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Everything posted by duddbudda

  1. duddbudda

    My new imminent death strategy...

    vanilla you are everything that is wrong with humanity
  2. duddbudda

    Remove built in rangefinder

    I got a 620m headshot with my DMR yesterday, measured using my Rangefinders I was on a server with no xhairs, 3rd, waypoints or that scrolly rangefinding thing they exist, you just have to look for them Rocket stated somewhen that DayZ could have an enforced ruleset for all servers, here's hoping it's completely unassisted
  3. duddbudda

    Which Video card is better?

    the first is an (OOOOLLLLLDDDDD) IGP built into a motherboard, do not buy it the second is the third worst GPU on the market the third is the second worst GPU on the market none are better than what you have now speaking of, what components does your PC have (google 'pirinform speccy' if you don't know yourself) and what model is your PSU?
  4. duddbudda

    Forges/Recycling Centres

    you could make the shittiest shotgun slugs from tin, if you were desperate but I wouldn't fire them from my M670 or M1014 so no >lighting a forge with matches lul I'm posting in a troll thread ain't I?
  5. duddbudda

    install button

    have OA and ARMA II ever been run before trying to install DayZ? I'll take that as a no lul
  6. duddbudda

    install button

    it's quite simple dl and extract files found at dayzmod.com/downloads into a folder in ARMAIIOA's folder called @DayZ dl and install the arma ii beta find the file called '_runARMAIIOA_beta' (iirc, might be different) edit it in notepad on the line below 'call' add -addons=@DayZ and -cpucount=[insert number of cores] I also add -nosplash and -world=empty
  7. duddbudda

    Rocket, Bohemia, hear me out!

    I'll never play anything dependant on owning PMC or BAF but I bought PMC and BAF after I got to know ARMA II BIS have created a game with huge maps drawn to 10km whilst supporting vast numbers of players, even more AI units and all their assorted materiel and still manages to model lip synching, the lunar calendar, starmaps, weather, sunlight and ballistics so yeah, ARMA is a fantastic achievement and BIS deserve their rewards
  8. the evidence is not solid, but it has convinced me: my first post here asked if melee was possible someone told me it was not so I went to armaholic, researching melee mods there aren't any
  9. duddbudda

    Thoughts on the In-game Economics

    that first comment was a quote from the intro to deus ex, there , but it was throwaway as for military squads with no fear of death: there are numerous threads asking for NPCs to take this role - why shouldn't players be allowed to do so you are making assumptions for us it is the characters' continous survival that matters, not the loot I thought that was stressed in my post re: you're up north so of course you find good shit we haven't been able to find anything more useful than a soda or a clip of ammo on any of the last dozen men to cross our path - the only things we need are a few more GPS and a pair of NVGs each, and those are rare, even among those we meet in the north in the last week we have made a dozen raids on Stary, Berez, Krasno and the NWA - we have come away with nothing but ammo, extra camo and, when we need it, an AK for the latest respawn it's possible you play on servers flooted with duped weapons, but on our server, we don't have that concern re: a nub who finds a camp might walk away tooled up with a SAW and NVGs & other concerns about the distinction between and conflation of skill and nubs won't have phat loots for long - I've had a DMR on me for three weeks because I'm a reasonable shot and a better tactician of course all gear gained is dependant on chance, whether taken from a spawn point, camp or player holding onto it is entirely about player skill (disregarding those killed by hackers and random despawn glitches) a skilled player is barely more dangerous with an M107 than with a leinfield (my best kill was at 450m one-shotting a running survivor, I made the shot with a lee) but there is pleasure in possessing prestigious things re: assumptions about what we do when we die we do not have a camp to restock at. we re-equip respawns by raiding places, or giving them spare camo etc that we carry on our backs players retooling themselves immediately after death ought not be frowned upon - if they choose to put more stock in the PvP than their characters' longevity or any role play or whatever, well that is their choice, and it makes my game more interesting re: misrepresenting you - you suggest weapons break, and I was addressing that measure's effects weapons spawning in relation to their numbers in play? worth a trial during the alpha for sure finally, apologies for disjointed posts, I am distracted by The Young Victoria while I reply
  10. duddbudda

    Realistic gun space usage

    I agree that slots are notsogood (an MP5 has the same volume as an AS50? wut?) I'd have SMGs at eight slots, rifles at ten and bulky or long-barreled weapons at twelve but I'm more of a 4Xer normally: these sizes have an eye on resource management considerations and balancing, which may not be too applicable to a sim like ARMA or a purposely unfair design like DayZ
  11. duddbudda

    The Life Expectancy guessing thread

    my guess: if players didn't waste so many lives respawning to get nearer their corpse, or whatever, avg life would be over 90 minutes will this update change anything? I don't know, I haven't tried it yet
  12. duddbudda

