So I was trying to ask a player if he was friendly before he spun around and shot me in the face. Laying on the ground shivering with my legs broken I managed to squeeze off enough shots to his head to end his misery before getting up and fixing my wounds with 6000 blood left. Obviously this was in self defense (and my "Bandits Killed" ticked up to 1, my "Murders" remained at 0) yet my guy then became a bandit and my humanity icon turned angry looking... Is this a bug?
First one is corny, like "I WENT TO DAY Z AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS T-SHIRT, LOL!" and the third is kind of hard to read. Second one is definitely best, nice, simple and not over the top.
Please don't start talking like a robot and being completely neutral in an effort to not offend the whiny Ameribabies that can't take a silly joke like poking fun by calling whiners "care bears". Anyone who takes offence to that has some issues, all of us Aussies and New Zealanders are laughing with you man and I love how you seem like a normal guy with an Aussie sense of humour who is often sarcastic, condescending and makes silly jokes while still coming across like a nice person who cares about his game and his community. Don't change for a few crying babbies...
Just hang onto this' date=' you'll need it around here. [img'] The "hardcore" community (as laughable as that sounds) is the one most flooded with sexism/rape jokes. Most kids think it's funny. She'll need awful, unfunny Memebase comics? Can't see why...