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About Rauk

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  1. Problem was that when I was kicked by protection script I was a pilot of mi17 so it crash near Kabanino. When I join game again i was still in Kabanino with my gear and I say to side chat we crash mi17 due to spawn protection script. Dayz Steve say to relog, I tell him twice what I'm ok, but we crash heli and he say to relog again. When I join game after relog i was fresh spawn in Kamenka, I tell him about it and he say to relog again, after relog I still was fresh spawn in Kamenka and Steve start to ignore me in game so I exit and go to sleep. Next day I enter game I still was in Kamenka so i think "ok time to loot something" and start move to town but was kicked by protection script. After enter game i was kicked by script in 1-3 min again and again. So don't know why Steve reset my character, I don't ask anything, just report that you can be kicked from heli and not in debug
  2. Not funny when you return home and want to play with your team and get kicked in 1-3 min again and again, especially when you crash helicopter cause of this
  3. What are you talking about? This look like Weasel just like to lick someone's ass.
  4. this new debug sea spawn protection send message close to 1 per second and kick me in 1-3 min from kamenka and electro
  5. Script which must delete vehicle out of map don't work?
  6. I see it very often, you shoot guy, got "nick_name was killed" and body go through the ground. It's look like someone use "Hide body", but no one there. I think they do it when don't want to you get their loot.
  7. Thx, But I just can't imagine why he ban me. I play yesterday with Set_Cat all the time in Electro and today I log in and see ban for Berezino combat log, it is obviously he don't see any logs and just choose me
  8. And what can we do if someone inside glitch when we on the roof? Say "go away bad boy" and he leave us?
  9. I never use it, btw mb you was one of those guys that use glitch and wait in texture on school side ladder for restart or crash and then go up, i see it many times when i was on school roof
  10. Panda I need your help. When I try to enter game today i see this "Admin Ban (Combat logging, Berezino supermarket - Beast)". Last week I was only in Electro/Cherno, why someone ban me for no reason and who the hell this "admin" Beast?
  11. So this SUV car was a cheat or just driver hacker? I seen this car damaged two day ago and thinking about repair it