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About Nosense

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    On the Coast

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  1. Nosense

    Introduce yourselves

    Hello my name is Nosense, ingame Nosense/netsky nosense/Nosense?! I play for a community called "netsky" (http://www.netsky.org.uk) basicly a big cod4 community. but were also thinking about hosting our own DayZ server =D! About myself: Im a 16 year old guy and I really enjoy dayz apart from the heart issues I get of playing it cuz its fckin' scary when you know there is a bandit near you x.x. -Nosense
  2. I recently killed an admin on "DayZ US 734". He had a Ghillie Suit on him (he didnt wear it.. probably because he thought it would kill him). 1 second after that I got a DC and the server was restarted. Admin name: Jamie Maybe something to watch out for if this happens frequently on this server. Thanks for reading. -Nosense
  3. Nosense

    Always spawning Unconscious

    I have the same problem. I do not know how to fix such.
  4. I think its good and still SHIT. Its really easy for zombies to hear you now, I can barely crouch trough a village even PRONE trough a village and I already get attacked from all the ways... Its fucked in my oppinion. Me and the whole Netsky community (netsky.org.uk) have been playing this and we all think its too hard now..
  5. Zombies can now run in buildings. The most FUCKED up thing.
  6. You cannot make sure that it actually was because of that. It does makes people aware of wat may occur in this server. If it happens frequently we can most certainly say that its admin abuse, right now we cant.
  7. Nosense

    Spawning at coast after update to 1.7.2

    I spawned with a broken bone, luckely I allways have morphine on me.
  8. Hello everyone, I made this topic to basicly let the creators of DayZ know what the community thinks of the 1.7.2 patch. My thoughts on it. There have been alot of good update such as " [FIXED] Too easy to break legs due to infected (reduced probability of leg damage, reduced amount of leg damage)" and "[FIXED] Daylight calculations causing slight FPS issue" which were the facts where I mainly had problems with even with the pc I got. So basicly the one thing I think which is fucked up is the fact that zombies can actually run in houses now. Its already very hard to hit a zombie since they run so fast and run towards every direction possible and not directly to you. Now that they actually can run in houses makes it possible for them to glitch trough walls (which occurs alot) and hit you right away. Also does that mean that it makes surviving alot harded since you cannot outrun the zombies by going into a house, trap them there and than run away, you have to break the line of sight which is very hard because you allways make alot of noise and such. This also means that If you cant break the line of sight that you need to kill all of them and in the early state of the game that might actually be quite hard because you do not have alot of ammo and maybe not even a gun. Please let the community know what you think about this patch. Please do not hate on eachother and hate on this post, I only try to do the best for the community and try to share my toughts of the game so we can improve it. Thanks for reading. -Nosense
  9. Nosense

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    This patch is very good and still VERY annoying.. This patch made it happen that zombies can now actually RUN in buildings making it alot more challanging to kill them since aiming is already hard because of the fucked up reg/shooting system of this game alone. The hitboxes of the zombies should atleast be increased or the "zombies cant run in houses" should be back again. Thanks for reading, please no hating what so ever, I am trying the best for the community. -Nosense