    Thoughts on the In-game Economics

    why contain it? let it spill over into the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end they'll beg us to save them. I'll be presenting an argument against your suggestion, but first an overview of my squad's setup: the guys I run with are getting top-tier saturated too: two snipers in ghillies with M107s and M9SDs, coyote backpacks and rangers, one with NVGs; myself with an mk48, DMR, camo, coyote and NVGs; we've got MP5SDs, M14s, spare camo, most of us have a GPS &c to be clear: I understand escalating loot and why you have made your suggestion to curb it but loot is secondary: the key is to survive : we have phat loot because we are accomplished survivors : our loot makes us more valuable targets : our loot raises our stakes, any death will cost us enormously : our loot diminishes potential rewards from any raid or player engagement ; our loot encourages us to hit buisier and higher value targets ; our loot encourages us to target better equipped and generally better skilled players : our loot cannot compensate for any lack of skill or poor tactical consideration ultimately, we have earnt our gear as we have earnt our long survival times: losing an M107 to an enforced 'you're too uber' tax would only diminish the value of survival and make mock of our tenacity and resoursefulness effectively you are suggesting we be punished for our status as top-rate survivors to be clear: I don't agree there is a problem with any 'escalating loot' and I certainly don't believe that any such escalation justifies punitive measures against the best players: this isn't Mario Kart ultimately, once magazines' contents are tracked by player saves, escalating loot will be nullified by the challenge of keeping a 10 round per second mk48 in bullets
  13. duddbudda

    Ideas about pacifism, surviving and zeds

    white flag should be visual only and should not affect a player's ability to fire his weapon oh wait, that's called the salute key, and it already exists
  14. duddbudda

    OMG more LLJK goon hacking!!!!!!

    count you days hackers (I should say slackers lol) you been backtraced hardcore and now le 9gag army knows your name itt: trolls' adoring audience
  15. interesting I loathe the hoppers' movement - it doesn't fit the 'apex predator' dealio at all this use of the model totally works: an embattled The Thinker
  16. the idea sounds OK so why aren't there any mods that do it?
  17. duddbudda


    maybe you should use the search feature and find the threads posted in the last 48 hours
  18. give some regulars the power to merge threads the reason should be fairly obvious
  19. post budget and country of origin, ARMA II can quite nicely on anything starting from £500/$800 you will have to put the lego together yourself, but that's not exactly a challenge
  20. duddbudda

    A grapple bolt for the cross bow

    no /thread
  21. duddbudda

    How the Dog Mechanic work and more

    Dog Weddings!!!!
  22. my team were raiding NWA and some lonely bastard tried to sneak through our perimeter I put a DMR round in him and a mate's AK cut him down as he fled he was fully loaded: my bud took his NVGs but accidentally clicked 'respawn' half an hour later, so I claimed them I lost them four days later while gutting a cow north of black lake - the server had only three unknowns on it and was pitch black :/ a couple days ago another teammate killed someone trying to loot berezino while we had it locked down, the poor sod had everything and our chap gladly took his NVGs as we moved out there was an engagement near the hospital and on the hill to the northeast I was alone on the factory side facing, and killing, the rival squad with my DMR I expected a flank and asked for someone to come down and cover my back the NVG-bearer obliged, but instead of covering my rear wanted to keep an eye on the action himself I didn't want to spoil his fun and didn't order him to face the rear minutes later someone unloaded an MP5 SD6 into his back I avenged my teammate but felt no remorse keeping the NVGs for myself together our team has 1000 hours in Chernarus, but we've only ever found NVGs and rangers on our prey loot farmers are scum and you should feel like scum and I hope we kill you thousands of times re: probabilty chance of NVGs per loot pile = 0.40 (chance of any pile having anything) * 0.11 (chance anything is NVGs) = 0.044%
  23. >makes sweeping generalisations >is wrong remind me why should I give a fuck?
  24. duddbudda

    Survival - Let's Turn this B#$%h up to 11

    I like the item restriction, in terms of being a glimpse into the end of society I loathe that the game would become so dependant on spawn chances that I would feel powerless. Your vision might be more 'real' but at least now, when I have a DMR, MP5SD6, PDW and all gear (yup NVGs and rangers too) for the second time, I know I earnt it. In OP's vision player skill disappears and the experience degenerates into 'I was lucky enough to find beans in a town that noone else was desperately searching for beans in' or 'I was unable to scout the town because I was so hungry so I had to run in and hope any scavengers were friendly. I only had one mak clip and a bandage but they killed me for my flesh'.
  25. duddbudda

    Previous profession

    there was an identical thread about previous occupation just yesterday, he hadn't used the search feature either