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Everything posted by duddbudda

  1. YES - TRY IT RESET HUMANITY WITH EVERY NEW SPAWN @shadowvfx - please an hero
  2. dogs, you did this already to anyone else who sees this as the WoWification of DayZ don't waste time trying to explain to dogsbd why his is a game-destroying idea; he'll never accept that strangers are a vital part of DayZ's atmosphere and challenge
  3. duddbudda

    another way to spawn

    'parachute' implies civilisation offering you as a sacrifice or some shit I'll say what I always say when someone suggests parachutes: ROWBOATS, can carry several people allowing for team spawns, are limited in landing zone only by your thirst and your boredom, are cool and rad and slathered in awesomesauce
  4. any dev comments about fixing food and water levels between spawns refers to this not OP's problem, which is a result of his inability to recognise the correlation between time and sustenance requirements
  5. duddbudda

    DayZ mmo.

    why are all MMOs hotkey spreadsheet calculators? because there are no engines that can keep thousands of people in lag-free twitch-friendly environment ARMA's engine is rare brilliance; letting fifty people play together on a map the size of London, letting them share intimacies as simple as a nod in a world with simulation lighting, weather, star and lunar cycles, accurate sound and a highly detailed ballistic model is a spectacular achievement there isn't another game that even believes ARMA's engine is possible, let alone an MMO matching it
  6. duddbudda

    DayZ mmo.

    word on the street: ARMAIII's map 'Limnos' is 900km^2 and supports 200 players in DayZ
  7. duddbudda


  8. duddbudda

    The Eastern Bandit

    rangefinders and binocs and NVGs all take the same slots rangefinders make binocs redundant but the binocs take precedence when yall press b so drop dem binocs if you find rangers. if you own NVGs, drop binocs before picking up rangers. OT there was a glitching on UK7 (and, I think, other 93586 servers) recently where people spawn without a debug monitor. they wouldn't be able to heal, eat or drink, spawned neither loot nor zeds and couldn't interact with or be interacted with, they could only shoot and be shot nor could they die - when they respawned it was from their last login (could log out and save OK tho...) my team killed the same guy with the same loot twice in a quarter hour and later killed another chap FOUR times in 20 minutes
  9. duddbudda

    Suggestion You Will Absolutely Hate

    I don't jump around in every thread. I only jump around in the threads that suggest things I hate (and will do everything I can to keep out of DayZ) and threads I love. maybe you shouldn't slop your butthurt into other threads. I advise sleeping on it: maybe you'll wake up with an attribute increase inuring your behind against owies
  10. duddbudda

    Ghosters and Loggers

    use the search function add your +1 to any and all of the seventeen thousand identical threads /thread
  11. learn to log out only in safe places /thread
  12. duddbudda

    Days Lived

    needs to be in-game time so no idling bonus aquired every 112 hours (168[week]-56[seven days' sleep]) skin alterations are a nono - just makes the older guy a target
  13. duddbudda

    Suggestion You Will Absolutely Hate

    suggestion: if you know what you're going to say is so retarded that everyone will hate it, do not say that thing
  14. duddbudda

    Just picked up a FN FAL

    given that they're both 7.62 NATO, shouldn't the FN-FAL take DMR mags too?
  15. duddbudda

    Sniper rifle v. Assault rifles

    I carry a DMR, MP5 SD6 and PDW
  16. duddbudda

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

  17. but the MP5 SD and M4/M16 suppressed CANNOT fire subsonic rounds
  18. duddbudda

    Safe lockers needed! (bank vaults)

    if you want to establish trading posts you have to man them 24/7 or you're cheating the system
  19. the 1866 is a lever-action rifle
  20. duddbudda

    Magazine in weapon takes up pack slot?

    think of that slot as never existing in the first place and the butthurt should flow away
  21. duddbudda

    Encouraging Direct Communication: Sanity Meter

    what? it enforces a metagame on what level is that not gamified craptaculence?
  22. duddbudda

    Encouraging Direct Communication: Sanity Meter

    yes you absolutely can unfortunately, D&D's mechanical stat tables have been crammed into vidya by shitty DM's like Blizzaware and Sqeenix now the neophobic industry caters to the stunted imaginations of consumers, like yourself, who have never played a role they weren't channeled into by the design but D&D style role play doesn't work because the stats tell you who you are; the stats measure a person's capacities (their physical reality), the player gives them purpose. Not just direction, the player decides their hopes, idiosyncracies, every facet of their character (their concious reality). A good DM lets a player have free reign over their character's character. Vidya generally doesn't - people tend to believe it is a consequence of the medium. DayZ is one of the few vidya games able to bridge the divide between player and character. I could go to some length on why, but this post is already stupid long, so you'll just have to accept it.
  23. duddbudda

    is double-tap running working?

    doesn't work for me :( I rebound sprint to space