad and should feel bad
  21. duddbudda

    A way to stop the murders

    it's sad how many people believe this crap Believe what crap? Observational psychology? Being able to read people? lolfail Observational Psychology is an attempt to describe how humans learn through observation, and has nothing to do with making judgements about someone's mental health based on their behaviour
  22. duddbudda

    A way to stop the murders

    it's sad how many people believe this crap