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Everything posted by duddbudda

  1. duddbudda

    This mod's community is awful

    indeed you are camera crews do this badasses do this
  2. duddbudda

    Server Incentive/ Profit Increase

    QFT between specterm and mosiph I think I need a cigarette
  3. duddbudda

    evolution of shoot on sight?

    absolutely not
  4. duddbudda

    evolution of shoot on sight?

    read up on the Prisoners' Dilemma meeting a stranger in DayZ is a perfect PD, and the players here are responding exactly as the evidence predicts
  5. duddbudda

    New Forum Rank Titles

    some more ideas, starting low heading high DayZ'd and Confused Afraid of the Dark Friendly in Cherno Bean Buccaneer 'Friendly' in Cherno Her [or His] Royal Heinz-ness
  6. so we've got a 'you have my beans' button where's the 'hides body, beans and all' button?
  7. duddbudda

    I do not like Hienz beans my man

    takes too long
  8. duddbudda

    I do not like Hienz beans my man

    I was thinking of it like 'I killed you, but ima just hide your body without even eating your beans'
  9. I bought the DLCs after spending time in Cherno and being repeatedly astounded by the engine, then I bought a second copy of ARMA II CO I just wanted to give my money to such wondrously ambitious devs, think of it like kickstarter without the free tshirts here's some of the moments that pushed me towards these purchases: - i was able to navigate without a map or compass using stars and shadows - a friend got lost because clouds were obscuring the north star, I looked up to see the same clouds infront of the same star! - even more amazing, when I suggest he go by cassiopeia, he was able to google it and find it in the game - someone nodded in agreement and I saw it - checking the north star one night, I noticed the treetops swaying in the breeze - sunrise - sunset - someone spoke in Direct chat and their lips moved - butterflies - bees - I heard a helicopter rumbling several clicks away knew to get back to the treeline - I played flashpoint when it was incredible
  10. there is no great correlation between socio/psychopathy and psychosis as to requiring an in game mechanic for sociopathy, no, that's displayed by their behaviour perfectly well enough
  11. duddbudda

    Insanity System, combating banditry

    OK, I was too short with you - so so brief you thought I was talking about your assumption that murdering the mentally unwell is just and would make one's psyche stronger, when in fact I was more concerned with your blithe assumption that people whose morals do not align with yours are insane and deserve death - I apologise I have a proximity to this area that many do not: two dear friends are psychologists, and an important person in my life has suffered at the whims of psychosis - this young chap was shaping up to be a true gentleman but, as he made his final stride from adolesence to manhood, his brain chemsitry was upset by who-knows-what, crippling him. Knowing him was once an honour and a pleasure, now we have but memories. [lik dis if u cri evry tiem] perhaps you now appreciate my wish to deflate the enthusiasm some members of this community have for mechanics that perfectly correlate mental health and morality, and perhaps, why I have such little patience with the idea (stats now) psychosis affects something insane like one in twenty young men, from all walks of life, do not be too quick to judge them cf this thread http://dayzmod.com/f...th/#entry238619
  12. duddbudda

    Insanity System, combating banditry

    only an immature, naieve little shit thinks the 'bad guys' are so 'bad' that killing them makes him feel good then there's the problem of your lazy motherfucking design implying that only bad people have poor mental health GTFO
  13. ignoring DX11 for years and then bodging it into the engine after the community vents their disappointment, that's the cutting edge? fully tesselated flat surfaces instead of scaled back, that's optimised? running a tesselated water model across the entire area of the map just for one pond in one corner, that's optimised? dayum, gotta get me some of that shit
  14. that's called LOD (Level of Detail) and EVERY REAL TIME 3D ENGINE EVER MAKES USE OF IT shit, how do you think ARMA can render 10km draw distances on any PC without basic shit like that?
  15. ARMA's engine is a masterpiece, there's nothing remotely like it for scale and content (starmaps, weather, huge area, huge player numbers, ballistic physics, lighting, audio fidelity, flora and fauna, avatar-control, 10km draw distance, all the guns, all the vehicles, AI, modability, lip-synced player speech...) my PC can run any game ultra'ed at 1080p, the worst frame rate I see being 45 fps in Metro 2033 despite all the advances to graphics in the years since it was released, chernarus remains the most complete and immersive environment in any game on this PC so it's a bit sticky in doors (fixable - st movement works just fine) and the P2P netcode required to run this mod is still in alpha phase, that's no reason to throw away the magnificent features we have access to with the ARMA engine PS, OP and several others have commented on bugs that are being fixed during these alpha stages as if an different engine would never have had any bugs ever at any stage in development, please guys, think before you speak
  16. duddbudda

    Axe murder

    I killed one woman with an axe - said, hi, asked if friendly, noted that she wans't pointing her double barrel at me, no response, chopped her head off - felt turrible about it not because of the axe you understand, because of my 'no mic no life' policy, it's brutal, and it's not pleasant to enforce, but if you can't speak you're nothing but a liability
  17. use the mission editor and make one yourself takes about five minutes
  18. I've got a great idea for this game BE PATIENT. if you can't handle that alpha is alpha then just don't fucking play and just don't fucking whine about it entitled brats need to get the fuck out
  19. duddbudda

    Tales of a butthurt player...

    there are more reasons to team up than not to, Z'sDB posted a great thread full of them (which I can't find no more :() stranger interaction in DayZ is a prisoners' dilemma, and the results are consistent with any other prisoners' dilemma
  20. duddbudda

    Tales of a butthurt player...

    dude, pull your head out your arse you hate that chaps can do what they want without design restraints you hate what they want to do you hate what their actions do to one another you hate that they don't need to justify themselves you hate Rocket for not putting them on a leash Virfortis, you hate DayZ please, stop posting your polemic vitriol
  21. duddbudda

    Inmate clothing for the next respawn bandits

    I'm all for inmate accoutrements denoting a bad man >first you get the jumpsuit >then you get the handcuffs >then you track down a murderer, force the shit on him and throw away the key I'm 100% against karmic assgobbling
  22. duddbudda

    Fun to done in less than 30 minutes...

    itt insanity
  23. duddbudda

    Wind factor when sniping?

    not in DayZ you don't if you want it, ACE (and VBS) implements atmospherics into ARMA's ballistic model ACE have reputedly refused to share their assets with DayZ, or maybe there just isn't enough spare processing what with all them cray zeds
  24. duddbudda

    Tales of a butthurt player...

    someone shot you and then you let him do it again Potato much?
  25. fresh spawns carry everyday objects that can be used for special things... eg: male characters carry a condom - single use canteen female characters carry a tampon - single use fire lighter (opened out a tampon is highly flammable, will catch any spark when dry) keys - highly effective thrown zed distractor, single use - all peeps prosac - no zed-induced panic for half an hour - given to players who die 80%+ to zeds adderall - proscribed to players who die within the first hour five times in a row - can be redeemed at any pharmacists mp3 player with only a self-help audiobook installed - cannot be turned off or muted - exceptionally loud - matthew perry explains the principles of risk assessment, cost/benefit analysis and scouting - given to players who post anti-PvP comments on this, or any other, forum