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Everything posted by 3vil_Nin3

  1. 3vil_Nin3

    You can dance if you want to!!

    see thats the best kind of hacker! the ones who just do it to trip people out! not those asshole hackers that inviso teleport and kill you just to piss u off
  2. 3vil_Nin3

    tents and vehicles despawning?

    it is a bug with the hive atm i think, its been doing the same thing to me and my friends for over a week, nothing we can do about it accept for stopping the scheduled restarts and make iit a manual restart, just so the items in ur tent stay there as well as the vehicles... hope this helps you guys out.
  3. 3vil_Nin3


    bizon sux bro
  4. 3vil_Nin3

    I'm embarrassed to post this....

    HAHAHAHAHAA! thats what happens when you camp elektro, noob sniping is for peeps affraid to go toe to toe with geared players... but thanks for the post i had a good laugh, way to laugh at yourself. now, what have we learned?
  5. 3vil_Nin3

    [Offer] L85a2 aws

    radio a plus eh, the L8 minus the fact that the only saving grace to this gun is the thermal is worth maybe a fn fal, but nowhere near the damage, so it deff isnt worth a radio............ besides has anyone ever found a radio? im am curious..
  6. 3vil_Nin3

    Why am I being punished?

    night time is THE SHIT SON! you can crouch walk slow within feet of the zombies w/o aggro, hearing them growl and make hier fucked up noises. then, when you come across other players and they cant/ dont see you , GAME ON! fuck daytime
  7. 3vil_Nin3

    Leaving the mod to die..

    :lol: DAMN! Scrotto Baggins( melliz ), if your bored you can give me a mouth hug :thumbsup:
  8. if so i would like to sign up, i have nvg's and cco sd, m9sd...... just not to fond of the daytime.....
  9. 3vil_Nin3

    hacker camp

    watcha mean the ground was black?
  10. wireless should be fine as i run it that way to
  11. 3vil_Nin3

    I have some stuff to trade...

    take your 240 and ammo for a m4a3 cco
  12. hey guys, where have you been? what happened to everyone? did you just up and decide to play other games?
  13. 3vil_Nin3

    Vehicle thermal image?

    always show up hot
  14. sometimes mine drops at a city, but mostly i get the video artifacts when going to nwaf or berz everytime
  15. 3vil_Nin3

    So I waited at a bus stop...

    thats funny
  16. 3vil_Nin3

    A 'QQ' thread

    you have valid points bro, battleye is a joke, it doesnt work, there are too many bugs and when the ppatches come out it might fix one thing but causes soo many more bugs that im considering not playing this shit anymore myself
  17. 3vil_Nin3

    Where do most dupers hide their tents?

    figure it out like the rest of us bro!
  18. so the other day i find a ural truck loaded with dmr. as50, saw, mk48, L85. ammo 17 svd camo, 5 ghillies, 8 nvgs, etc......... so im like " FUCK YEAH!", jump in and drive up to the outskirts of the north part of the map, staying well within the bounderies, there are no tents on me or the truck, i get out, save it after taking various things out, then the server resets...... im all like " FUCK NO!", and when i get bak in game i haul ass to its location to find it gone and a bus with an m16a2 in the trunk...... i find a tent later on, throw it down put some good items inside and save it, then log for the night, next daybus is still there but my tent is completely empty......... so im not sure why im still playing dayz if this is happening. i fucking hate and love this goddamn game!
  19. 3vil_Nin3

    Got myself a vehicle, now what?

    I WOULDN't get attached to vehicles or leave anything in the trunk for that matter until they fix that stupid bug
  20. so id like to trade these items for a cc sd w/ a few sd clips. anyone interested?
  21. 3vil_Nin3

    So cars and tents are bugged as of now?

    happened to me today , had great shit in that tent and 1 tent is gone and the other empty, also had a ural packed multiple awesome guns. after reset truck gone and a bus is there empty in the woods, wtf!
  22. yeah thats is a hack bro, only sd weapons in game are the cco sd, bizon, and the m9sd
  23. 3vil_Nin3

    WOO HOO Free supply truck!!

    hey man just a fair warning as i found a truck loaded with everything and i didnt have any tents to get the stuff out in time, so when the srver reset my truck with everything inside was gone...... then i read today that cars have been despawning at random . so get what u want out before a reset
  24. oh and btw... for those that dont know yet, if u have agro run into a pine tree and hug the trunk ! this negates the agro