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Everything posted by Ernst

  1. Ah okay now I get what you mean ;) Well I can totally agree with you, locking a character on ONE server would be the best solution by far. But the problem is that most servers in the Mod weren't reliable at all. And if the servers aren't stable it might be a problem that your character gets deleted when the server goes down. That's why I wanted the people to be able to transfer their character if something like this is the case. But therefore you have to wait a while. Maybe eben 24 Hours or something like that..
  2. IMHO having more than 1 Character on One Server is very problematic as you could Store Backup equipment on the 2nd character. Even if you couldnt but instead have them on different servers a friend could just Transfer the equipment from One to another Server. So .. idk.. but still i think that it should Not be possible to have some Kind of Backup character..
  3. Ernst

    New idea for more exciting dayz.

    As far as I know this is (at least pretty much similar) planned for the standalone. Well at least they planned a notebook and I think I heard that letters as you describe them were planned either :) Still some nice enhancements to the idea. But I think deleting letters by offline players is not a good idea.
  4. Ernst

    DayZ Devblog 25 Jan 2013

    https://twitter.com/mattbloomer It says here "@DayZRussia @rocket2guns Just working on copying it from the filming machine so we can start editing it" 5 minutes ago So I guess it will take some more time :/
  5. Hey there! As I didn't know where else to post this thread I am posting it here, although it doesn't really have something to do with the DayZ Mod. It was said that there will be streams from the closed alpha tests and I'm really excited about seeing those. I couldn't find any information on who will stream it, when it will be streamed and where I can watch it. Is there anything we already know about it? I mean according to Rocket the closed alpha testing has already begun :o I'd really appreciate a helpful response :) Greetings, Ernst
  6. Ernst

    Alpha Test Livestreams

    Alright then so right now there's really only internal testing and within the next weeks or something there will be streams from the closed architecture/stress test I guess? Well thanks for the quick answers :)
  7. Ernst

    A Use for Windshields ++

    Good job, I guess those are all suggestions you can hardly refuse. So a big YES! to you and some beans :)
  8. Well right now it's so easy to survive that there's really NO NEED AT ALL (except if you want to roleplay or need morphine because the game once again broke your leg). If this doesn't change it will stay as it is right now - a CoD-like deathmatch. It is a sandbox, and it should stay that way. But I don't even think that making the game harder will take away people's freedom. What kind of freedom would that take away? The freedom to not interact with other players? Well yes but that's what the intention of this change is. And I guess most people agree with this intention.
  9. I also think it's better not to implement rivers at any cost but make it detailed and good looking. And as it's always been complicated to realize good looking flowing water, I guess it's better to take some time to do it properly. Still I like the idea of having those.
  10. Ernst

    UK 172 - DayZ Veterans - Free Vehicles

    What's wrong with the server? It hasn't been online for about one week.. is it down for good?
  11. A bullet to the brain won't kill you either if you are extemely lucky. But that's something that shouldnt be in the game. The chance of that happening is too damn low. And I didn't say that you should be perfectly fine. If you get shot 30 times in your leg it probably has to be amputated (which was discussed to be part of the game but that's not the point here) But let's say someone shot you twice in the leg and 3 times in the right arm.. if your team mates take care of you you should be able to survive it. You SHOULDN'T be perfectly fine after 3 minutes of treatment. But right now a bandit can easily kill one of your group by shooting him to the arm or something like that. If you then get the bandit your mate is still dead. I think you should be able to patch him up if you're fast enough and if you've got the equipment to do so.
  12. Why should weapons be MORE lethal? You simply don't die from a bullet to the leg if not from the blood loss or an infection. Only a bullet to the brain or to the heart kills you more or less immidiately. So in my eyes he's completely right. Even if someone shoots you with a whole 30 round mag to the leg you won't die if someone stops the bleeding right afterwards. Don't you think so?
  13. You should also be able to pick up the cartridge afterwards.. so it shouldn't be lost.
  14. Nice nice nice! Why isn't this one a sticky post yet?
  15. Love it :) You got my beans!
  16. IMO, being able to find a cure isn't what the game is about. It is sandbox style and it should always be sandbox style. Set your own goals!
  17. Can someone please finally make this thread sticky?^^ (pinned) Would be nice I think!
  18. The problem with a toolbox IMO is that in fact you need more room to store your tools than you would need without a toolbox. So carrying a toolbox around wouldn't make so much sense. Maybe you'd find the thing you need faster but it surely is not a way to save storage room. So why not making a tool belt? This could save you some room in your backpack and you don't have to carry a damn toolbox around. Would add some realism to the game I think. Please share your thoughts about that with me :)
  19. Right now you can just fill your canteen with water from a lake and drink it without any problems. This should be different! You should be ABLE to drink water directly from a lake or from your canteen but there should be a risk of getting sick. Not the Zed Virus or anything, but maybe a gastric flue or something that makes you lose even more water. Only when you boil the water over a fire in your canteen (or maybe a empty tin can?) you can drink it without the chance of getting sick. This would add to the realism of the game and would be a great feature. And if you take water from the sea you should have to distill it with 2 canteens and a board or something like this :) What do you think about it? Please share your opinion!
  20. I can agree on every single thing you mention. You can have ALL of my beans! Even if this means i'm going to starve to death :D
  21. Ernst

    Wild birds and their use in game.

    Great idea, you have my beans! :)
  22. Hey guys! We all know that many people get a car by hopping between servers at a vehicle spawn location. As these are easy to find with all the vehicle spawn maps on the internet most vehicles are already taken. So here's my suggestion : If there are ~200 different spawn points for every vehicle you can't just stay at one place and hop between servers. You need to search for a repairable vehicle by just walking around. That's just so much more realistic. Right now people know exactly where to search for a certain vehicle so that's pretty boring. With so many spawn points for a vehicle you could even spawn more of them as they're not found so easily. It just makes the game much more interesting and people would walk into each other more often. I hope you like the idea :) Please respond and share your thoughts with me!
  23. Ernst

    SMK Animations

    I like the idea of being able to move more freely! You got my beans!
  24. Ernst

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    I'm not sure if it's that combination of a L85A2 AWS and a Ghillie Suit but I also lost those two and it's really annoying. I also lost an M4A1 CCO.. so it sucks pretty hard. I was having those 2 Weapons in my Alice Pack and when I relogged they were both gone and some Mags and other Stuff I had in the inventory much earlier appeared. In fact I don't believe this can be restored for all the players that lost something :D But for those who haven't updated the game yet : WAIT FOR A STATEMENT BY THE DEV TEAM THAT EVERYTHING IS SAVE :) Greets, Ernst