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Everything posted by Rono

  1. If it kicked you all out and it wasn't a server restart, the chopper kept going until it crashed.
  2. While you are loading in, your player stands upright, regardless of how you logged off
  3. Rono

    g36c SD Camo

    You wont be banned for having it
  4. Rono

    Is everyone in DayZ like this?

    Not everybody, for example if it was me I would have transfused you to full, shot you till you lost consciousness, and dragged you into a group of zeds
  5. Rono

    Change sound effects?

    That's fucking retarded, you absolutely should NOT be able to turn up individual noises just because you're too lazy and stubborn to change your output. Makes a lot of fucking sense to want to turn up footsteps to be audible JUST TO YOU from 1000 meters kiddo. That's a mosquito kid, go outside sometime in the woods and it'll be much more annoying than the one that you hear periodically in-game.
  6. Beans for those guys putting up with your voice day in day out.
  7. Way to switch guns by dropping your equipped on the ground, pulling ak out of your bag, then bandaging after losing 2k blood. Also, your bullets were hitting the ground, secondaries are trash now, and you were in the hangers. Add all of this and you get: you deserved to die.
  8. Rono

    My patch notes

    Sad thing is that this is better than OP
  9. punishment for your 14 year old grammar
  10. Rono

    Seriously pissed

    If you were killed by a lone zombie in the middle of nowhere, why wouldn't you just run back and loot your body?
  11. Up to three spawn
  12. Rono

    I feel really, really bad...

    Pony avatar and really cool story. Troll thread, noob.
  13. Need a toolbox, look at one of the middle posts near the top and you get the option "Remove Wire Cat1"
  14. Rono


    I don't see a problem with it really, I've gotten plenty of "friendly fire" kills from these morons, and if they wanna be masochists and take that long finding working servers just to spawn in and die/find shit loot/find NO loot then whatever. I really don't see how you can NOT get shot in the head doing this
  15. I was pinned down behind cover on a roof in cherno by a guy with a mod and a guy with an m107 when I hear footsteps behind me. Some retard named Haedur tried to sneak up and kill me, too bad the guys pinning me down threw a wall of bullets into him. Crawled over and looted him; delicious mountain dew. Kept it safe as long as I drew breath, Protect the Dew.
  16. Rono

    Suggestion : Start with a map

    Yeah everyone should start with a map. It should show the real-time location of all survivors, tents, and vehicles. Ammo mags should stack to infinity in inventory. Also why don't we have the option to create classes or gain skillpoints yet?
  17. No, again, the logic here is stop getting fucked up and needing to heal. And if you really wanna hear it, sure, get a fucking friend or keep dying alone
  18. I can spawn up, run into cherno, kill the first "JayM" I see, and generally leave right then with anything I need. I've never gone more than 10 minutes in cherno without finding matches and a knife, but you just dont need them; don't get hit by zombies, learn to tone your ADD down and sneak so you don't get shot. There ya go, never get hurt.
  19. How can you possibly die of starvation? Stop being terrible and learn to pick up the cans of food on the ground. I'd love to kill you in cherno also
  20. Rono

    Winchester or Lee Enfield? [POLL]

    I put 5 rounds into a guy from inches away with a winchester before he went down, meanwhile i'm killing noobs on sight in cherno with one round from an enfield at 500m.
  21. I wish I could shoot you in this thread
  22. I spawn in cherno, find a lee enfield ASAP, then kill as many people as I can. Usually get a lot of gear doing this too, but I don't need it because I stay in cherno till I die.
  23. Didn't respond in direct chat. you deserve my gear you had my dead to rights, if ya want it respond with server and time. GG kiddo