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Everything posted by DopeGirl

  1. Luckily havent ran into any cheaters so far.
  2. DopeGirl

    Giving yourself beans...

    well you gotta have your beans... growing man needs his vitamins
  3. Yeah hes implying his bad aim, when he accidently shoots his own guys. (I'm kidding.)
  4. Uhh well.. would hold out in my apartment for a lil while maybe, for supplies and maybe some huge ass kitchen knife i could find, cause theres nothing else really in. And theres other apartments ofcourse closeby which means it wouldnt be too safe considering the zombies. Get some medical supplies from the house aswell, and god knows.. I'd be pretty much dead most likely if im being realistic.
  5. DopeGirl

    I'm new, looking for 1v1s

    think that says it all.
  6. I'm just gonna put it shortly here, i wouldn't mind if they were a lil more dangerous for example if they noticed people easier, and so on. Sometimes feels too easy and you mainly gotta be afraid of other players than the actual Zombies.
  7. DopeGirl

    OMG lost my AK!

    Yerrr, hate when that happens when i'm having my retard moments. :) Eventho' i should know by now.
  8. You could hit up with me and friend of mine sometime, why not. I'm from finland, but i like to think my english is pretty okayish. And also the other one is from UK which shouldn't be a problem!
  9. DopeGirl

    Hillarious DayZ video..GET OUTTA MY TRACTOR

    Hahah, also nice running there! U made it far.
  10. keeps going from 2-4 hrs, to 1-2 days.
  11. DopeGirl

    Right in the Nutz!

    Lmfao that was a funny one. Unlucky..
  12. DopeGirl

    DayZ Unofficial 500 Slot Public Teamspeak!

    ohh damn nice vid.
  13. DopeGirl

    Bear Traps? !

    Haven't seen any yet, but looking forward to it.
  14. For me, it's all based on luck, i've found three cars in total , 2 in the middle of nowhere in the forest in some camp with 3-4 tents. And quadbike right next to Cherno on a road. So i guess it really depends where players leave them, where they spawn and so on. You'll find one eventually.
  15. DopeGirl

    Killing hundreds of zombies

    that's great, nice video!
  16. DopeGirl

    A pretty cool bandit...

    Ahh damn that was a nice video, such a nice guy wish i ran into them aswell.
  17. DopeGirl

    Sig thread?

    Ohhhh daamnnn those sigs look tight, you really are a pro. lol Nice.
  18. DopeGirl

    4-Man DayZ Series (Super Awesome)

    lmao pretty hilarious clips guys. Nice, keep it up
  19. DopeGirl

    I killed him, I killed a innocent, my first kill

    Lmao, that's a natural instict and reaction to it. I would of done the same, happens to all of us :P My friend actually killed another one of my friend lastnight by accident when we didnt know he was coming up to us.
  20. DopeGirl

    Woops, I turned in to a female

    Sometimes happens to me that i accidently get male character or it just chooses it for me, for some reason. But oh well i keep on playing, aint a big deal for me as long as you get to play yeh? ;D
  21. Running up to a girl who had m4 silenced with scope, aimed at me and my friend by the church, We ran up to her with only our hatchets and kept Zigzagging so she couldn't hit us. Finally got to her broke her legs and ran in the church cus we had zombies after us. She was outside screaming and finally the zombies ate rest of her. Then message comes up for both ''Enjoy your new weapons'' and we both had the m4 silenced weapons with awesome scopes and some ammo. :P
  22. DopeGirl

    Car parts ?

    Usually from factories and construction site areas, and gas stations ofcourse.
  23. DopeGirl

    how do i get blood back?

    ALWAYS in hospitals, medical centres and such. Sometimes even in apartments.