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Everything posted by dodo459

  1. Name: thijs, not english, but i speak it perfectly Age:17 TeamSpeak Name:dodo Mic?:yes, it works fine Why do you want to join?:got away from a break, looking for some good squad action Experience in game: I played for over a year now, so I know alot Timezone:GMT+! Bio: I've come up to a point when I'm doing more and more dayz, but on your own is just boring. When i first got in a clan i was too new for dayz, but now i can call myself good. and I'm ready to rock again In game Name:dodo
  2. I'd love to play with you sometime, I played dayz for quite a while now and i drive and fly perfectly. just PM me
  3. DayZ Name : dodo How long have you played DayZ : about one year Time Zone:GMT+1 Will you stay loyal to our group?: yes What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) medic/riflemanr/pilot, i don't mind what i do.