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About spykr

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. But that's wrong. ArmA2 has a maximum draw distance of 10,000m. DayZ limits this to 1,500m to make it more balanced for players with lower-end computers.
  2. It's a bug with the HIVE, my bicycle keeps turning in to a motorcycle and not saving.
  3. spykr

    Can you Alt-F4 from a 0.50 cal bodyshot?

    If someone ALT-F4's while dying their body disappears but you still get the kill.
  4. Our vehicles aren't saving AT ALL. Not positions, inventory, repair state, nothing. In fact there's always a motorcycle where our bicycle SHOULD have been and the bicycle is back at it's spawn point.
  5. Our bicycle is replaced by a motorbike and then the bicycle appears back at it's spawn on every restart. It's extremely annoying, can't save the vehicles anywhere.
  6. The other day, a friend and I took hours to fix up a UAZ, then stumbled across a motorbike and a bicycle in the exact same area. We were hyped as hell, but when the automatic restart rolled around our vehicles were completely gone. Running back to where we found the bike, it was there! So we rode back to the UAZ spawn and that was there too, completely wiped in need of FULL repairs. We save our bicycle and restart just to see what would happen to it, and BAM it turns in to a (fully repaired and fueled) motorbike. One more annoyed restart and the vehicle is gone completely. I locked the server this morning to test it, and every time I move and save the bike it's back at it's spawn point on restart. Sometimes the bike is back at the spawn point and a motorbike is where the bicycle should have been. Any one have any idea what is going on?
  7. spykr

    So criticism not allowed here?

    And take years to finish the game? That is awful.
  8. spykr

    So criticism not allowed here?

    It seems simply impossible to make you see reason, you're getting facts put in front of you and you just deny them. THE BUGS IN DAY Z, AND THE INABILITY TO FIX THESE BUGS ARE NOT A BYPRODUCT OF ARMA 2 BEING AN AWFUL GAME. Once again, ArmA 2 was NOT built as a survival game, an MMO game, or a zombie game. Day Z is all 3. You're comparing apples and oranges with Counter-Strike, because Day Z is using a completely different model. Your complete ignorance to any of these facts astounds me, take this for example: "I'm still worried about the statement that he can't prevent duping in Arma 2." How in the hell would duping have EVER needed to be fixed in ArmA 2? Please tell me. Not only do you barely open your inventory in ArmA 2, your inventory does not save between matches. Why the hell would BI implement fixes for something that could literally never become a problem in their game? For the sake of trying to hammer this in to your thick skull, I'll repeat this, THIS IS WHY THEY ARE MAKING DAY Z A STANDALONE GAME. SO THESE ISSUES CAN BE FIXED.
  9. spykr

    So criticism not allowed here?

    Counter-Strike: SOURCE, dude. Goddamn, are you even serious?
  10. spykr

    So criticism not allowed here?

    Uh, no you didn't/don't.
  11. spykr

    So criticism not allowed here?

    Everybody knows that ArmA 2 is selling because of Day Z... So now they're making Day Z a game... I'm starting to think you're a troll or are suffering a minor case of severe mental retardation.
  12. spykr

    So criticism not allowed here?

    Most of the bugs and exploits are because ArmA 2 was supposed to be a niche military simulator for hardcore military simulator gamers, NEVER a persisent MMO-style zombie survival game. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF DAY Z GOING STANDALONE. What the hell would be the point of continuing to develop the mod after the full game is RELEASED? That's just stupid.
  13. spykr

    So criticism not allowed here?

    Rocket has worked for BI since before he started the mod, you mongoloid. Without the MASSIVE amount of programming by BI on the ArmA engine, Day Z would LITERALLY NOT BE POSSIBLE IN IT'S CURRENT FORM. Get your head of your ass.
  14. You didn't even watch the video, don't blurt out bullshit misinformation. A bandit indicator was around before you even started playing Day Z, babby, and after it was taken out people bitched to no fucking end about it. All it is is a fucking head scarf for BANDITS, not a "hovering indicator" for people with a "high kill count". NONE OF WHAT YOU SAID WAS TRUE.