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Everything posted by Rono

  1. Anybody using them as a host? It's cheap but I don't want "what I pay for" and some third world speeds.
  2. Not that I'm surprised. Getting insane tearing in cherno right now, will post pics soon
  3. Well, I didn't ask a question. This issue has been fixed now; three times. Patch notes have stated that they "should" be fixed. from not being broken in the first place. Please pay attention sugarpuss.
  4. Yuh huh, thanks man. We all knew a LONG time ago. shouldn't have to flush or alter scene complexity to fix errors in the coding.
  5. Forgot to understand sarcasm eh kitten? Here's the thing, we shouldn't need to remove wire fences which prior to .4? didn't create massive graphical errors just because a halfass hotfix didn't fix something that used to work perfectly fine.
  6. What kind of car was it? I've noticed that tractors like to explode all the time, and whenever the engine is red in anything else it's a good idea to fix it.
  7. Rono

    FFS why is it always raining

    Nvgs at night and you cant see the rain. Anyways, its random, sometimes it pisses me off but the best time I ever had was when I was new, at night in a downpour and couldnt see shit. It does drop the fps though, which is annoying. The bloom is better than most new games that where the devs think the sun actually makes the world look like a lens flare, but the thing about it that pisses me off is when you look from one direction to another and suddenly everything is brighter/darker. Sometimes when I look west at night with nvgs the screen goes so dark I can't see.
  8. Wire fences are the culprit. I guess when the graphical errors were introduced on July 26th, they were intended as a feature.
  9. Not tearing dicklock, I can see that there is clearly an object creating the errors. Good contribution though, you've educated so many. [user warned, -Max]
  10. Two screens, small but enough to see the tearing. In game I can see where it originates, but I'm not gonna go and run in to find out what it is with 30 people in cherno
  11. Of course it's broken. You're not supposed to have a debug monitor. Or a UI. Just like in real life, you only know when you are bleeding because you're dead. You only know if you're hungry after your starve to death. You only know when you're thirsty after you die of dehydration.
  12. Rono

    Why the radio silence?!?

    lolololol Last hotfix went well
  13. Ghosts. And yetis. In a survival game. It would be fucking retarded.
  14. Nothing. He jizzed all of his being into his own brain when he got promoted to lead the standalone. Braindead since then.
  15. Brain palsied up reading this shit, please learn english.
  16. Rono

    Underrated Weapons

    Cause they totally didn't just dupe the items. Obviously, they decided to put their CD-Key at risk by scripting in two sets of gear, then figured that was far enough and managed to not esp you or have godmode on or.... Should I continue?
  17. Only time I played with side chat, murder two guys and talk shit to them over it. Someone asks not to voip on side chat, friend and I proceed to mic-spam forever. Sure, bring that back
  18. Yeah, I appreciate that they plopped this onto six updater now basically forcing all the servers I play on to update to this broken patch. Running at night with a glowstick, switches from bandit to survivor, lose the light, can't pick up another until I relog. Upon doing that, my body is duped and I can loot a copy of every thing, so that's cool that the game is exploiting for me. Also, this shitty hotfix was supposed to fix like 4 things, and it fucked up every single one; Ammo still refreshes on logout, artifacts are generally worse rather than fucking GONE, and the humanity thing is obviously broken. On top of everything, tents and vehicles don't save. Good thing I had plenty set up before the servers updated, now not only do they STILL DUPE MY GEAR when I run into cherno solo and die, but with I don't even need to worry that someone will empty them and save them, cause the save is broken.
  19. Can anyone... join games? me and three friends, who live 20 miles apart, can't join any games, and most games appearing on browser are private hive
  20. Rono

    DMR one shot?

    The DMR, like any sniper, will almost always KO them with a chest shot. I just shot a guy at 706 meters yesterday, hit him in the shoulder and he went down for the count so I could finish him off. At closer distances it will KO almost anywhere. Been using it a lot recently and I've only seen someone move after being shot twice, and those were hits to the waist. Lot of misinformation in some of the previous posts, and don't aim for the head at 700m+ because it's a hard fucking shot to make, hit them in the chest and kill them while they nap.
  21. Rono

    Hive Down?

    Yes. You're gear will reset if you log out in a period of time when you aren't connected to the hive. Fucking moron, get the fuck out of my thread.