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About goldxd

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. As far as I know every server has vehicles, its not something that admins/owners can control fair warning tho, finding a vehicle involves a lot of luck and time, as most of them are stored off map and left there ive found 3 vehicles in my 2 months of playing
  2. goldxd

    Server Load Times

    Im having the same problems, I just gave up for the time being. Im using Six Launcher
  3. goldxd

    Custom sound files in game

    well, I know what im doing now when I see somebody >=] lol fake gunshot :D I wouldnt call it cheating tho, if you have a good mic you could do this without using custom sound file
  4. goldxd

    NY21 Where did you go? Dr.Abe? :(

    it was probably renamed, the server i play on just changed its name didnt you fav it? (the golden star thing on the server list) if you did, just play on the ones that you starred and hope you find it, if not, your out of luck srry
  5. goldxd

    No loot what so ever

    I think its suppose to be like that, otherwise people would just camp a spot with good loot and hop servers. When you join a server i think it despawns the items within a certain radius of you....? (thats what i came up with atleast) I just run 200 meters or so away from the spot and then run back to it, then it spawns the items again, thats just what ive seen and im probably wrong so...=/
  6. goldxd

    Bicycle Spawns?

    http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Vehicles You just have to look around in the area that it tells you, vehicles are rare tho so dont get your hopes up
  7. Lost: Nothing (as of yet) Gained: My previous life and all items last time I played I died (an hour before the patch) . Logged back in and I was my previous character that died and now I have all of my stuff back as for my tents, im unaware
  8. goldxd

    Really gotta start over?

    Believe it or not, but when i spawned i had all of my stuff, this shocks me because last time I played I was shot dead this update saved me 3 hours of time so +1