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Everything posted by Anttwan

  1. I have zero issues with this patch. only thing that got me is why my server i play/admin on maybe has like 9 ppl on it...
  2. Anttwan

    Atlanta 73 - A10 hacking

    I told the admin's. there checking the log's
  3. Anttwan

    Atlanta 73

    I can have the admin's look at the logs, but i know there was atleast one hacker on last nite that i ran into.. spawning car's and you couldn't kill him. The server did restart last nite to because of frozen zombies..
  4. Anttwan

    Atlanta 73

    Atlanta 73 is now 475. why they changed all the server name's..
  5. well this sucks my group lost all of our car's, bikes and other stuff.. no more tents to.. yes we were well inside the map... well nm its back weee