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About [email protected]

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    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. For sure the mod honestly, in terms of performance the standalone isn't full optimized and on 32 bit so even high end gaming rigs have issues fully getting the FPS they want. The standalone runs out of the Arma 2 Engine which isn't too bad performance wise. Yes the standalone will get more things added to it, it's only in alpha at the moment so there is much room to work with. Optimization doesn't come until towards finalizing the game.
  2. Honestly I don't like the sprinting mode with 2x W because you notice significant drawbacks when it comes to having your gun aimed. I.E. running through a town with your gun aimed just in case and when you start running sometimes it resets your back to your aiming position which is never an issue when I do Shift+W.
  3. Game is pretty impressive at the moment with hacking. In comparison to the mod, when the mod first came out scripting was ridiculous, I would encounter a hacker in nearly every server I was in. Everywhere from parachuting cows, parachuting buses, instantly killing someone from anywhere, spawning in items, thunderdome, Jason. It was pretty out of control, glad to see that scripting isn't nearly as much of an issue in the mod anymore as it use to be. In the standalone when it first came out there were a few hackers -- aimbotting, teleporting, moving items to a pile, stuff like that. But I took a couple month break in between then and just the beginning of summer. Since then I don't believe I've encountered a hacker, at least not one that is obvious. I've encountered several people who are exploiters though -- using glitched mags (don't know if they're hacked in or glitched).
  4. Client optimization takes place generally towards the end of finalizing the game. It sucks because the game would be way more enjoyable even if it is alpha if the game ran a lot more smoothly. With time as they hotfix other issues and glitches and works towards finalizing the game they will work on optimizing the game much better. If it ran at the same level DayZ mod did that would be awesome.
  5. That's pretty much speculation, I hate the fact that people say that the intentions of paid games banning certain people in order to get them to buy the game again is apart of some master scheme. While it is apart of nearly almost all paid games -- hacking has always been around and always will be. Hackers will hack, hackers will be banned, hackers will buy the game again to hack. That's just the cycle and it's not apart of any sort of mastermind scheme Bohemia and Steam put together or any other company that creates a game that is hacked. It is the way the games on the PC operate, no matter what happens hackers will always be around, wills always be banned and will always buy the game again.
  6. kev.long@live.com

    Tent problem?

    As far as I've read and seen, I've seen two different things from people, it seems like tents disappear with restarts but I've also seen people say that their tents don't disappear but the items inside of it do. But from my understanding constant items are not currently saving to the hive with server restarts. Better to be safe and keep the tent on your body until an update comes out to hotfix this issue.
  7. I just don't agree with that statement at all, sniping isn't a show of skill as it use to be -- you could hold your breath, like you actually can in real life and hit a moving target from x meters away taking into account bullet travel and distance. Now with the sway hitting a moving target at anything past 300-400m is about where your sway lands you, from what I've seen in-game there isn't a pattern to the dispersion of the sway, meaning that I can be looking at the same spot and there doesn't seem to be a noticeable pattern in the movement of the scope, even with my breath held. In terms of realism the sway that it has right now when not holding the breath is somewhat accurate in accordance with sprinting and in what position your character is standing in. But I agree that all the factors you mentioned should be taken into account, especially since the sway on all gun seems to be the same as of right now. But as far as realism with the current sway, I can guarantee you it is not an accurate depiction of real life, having hunted for over 10 years and a former marine, I know first hand that the holding breath sway should definitely not be as heavy as it is.
  8. Can confirm this, it seems as if all weapons got the same sway, makes sniping distances past about 300m extremely difficult and kills off the concept of sniping pretty hard unless you got "lucky" with a shot. There's no skill in sniping now, it's going to be about luck with this ridiculous sway, managed to hit a 600m shot after 6 shots on a target standing still because of the sway.
  9. Turn it into a game of trivia: Break their legs, handcuff them, burlap sack them. 3 wrong answers - force fed, knock out, kill shot. 3 right answers - burlap sack removed, morphine/splint, handcuff keys or Handcuff them with one of the 5 pairs of pristine handcuffs I carry and read "Moby Dick" until they take their own leg to fully understand Captain Ahab's pain.
  10. kev.long@live.com

    Trading Post

    Welll.... then if anyone wants them for "fun" let me know.
  11. kev.long@live.com

    Trading Post

    Regular: Worn Stanag Coupled Mags Old school 60 stacks of 556 ammo looted from someone Got multiple of each Looking for: M4A1 Pristine w/ Red Dot Sight
  12. It's 2014 mate and you still manage to game on the PC without a mic?
  13. I personally think adding in different forms of melee attacking (kicking, grappling etc) would be a good addition but there is a line to what you should be able to do for a specific reason, yes it may be realistic but it also makes melee, only one way to knock someone unconscious or kill them, extremely difficult for what the actual purpose is. If you wanted to add in all those suggesed melee moves, it would require multiple combination of keys, etc, might as well go play Mortal Kombat, I came here for a (semi)realistic survival Zombie apocalypse game, not one where I need to press 4 buttons right in order to tackle someone and put them in an arm bar.
  14. I believe it has something to do with the structure of the building -- winding staircase, multiple rooms layered on top of each other. I've encountered numerous fights in the police station and it's a 50/50 chance of me getting the results that should happen, sometimes bullets are blanks or disappear sometimes theirs do.
  15. What are your other specs? Processor, RAM, mobo, etc? You have to see if it's compatible with everything including that your PSU can supply power to that and everything else. But if you're confident in your other parts so that they won't bottleneck your GPU, then a 750 TI with 2 GB ram is perfect. Go up to 3 GB if you can but 2 GB is a great amount. Just remember that if you're looking for solid improvements, a GPU does fine but upgrading other parts might be a better solution as well. I know from experience, I use to run on a 4 year old Duo Core with a 260 GTX TI back in the day.