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kaiza (DayZ)

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Everything posted by kaiza (DayZ)

  1. kaiza (DayZ)

    LF EU Team

    Hello Im looking for a new EU team cause all my mates quit and start playing GW2. About me: -Country : Switzerland -Age : 25 -Exp: Playing now for 3-4 months. Already raided some Camps. Cherno, Electro etc. -Gear : MK 48 / AS 50 and all the other Stuff like NVG`s, Rangefinder....... -Never Played Lingor Island before -Activity: 1900 from mo - fr, sa and su 1000 - open end What im looking for: -An Organized Bandit Team with 5-10 Players -Voice like skype, TS3, Mmble etc.(Communication is a BIG PART of this game) :) -People who understand tactics and can play thogether as a TEAM! -You dont need to own a Server What im not looking for: -Greedy Bastards, Trolls and all that other bad Stuff :) if you are interested send me a PM here, add me on Skype(dinimere1) or Steam (j3hu7y@msn.com) Kaiza
  2. kaiza (DayZ)

    LF EU Team

  3. kaiza (DayZ)

    NL36 looking for regular players
