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Everything posted by duddbudda

  1. your humanity it has to be LOW mine is and my buds say my heart goes like the clappers
  2. duddbudda

    end game: escape from chernarus in BALLOONS

    eyyy boy we gon sneak up on your colt like a ninja cloud and light you up
  3. we never see any nub teams running about in the north no more, they all just die on the beaches like it's D-Day but this is DayZ and I would like my casual loot harvest back
  4. duddbudda

    starting conditions are too hard

    I don't wanna kill fresh spawns I wanna kill bad players who come north and find good loot and run around without a care in the world now most of the server is stuck in this half-hour respawn loop of fail down on the south coast and I can't get no easy loot
  5. duddbudda

    starting conditions are too hard

    but the bad players aren't bringing their phat loot to berezino and mindlessly letting themselves die to my sniper scope it's not fair now we have to raid again D:
  6. duddbudda

    @DayZ [Suggestions, Fixes and Important Changes] Must Read

    16) weapons jam only if you let me clean them
  7. duddbudda

    The new UK7 Meet & Greet Thread

    Hey Slim - you called me a bandit because I was trolling the side chat? I TOOK YOUR NVGs :D :D :D :D :D :D
  8. duddbudda

    @DayZ [Suggestions, Fixes and Important Changes] Must Read

    1) why? 2) yup - fyi it works like: when a server is booted it is given time X, everyone who loads in will load in at time X and their watch will tick forward from there on, until they log out - this system is bollocks and I just don't know why ARMA [an engine that can sync 1000+ zombies for 50+ players while lip-synching their words, coordinating ballistics and lightning strikes] can't keep time 3) the natural day night cycle is imba? lolwut 4) pass 5) less often than 'not at all often'? so, like, never? no - just learn to avoid them better 6) yes, it is important that a world driven entirely by real people making their own decisions has boundaries erected by NPCs for reasons that do not exist 6) good god in heaven I hope Rocket isn't retarded - everything everyone asks for NPCs to do can be and is being done by players 7) so there are more guns? no 8) yup 9) yup 10) wut? 11) yup 12) goes in the bug report forum, well, there's already a ticket for it on Dev Heaven so meh consider it done 13) see 10) 14) no, there are so many threads on this, and it's as bad as punishing PvP tl;dr there are billions of reasons to run in a tribe, it's not the game's fault people don't see them
  9. duddbudda

    MMO styled servers

    to be clear: I play only on one server as it is, I just don't see why we need to remove the choice
  10. duddbudda

    A Buddy System

    what's to stop buddies now? why do we need a mechanic to do something that is already entirely possible? take note of friendly faces, clothing, weapons, packs and set a 'not sure if friendly' action it's possible to makes mistakes irl, why should DayZ hold your hand? shit, if you're totally incapable then get on a wallhacking crosshair server that hands out names at 500m
  11. duddbudda

    Which was your first gun?

    first gun I can remember was an M4A3 CCO looted from the deerstands guarding Balota medical camp I was dead chuffed with my find and wanted to share the wealth - I rounded up some Cherno noobs the next night to show them rad balota loot - stood there with half a dozen fresh spawns gawping at my flashlight like I'm their saviour :) crazy dayz have had an mk48 and DMR for the last couple weeks and I love them both - even gave an M107 away so I could loot a DMR :p
  12. duddbudda

    Aging System Suggestion

    when players start surviving 10000 hours in game we can talk about the validity of an aging system
  13. duddbudda

    Is 3rd person really going away?

    when did countering an argument without making a single subjective value judgement become 'provoking'? when did countering an argument become moaning? and Morietti' date=' when did this [img']http://i.imgur.com/9m50E.jpg give the same advantage to the poor dead motherfucker on the road? why does this matter? check the thread topic: devs have made mention of an intent to limit servers to the same ruleset - I'm sticking up for the ruleset I favour
  14. duddbudda

    Is 3rd person really going away?

    Oh stop being bloody stupid! Camping is on every game going' date=' doesn't make a difference if its on a 3rd person game to a first person game it will always exist period!!! NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO PLAY ON 3RD PERSON SERVERS, NO ONE IS FORCING YOU TO PLAY THIS GAME!! 3RD PERSON WAS BUILT INTO ARMA AND YOU KNEW THIS FROM THE START SO STOP BLOODY MOANING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/quote'] chillax brosephine, I was only responding to an inane post by stating a simple fact: 3rd person allows one-way LOS, 1st does not why are you mad though?
  15. duddbudda

    We got bored...

    I have heard satchels are coming to DayZ I had not heard they'd arrived hax
  16. duddbudda

    Is 3rd person really going away?

    wut? 3rd person encourages camping because you can be completely invisible behind an object yet still have LOS past it a guy in 3rd can camp without fear of ever being seen while 1st forces players to expose themselves
  17. duddbudda

    Wasted time in the beginning

    wow you are so bitter /facepalm you ever think our respawns made it north alone?
  18. duddbudda

    My suggestions after a week

    these are infected humans not the revenant dead they are apex predators dependant on normal bodily functions to survive blood already shows up on players, it indicates that they have been shot heartbeats are audible on bad players, they indicate that a player is bad if you want to indicate friendliness use the ' key to salute or plug your headset in and direct chat poisoned meats, making your corpse a booby trap with a grenade and other simple revenge options are little masturbatory gifts for players who failed to take sufficient steps to protect themselves, they are unwarranted and unnecessary if a player gets murdered so often they glady waste a valuable slot on poisoned meat, y'know what, let them: it just makes them easier to kill and all I have to do is make sure I cook my meat myself, it's not as if animals are scarce radios are WIP encumberance may be part of Rocket's rumoured inventory overhaul traps are a no-no imo - makes campers too secure - a vital part of my teams raids is sweeping for snipers, and if they've got a beartrap or trip-wired grenade covering their back it makes things too easy for them buildings can be destroyed with sufficient firepower, IEDs will probably be an inevitable part of the game. as for burning down the house, I don't know, ARMA struggles enough with a convincing 'my car is on fire' mechanic players not respawning where they logged out is insane - I always log off in tree cover and I'm not about to be respawned in the middle of a field because someone happens to be in the area spawning at a camp = fine, if that's where you were when you logged out, too much potential for abuse by cowardly DCers and makes it far too easy to ruin a whole clan - find their tents and wait respawning at a camp = no, the guy who has friends in the camp is dead the new character has to meet them again (even if the player is friends on TS) team start = HELLS NO pussy ass fools want this because no guns is hard DAMN STRAIGHT it's hard, it's meant to be hard shiieeeet crackers ain't got no stones take that fool respawn button out and prevent players from respawning thirty times till they all land in Novy exploiting motherfuckers make me sick
  19. duddbudda

    justify your actions

    he wants tears, you insist on obliging him
  20. duddbudda

    justify your actions

    please, nubs, recognise that a lone survivor who refuses to scout and has no friends to provide overwatch cannot expect to safely raid a town
  21. duddbudda

    Classes in DayZ (let the shitstorm commence)

    QFT shame sop few have the imagination to recognise this
  22. duddbudda

    Wasted time in the beginning

    there are a dozen guys in my squad we have had a dozen deaths since the mak was removed from spawn despite looting Elektro, Cherno or Balota airfield before heading north, none of these spawns has died south of xxx070 tl;dr you are doing it wrong
  23. if you can't handle getting shot you're playing the wrong game