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About duddbudda

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    The Beach
  1. duddbudda

    Dayz Standalone DDoS attacks

    almost certainly do
  2. duddbudda

    Lots of suicide after mass wipe

    it's not a random wipe ffs, the devs will let people know when they are doing anything that might wipe your character what's happening now is a DDoS attack on the central hive
  3. duddbudda

    Let's talk about Perma Death (No Bug talk)

    I take it you never played Rogue
  4. duddbudda

    Char wiped 3 times in a row.

    Of course it is, the Hive is being DDoS'ed hard
  5. duddbudda

    Char wiped 3 times in a row.

    DDoS stay calm
  6. Hive is being DDoS'ed and the chaps at Bohemia have been asleep because it's only just turned 6am over there
  7. duddbudda

    The Worst Day of Alpha..

    the Hive is being DDoS'ed, nothing the devs can do until they wake up in the next hour or two
  8. rifles cannot be fully dismantled or put into packs yet gun bags are coming, eventually, and the ability to place rifles in other containers will probably come with them
  9. combine rags and sticks to make splints use splints to fix broken legs sticks are far from useless
  10. duddbudda

    M4 assault rifle accuracy test (VIDEO)

    DayZ sets the M4's spread to 0.1 compare and contrast with the the m16's 0.00125 in ARMA2 chaps, stop spamming the forum with your anecdotal evidence
  11. duddbudda

    Need help? Or want to help? Mentorship!

    I can advise on reading a map, navigating without a compass, coordinating your team, planning and excuting raids, prioritising your gear and reacting on the fly I'm on for a couple hours this afternoon and will be about most of tomorrow (sunday) fluent english only I'm afraid
  12. duddbudda

    Blurry Screen after being hit

    everyone I've played with has had a bug which causes their vision to be blurry on first logging in we found that simply opening the video config menu restores focus to the render; it's not perfect but it's a simple workaround until the bug gets squashed
  13. duddbudda

    No longer need to eat or drink

    thanks darrus, I thought this was intentional but after seeing the 80 minute thing on reddit decided to check up
  14. Howdy experienced persitent thirsty and hungry alerts for the first couple days yesterday evening the thirst alerts completely dried up while I was drinking from a well a couple hours later (having not drunk in the interim) a friend gave me a blood transfusion while I ate some sardines and my hunger meter disappeared too we played for another few hours, during which time I neither ate nor drank, and I recieved no further alerts someone on reddit tried maxing out their water and recieved a thirst alert about 80 minutes later, but I've not drunk for at least three hours and still haven't suffered any penalties I'm not sure if I have stumbled onto a bug or not and thought I'd ask for opinions here before I post it to the tracker